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Visiting the Polish Balitic Sea coast in the Winter

Intermarium  11 | 64  
7 Jan 2019 /  #1
I'd like to visit the coast in a few weeks. Any recommendations for which town to stay in? Just looking to have a relaxing family vacation near the sea and around nature and enjoy some traditional Polish food.

Right now I'm thinking of Miedzyzdroje. I'm wondering if the Wolin National Park will be open and accessible in the middle of the winter.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
7 Jan 2019 /  #2
My choice would be Łeba (Leba). This small town is an old Kashubian town which was not destroyed during the WWII. It has tremendous large and wide beaches (the widest ones on the Polish coast, in my view). The place borders a national park.

Łeba is extremely crowded in summer, but it is definitely calm and quiet in winter. You may want to stay in the Neptun hotel, situated right on the dune (check for the hotel prices, however!). I was staying in Łeba about 15 years ago, though, so I don't know if the place has changed much since then.


Hotel Neptun (known as the "Kurhaus Leba" before 1945)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 Jan 2019 /  #3

Good choice. Been there in winter myself. Lots of Germans - so plenty going on in winter. At one time you could also go on the golf course; don't know about nowadays. Don't understand your question about Wolin. It's not a park as such, but open forest, beaches and lagoon. Open all year to animals of all species, including man:)
OP Intermarium  11 | 64  
4 Feb 2019 /  #4
So far it's been great here. Great food, low prices, and the Poles are very courteous. And I haven't seen any non-whites aside from one Japanese family in the hotel.

The only negative is the air pollution. It's just as bad as people had warned about. There's a constant sickening stench of burning plastic and coal lingering in the air. The authorities need to put an end to that.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
4 Feb 2019 /  #5
Glad you seem to be enjoying your sojourn, Intermarium! Have you been learning any of the lingo by any chance?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
4 Feb 2019 /  #6
To the OP. Don't come to Tri City. We don't tolerate scum racists here thank you.

sickening stench

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
4 Feb 2019 /  #7
To whom might you be referring, pray?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
4 Feb 2019 /  #8
The OP/ I thought it was clear. and I'm shocked that you condone the scum.

Open all year to animals

But openly racist people like the Op are not welcome. Tric City is an open society. Let him stay with the Eastern German racists - that's where he belongs.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Feb 2019 /  #9
I fail to grasp your meaning, Dougpol1. All the chap did was criticize Poland's pollution policy, that's all. Moreover, he found the Poles courteous. What's wrong with that?

Quit trolling, sir!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Feb 2019 /  #10
All the chap did was criticize Poland's pollution policy, that's all.

I haven't seen any non-whites aside from one Japanese family in the hotel

Missed that, did you? Not having a go at you Lyzko, but you wished the chap happy hols. That suggests that you condone his racism, and you are clearly a sound bloke. His comments are not acceptable where I live - I don't know about your hometown.....
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Feb 2019 /  #11
As I said, he thought the Polish people whom he encountered courteous, found the pollution bad, happened to mention there was a single Japanese couple...

Think you're reading way to much into this, mate:-)

Don't forget either, he's writing in English as his second language, although he writes it quite well, I think. No language barrier here for sure, only a cultural one, perhaps.

In other words. cut the dude some slack, huh?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Feb 2019 /  #12
Are you for real? Do tell us what would happen if you appear at your classes tomorrow and pronounce "It's good that we are all white faces here today, isn't it"? You would be up on a college charge - I worked at the opposite end of the academic pay scale to yourself, but the results would be the same whoever you are.

The man is out of order and suggesting that Poles everywhere share his racism. They don't.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Feb 2019 /  #13
So long as the bloke keeps it to himself....WHO THE F.***** REALLY CARES??!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Feb 2019 /  #14
happened to mention there was a single Japanese couple...

Maybe your English is not so good after all Lyzko - and the American system is employing you on your academic achievements, but not for your fluency in a second language - unless you are being pedantic on purpose of course.


I do - and my mates do. We don't tolerate racists here in Polish Tri-City. So you obviously do. Glad we cleared that up. Shocking,as I said. Have a nice day now.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
5 Feb 2019 /  #15
First of all, he's only expressed his observations here, not in public, orally or whatever, but within the confines of an (intentionally) ANONYMOUS, if technically, "open", forum.

The text of his message is plain enough, and yet scarcely grounds for a cause celebre!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Feb 2019 /  #16
And I haven't seen any non-whites aside from one Japanese family in the hotel.

I like all-white places because blacks like all-black places. Just as they do in THEIR homelands in Africa. Lately, they just kill their whites to show how they feel.

