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Travelling to Wroclaw from Bratislava ( safety advice needed )

mony483  1 | 1  
24 May 2014 /  #1
Hello. I might be travelling from Bratislava to Wroclaw in september. I checked some trains but before taking a decision I am gathering some informations.

I have to change train in Katowice. But I read that the main station there is not a safe place. Also, I'm alone and I'm a girl of 20 years old.

I should arrive in Katowice around 4am and have to wait alone until 6am for the train that will bring me to Wroclaw. Unfortunately there's no other way because I have to be in Wroclaw on time for a concert.

I'm asking for some safety advice. I'm still deciding whether I should go.

Thank you ~
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 May 2014 /  #2
But I read that the main station there is not a safe place. Also, I'm alone and I'm a girl of 20 years old.

It's OK now and even before, there were always safe places to wait.
frd  7 | 1379  
25 May 2014 /  #3
Katowice train station has been completely rebuilt in the recent years. I'd say - it's actually a nice place now. Before it was quite seedy, throngs of homeless people sleeping everywhere.

I'd say you'll be perfectly safe.

Here's a small youtube clip of the insides of the station building: youtube.com/watch?v=lI2TrU_CL44
Monitor  13 | 1810  
26 May 2014 /  #4
Yes it's save. For the cheapest travel book this bus: polskibus.com/en
smurf  38 | 1940  
26 May 2014 /  #5
I have to change train in Katowice. But I read that the main station there is not a safe place. Also, I'm alone and I'm a girl of 20 years old.

It's fine now, it's a brand new station with plenty of security walking around and kicking out homeless people.
You won't be troubled.
26 May 2014 /  #6
When I'm in Warsaw station and have a couple of hours to kill I just cross the street to the Marriot, buy a paper and have a coffee or two. I don't know Katowice but there must be a decent hotel nearby. It beats dodging pan-handlers.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
26 May 2014 /  #7
Katowice used to have a terrible station, stinking, drunks and junkies, dark... But the new one is very clean, bright, safe as it comes.
26 May 2014 /  #8
When I'm in Warsaw station and have a couple of hours to kill I just cross the street to the Marriot, buy a paper and have a coffee or two.

You must be pulling in more cash than the rest of us: coffee at the Marriot is eye-wateringly expensive (and none of the cups I've had there have been up to much either).
sobieski  106 | 2111  
26 May 2014 /  #9
You must be pulling in more cash than the rest of us: coffee at the Marriot is eye-wateringly expensive

Exactly. Given the fact that there are plenty of Coffeeheavens around, including the station itself which is now perfectly safe.
OP mony483  1 | 1  
21 Jun 2014 /  #10
thank you everyone!
frd  7 | 1379  
22 Jun 2014 /  #11
Just out of curiosity, how did you travel go, did you enjoy your stay in Wroclaw ?
airmaro  - | 6  
18 Sep 2014 /  #12
When traveling from or to Wroclaw i recommend: airport wroclaw transfer. Comfortable, nice and professional service!

Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / Travelling to Wroclaw from Bratislava ( safety advice needed )Archived