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Would Polish visit Greece for it's islands or for it's history ?

10 Nov 2010 /  #1
I would like to know how Polish people feel about travelling in Greece .
What would be more interesting for them when visiting Greece , an itinerrary with visits to archaeological areas and museums or a cruise in the islands ? Or maybe a combination of the two ? Island hopping and visit of certain monuments in Central Greece ?
Bolle  1 | 144  
10 Nov 2010 /  #2
I think Croatia is more popular among Poles. From what i see, most poles just travel to foreign countries to relax on the beach.

I've been to Greece but was not very impressed. I found Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia more enjoyable.
OP manu  
10 Nov 2010 /  #3
More enjoyable in terms of entertainment or in general the beach and the places were more beautiful ?
Where about did you go to Greece ? I m just trying to figure out what attracts Polish people for vacations ... !
Zed  - | 195  
10 Nov 2010 /  #4
Greek sun, seas, landscapes and food. I know only greek islands and I like visiting there.
manu  - | 6  
10 Nov 2010 /  #5
Thank you for your post ... I guess that if I had a Polish group I would have to make sure there is no visit at museums whatsoever eh ;)

Just a nice resort with reasonable prices close to the sea and nice bars and restaurants around ?
David_18  65 | 966  
10 Nov 2010 /  #6
I guess that if I had a Polish group I would have to make sure there is no visit at museums whatsoever eh ;)

Depends. I think older poles finds it very interesting.

Just a nice resort with reasonable prices close to the sea and nice bars and restaurants around ?

That should be standard for every tourist island.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
10 Nov 2010 /  #7
To be honest, none of the Poles I know would be that interested in a beach/restaurant holiday. They would all favour the history/architecture/museum aspect.

For me, a bit of both is the best kind of break.
David_18  65 | 966  
10 Nov 2010 /  #8
To be honest, none of the Poles I know would be that interested in a beach/restaurant holiday. They would all favour the history/architecture/museum aspect.

Actually i would really like to see those awsome historical buildings Greece got but everytime im on vacation in Greece i just chill at the beach.

I think its because of the heat... After walking like 50 meters to the nearest shop im totally exhausted.
manu  - | 6  
11 Nov 2010 /  #9
David , so true , people don't have energy because of the heat especially if they are not used to it .
Even I , that live in Greece since the day I was born , I cannot say that I m used to the heat and that I can go and visit around if it has 45 degrees ... !

Teffle , that was what I had in mind , 2 - 3 days of sightseeing , museums and monuments and the rest of the stay relax and little visits in the afternoon ( when the temperature will be lower ! )

And David , a resort isn't always the case for vacations ...
People can stay in hotels too , where they will have the basic accomondation but not the extra facilities offered by a resort ( like water sports , animation , fitness classes etc )

It depends on each person's budget I guess , and on the kind of vacations one wishes to have .
Through you guys I m just trying to feel the pulse of the poles and understand what you prefer , your habits and your culture ...
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Nov 2010 /  #10
Poles visiting.Greece are mainly interested in sea,sun and local drinks or polish drinks.Some polish girls also.come to admire balkan power.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
11 Nov 2010 /  #11
Some polish girls also.come to admire balkan power.

Yes I believe you have a well developed particularly attractive electricity grid.
manu  - | 6  
11 Nov 2010 /  #12
Poles visiting.Greece are mainly interested in sea,sun and local drinks or polish drinks.Some polish girls also.come to admire balkan power.

Ok ok , I get it , there more into fun and not into museums ... !!!

Yes I believe you have a well developed particularly attractive electricity grid.

Paulina  19 | 4558  
11 Nov 2010 /  #13
Would Polish visit Greece for it's islands or for it's history ?

I would visit for both :)
manu  - | 6  
11 Nov 2010 /  #14
So you would enjoy 3 days in a bus doing a tour of central greece , delphes , epidaure , olympia and afterwards a cruise in the greek islands ?
11 Nov 2010 /  #15
nobody wants to go to Greece anymore as it's overpriced, with filthy sea, strewn with rubbish and full of extremely rude people.
Turkey or Croatia offer a far better all round holiday experience, in my opinion.
manu  - | 6  
11 Nov 2010 /  #16
It's funny that you chose the word : 'malakas' for your username ...
I have to say that just because you had a bad experience that doesn't mean that all greeks are rude ...
And just for information , a well know british magazine has made a research and discovered that Turkey is 30% more expensive than Greece even though everyone thinks the opposite . It's just a pure example of bad publicity ..