I don't like the Orientals because they don't like whites, either. They are pushy, have no manners, do not maintain eye contact, and, if you hold the door for them, they will never look at you and say "thanks". FT.
OP Intermarium  11 | 64  
5 Feb 2019 /  #17
"we don't tolerate racists"...

So you're a leftist/progressive who's unwilling to tolerate a viewpoint that he disagrees with. That's nothing new.

You wrote that my "racist" views aren't welcome in the tri-city area. So you speak for everyone in that region? Are you even Polish?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Feb 2019 /  #18
To the OP. Don't come to Tri City. We don't tolerate scum racists here thank you.

Your city is a hotbed of racists, possibly due to the number of belarus Ukranian and British expats that have moved in.

"What prevents Tri-City from being a multicultural metropolis? The local people's attitude towards foreigners. Anyone who looks foreign is still likely to hear nasty comments in the street. Let's hope for a wind of change blowing from Pomerania ."

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
5 Feb 2019 /  #19
Are you even Polish?

No, he is British and I swear that he has this rather annoying racist attitude towards the Polish people. Basically, he thinks of the Polish people as "Untermenschen", so you should not worry too much about him reproaching you on the aspect of "race".
Miloslaw  20 | 5133  
5 Feb 2019 /  #20
We don't tolerate scum racists here thank you

Total over reaction Doug.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Feb 2019 /  #21
Polish people as "Untermenschen",

Funny as it may seem and being British / Polish myself, I am amazed at their superior attitude as expat brits when in this country, not just posters on PF but the many I personally know that live here , I am gobsmacked because usually they are failures without two groszy to rub together, living behind the skirts or trousers of their Polish partners, not kidding fact.
Atch  22 | 4299  
5 Feb 2019 /  #22
Isn't your wife British.................
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Feb 2019 /  #23
Yep but she doesn't act superior or wish to change things in Poland, the difference is that she is a self made woman with her own resources, she also has a very extensive experience of other countries and cultures, she has learned how to integrate and accept differences, without the need to rant and project her British culture and values upon others.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
5 Feb 2019 /  #24
their superior attitude as expat brits

For me, like many Americans in Poland, my first contact with... unsifted British people in terms of behavior and langauge was in Poland (they act very differently in the US) and for me, like many Americans in Poland the impression was not.... overly positive (to be a little diplomatique...)

My pet peeve used to be the way they would react to my extremely American language they would often.... I dunno.... correct? me...

Me: I think the parking lot's closed.
Brit: Oh.... you mean the CAAAR PAAARK? (loud and slow as if modelling the word for a child)

Me: He think he left his pick at the party....
Brit: P-p-pick?
Me: You know, to play the guitar... (mimes strumming a guitar while holding a pick)
Brit: Oh.... we call that a "Pleeeeccctrruuummm" (gives me a look like they want me to repeat the word)

Anymore I only really have weekly contact with one British person (whose very sane and is fluent in Polish) so I don't know if they still do that...
Miloslaw  20 | 5133  
5 Feb 2019 /  #25
I had a good laugh reading your post.......... :-)

True of many Brits I'm afraid.......
mafketis  38 | 11199  
5 Feb 2019 /  #26
I wrote in a hurry and that should be:
"He thinks" instead of "He think" and "who's" rather than "whose" (I am literate and I only use non-standard verb agreement for humorous or other effect)
Atch  22 | 4299  
5 Feb 2019 /  #27
Yep but she doesn't act superior

I was just teasing you Dolno. I was surprised you mentioned British women in Poland as the few that there are, are probably more like your own wife than the 'hopeless failures' you allude to. Anyway I think there are very few British women married to Poles. It's mostly British men married to Polish women.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Feb 2019 /  #28
Well to be honest Atch I only mentioned women so not to appear sexist but in reflection It's the blokes who have the real problems, maybe they feel emasculate having to rely on their female partner to deal money with day to day bureaucracy and Problems.

I wish I never mentioned "Skirts" my bad:)
cms neuf  1 | 1907  
5 Feb 2019 /  #29
Intermarium i found your post distasteful rather than a racist outrage - but maybe you can clarify why you should be made more welcone in Poland than a non white person ? To me its the same odds if a white guy from Germany or a black guy from Martinique turns up - both are EU citizens
OP Intermarium  11 | 64  
5 Feb 2019 /  #30
I'll leave that up to the Poles whether they wish to treat me in a welcoming manner. If they happen to dislike me for being German, I'm fine with that. It's their country and they have every right to do so. It would be arrogant to lecture Poles about whom they should welcome, if anyone. So far I've found the people here to be very respectful and engaging when I strike up a conversation.

My comments about the air pollution were not made from a "Germany is better" perspective, but simply in the interest of public health.

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