That is why I m trying to find out what people want , but guys like you are not helping a lot ...
eisai trelos  
11 Nov 2010 /  #17
manu it's not based on ONE experience but many.
If you want tourists to continue coming to Greece, you people should stop rippping them off and stop being horribly rude to them.
I have been visiting Greece for a very long time, and have worked there too.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
11 Nov 2010 /  #18
So you would enjoy 3 days in a bus doing a tour of central greece , delphes , epidaure , olympia and afterwards a cruise in the greek islands ?

Yes, this sounds interesting :) I suspect people who have never been to Greece would like to do some sightseeing, so, Athens, with The Acropolis and visiting some museums with all those statues, pottery and other ancient stuff :) The theatre at Epidaurus, Delphi, etc. And a cruise afterwards - this sounds nice :)

3 days in a bus doing a tour - that would mean sleeping on the bus? I usually can't sleep on the bus :/ But that's only me ;)

nobody wants to go to Greece anymore

I don't know about other people, but I would :P Never been there yet ;)

as it's overpriced, with filthy sea, strewn with rubbish and full of extremely rude people.
Turkey or Croatia offer a far better all round holiday experience, in my opinion.

I guess there are some ruins from ancient times in Turkey and Croatia, but I'm sure you can get far more and more interesting in Greece, so if someone's interested in sightseeing specifically this kind of stuff, Greece is the place, I guess. If you go somewhere only to relax, to lie on the beach and swim then Turkey and Croatia is probably as good or better, I don't know.

People seem to be pleased with Greece judging by what they write on this forum:


Manu, maybe try to put some of those posts in Polish into Google translator, perhaps in this way you'll get more information than here ;)

Some more:
goldenline.pl/forum/1933336/pireus-ateny-saloniki-komunikacja-mie jska
11 Nov 2010 /  #19
an itinerrary with visits to archaeological areas and museums

I vote for this.

Actually is both combine together. See great civilisation traits plus nice beaches ;)
Paulina  19 | 4558  
11 Nov 2010 /  #20
Actually is both combine together. See great civilisation traits plus nice beaches ;)

Yeah :)

Btw, those villages look cute, I like such places :):


My translation of a post from here:


2009-06-18, 12:28
I just got back from Greece, I visited Athens, it was simply wonderful, you can't describe with words all those ancient monuments, landscape and, of course, people... I hope that all of you will be able to go there, because I fell in love with this country and I will visit it again next year for sure, who knows... :))))D"
manu  - | 6  
12 Nov 2010 /  #21
eisai trelos Yesterday, 16:21 / #17
manu it's not based on ONE experience but many.
If you want tourists to continue coming to Greece, you people should stop rippping them off and stop being horribly rude to them.
I have been visiting Greece for a very long time, and have worked there too.

Good morning from rainy Athens !
I know what you mean but I have lived and worked in England and in France for approximately a year in both countries . I have met all sorts of people , some were incredibly rude to me , some of course tried to rip me off but some were lovely , caring , helpful . I won't critisize a whole nation out of the experience that I had , facts are facts and it's a fact that there is bad publicity concerning Greece and it's prices and it's people . I assure you that I am not friends with all the greeks I meet , I assure you that there are rude people and people you try to rip everyone off but aren't there these kind of people everywhere in the world ?

I don't know , i love my country and I ll do my best for people who are visiting ... That's why I m trying to find out what works for most people ...

3 days in a bus doing a tour - that would mean sleeping on the bus? I usually can't sleep on the bus :/ But that's only me ;)

Paulina , I mean 3 days on a tour but with sleepovers in hotels close to the areas visited every day !!! I can sleep on a bus , I can sleep practically EVERYWHERE (!) but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone , especially since there are soooo much to visit therefore the days are long ! A good dinner , a decent place to spend the night and on the road again !

Thank you soooooo much for these forums , I had a look , looks like something I could really use ! Thank you again Paulina !
Paulina  19 | 4558  
12 Nov 2010 /  #22
Paulina , I mean 3 days on a tour but with sleepovers in hotels close to the areas visited every day !!!

Ah, that's great then :D

I can sleep on a bus , I can sleep practically EVERYWHERE (!) but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone , especially since there are soooo much to visit therefore the days are long !

Indeed, sightseeing is a much better experience after a decent meal, a shower and a good night sleep :)

Thank you soooooo much for these forums , I had a look , looks like something I could really use ! Thank you again Paulina !

You're welcome :) I'm glad I could help :D
George8600  10 | 630  
13 Mar 2011 /  #23
nobody wants to go to Greece anymore as it's overpriced, with filthy sea, strewn with rubbish and full of extremely rude people.

Actually it's the opposite of all of those. The only one whose rude here is you Kebab boy, so stop being a hypocrite.

I have been visiting Greece for a very long time, and have worked there too.

No it's just one experience, also no one cares if you're Greek or Turkish.
Sebastian  6 | 108  
13 Mar 2011 /  #24
nobody wants to go to Greece anymore as it's overpriced

Its still a more popular tourist destination than Poland. I'm not hating, I think Zakopane, krakow and nature in Poland is gorgeous, but Poland is nowhere near as popular as Greece, Turkey, or Italy.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
13 Mar 2011 /  #25
Getting here late, but I've been to Greece a couple of times and here's what I noticed (from Polish point of view though I'mnot Polish)

- Polish people are suspicious of people who act really friendly for no reason (Greek people selling things really get off on the wrong foot a lot of time). Service in hotels is sometimes also conspiculously friendly...

- They don't like the Greek hotel habit of charging for water with meals. Poles are mostly okay with not having anything to drink with a meal so pushing beverages isn't good policy with them.

- Seafood is hit or miss. Many Poles (esp middle aged and older) find shrimp or lobster to be kind of disgusting (not to mention squid and octopus). Most Polish people (even on vacation) aren't that adventurous with food.

- Most Polish people (unlike Brits) aren't into a lot of shopping for the sake of shopping or spending all day in cafes and restaurants. Lazing on the beach is fine, but most also feel they should be trying to learn something (and feel vaguely guilty if they don't). They also want and expect to be learning things in Polish. Listening to a tour guide speak English is not much an attraction. A Polish person with firsthand local knowledge (as in living there full time) is best.

- Places with a lot of British people aren't as enjoyable for them as places with more Germans and Scandinavians (that is German and Polish vacation behavior is more compatible than British and Polish behavior). Many Poles are suprised to discover this.
George8600  10 | 630  
13 Mar 2011 /  #26
I'm not hating, I think Zakopane, krakow and nature in Poland is gorgeous, but Poland is nowhere near as popular as Greece, Turkey, or Italy.

Depends on the person, it's nice to go see the history of the places you mentioned, but overall I prefer Poland.
grubas  12 | 1382  
11 Aug 2011 /  #27
I would like to know how Polish people feel about travelling in Greece .

Why would anybody wanted to visit Greece to see some ruins?These Greeks are lazy bastards.We in Poland have rebuilt Warsaw which was almost totally destroyed within 20 years and the lazy Greeks still haven't rebuilt Acropol even though they had like a 1000 years to do it.Screw them,lazy a$$es.
Sebastian  6 | 108  
12 Aug 2011 /  #28
Because it has a lot of significance, thats why people visit them. Western Civilization and democracy came from Greece, and it has over 3000 years of history. and what's the point of rebuilding the Acropolis? It has nothing to do with laziness, if they were to completely change it, it would lose its charm. and what do you mean "we in Poland have rebuilt Warsaw"? You haven't built anything.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
12 Aug 2011 /  #29
I just came back from Greece, it was wonderful. The Greek people are very nice, outgoing and pleasant. Rude? I never met a rude Greek. I've been to the Islands and the mainland and there was plenty to do there. Plenty of beaches, lots of historical stuff. If I lived in Europe Greece would be a must see every year.
samchris  - | 9  
18 Aug 2011 /  #30
grubas you made laugh today :D

We let the ruins like this to remind some people that we built a civilization few thousands years before "you" rebuild Warsaw,even before you build Warsaw!

Always when they ask me here in Poland to tell them some places in Greece the first thing which i tell them is "If you want to see the actual Greece and Greeks just don't go to place with many tourists".

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