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Suggestions for what i should do or see in Lodz?

13 Mar 2014 /  #1
Hi everyone!

I will go to Lodz tomorrow from Sweden, and wonder what you have for suggestions that i should do or visit when Iam there?
I will arrive tomorrow afternoon and exept a meeting on saturday i will stay untill sunday.

So if any one can suggest something for a nice Swedish guy, Please do:)

johnb121  4 | 183  
13 Mar 2014 /  #2
kpc21  1 | 746  
14 Mar 2014 /  #3
Be aware that a segment of Piotrkowska Street is now in renovation, so you won't see the Walk of Fame and (on a short segment) you are going to walk between working excavators :) Nevertheless it's still definitely worth to visit.

The suggested online guide looks very good, I can recommend it.
14 Mar 2014 /  #4
Lodz is very amazing city for the ones who want to discover it.
I need to admit, it's neglected, but at the same time has a lot of grace and uniqe atmosphere.
Even though the main street - Piotrkowska is currently in renovation process, you should definetly ask about OFF Piortkowska, which is area of restaurants, bars and cultural activity places situated and created from the old buildings.

In the end of Piotrkowska Street, there is "Plac Wolności". Ask there about "Dętka " Museum :) You'll be surprised ;)

Then I would recommend MS and MS2 - Musemu of Modern Art on Gdańska street (do you know that it is the first museum of modern art in Europe and the second in the world, just after opened just after New York's MoMA ? ) and Museum of modern Art 2, situated in the Manufactura complex. When you're already there, go to the Poznanski Palace.

In general Lodz is a city of palaces. Maybe it's not that clearly visible when most of them are neglected but there are this, let say, pearls, which are true beauties on the field of architecure.

Try to visit it all and more!
And don't forget to write down, how did you like it!
irishlodz  1 | 135  
14 Mar 2014 /  #5
Behind Manufaktura you'll find the Catholic,Orthodox and Protestant Graveyards. Well worth a walk around. From the simple packed Catholic graveyard to the massive Protestant graves many of which are neglected. Maunfaktura is on the edge of the Ghetto. Get a Ghetto map and go for a walk. Many of the old buildings are still intact. The area is still the most run down in the city. Finish on the far side of the old Ghetto at the Jewish Graveyard. Most of it is overgrown but tells a story about the history of Lodz. Thousands of graves slowly being destroyed by trees. Families completely wiped out in the war.
Barnesc  - | 2  
14 Mar 2014 /  #6
thank you
24 Mar 2014 /  #7
Merged: What to do in Lodz

Arriving Lodz tomorrow and will stay for 4 days, any suggestions of what to do? Will work so after office hours.

is there any nice pubs or restaurants?

// F
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
24 Mar 2014 /  #8
Been visiting Poland for over a month now and I'm being constantly advised by Poles against going to Lodz. I'm being told it's a total sh!tbox.
DominicB  - | 2706  
24 Mar 2014 /  #9
Lived near £ódź for many years. You're hearing right. It's run down, dirty and depressing, and brain drain has taken its toll as younger educated people have moved out in droves. One of the few places in Poland that has gotten worse over the last ten years, thanks to having the worst mayor in Poland for eight years. The ubiquitous antisemitic graffiti is a major downer.

That said, there are a few interesting places to check out. And, quite frankly, before things go real bad, I actually used to prefer £ódź to Warsaw. However, with the opening of two large shopping malls at either end of the main drag, the city center has lost a lot of its vitality, and a lot of my old favorite haunts no longer exist.
jon357  72 | 23528  
24 Mar 2014 /  #10
You're hearing right. It's run down, dirty and depressing

Or in the centre, in the grid of streets, some might say it has unity of architecture due to being a C19th planned town, faded elegance from its time as the westernmost city of the Russian Empire and a melancholy feel.

The ubiquitous antisemitic graffiti is a major downer.

Very true

However, with the opening of two large shopping malls at either end of the main drag, the city center has lost a lot of its vitality, and a lot of my old favorite haunts no longer exist.

Very true
irishlodz  1 | 135  
24 Mar 2014 /  #11
Arriving Lodz tomorrow and will stay for 4 days,

The guy has said he WILL be in Lodz and you guys start a diatribe about why he should avoid it. Jesus what is it about people and this city? Get over it, Lodz has a tourist!

Been visiting Poland for over a month now and I'm being constantly advised by Poles against going to Lodz. I'm being told it's a total sh!tbox.

Personal experience? Brilliant contribution.

Lodz has excellent options for cusine. A few I like.
Varoska for Hungarian
Manakin for all sorts of pancakes on a budget
Anatewka for Jewish
All these 3 within spitting distance of each other beside Grand Hotel. There are all sorts of independent places hidden behind the main buildings.

The main street is being completely replaced, both ends are done so now they're doing the middle. You can still walk about though.

For pubs Kaliska is always a good place to start. Off-Piortkowska has a big assortment too. In the backyard of many of the buildings along Piotrkowska you will find all kinds of bars. Enjoy the adventure.
jon357  72 | 23528  
24 Mar 2014 /  #12
Lodz has excellent options for cusine.

There's also (assuming it's still there) Poland's only Uighur restaurant. The place is nothing special to look at but has delicious food.
25 Mar 2014 /  #13
Manakin for all sorts of pancakes on a budget
Anatewka for Jewish

You can't go wrong with either of those places.
If you just fancy coffee and great cakes/desserts, try Dekadencja. It's in a little courtyard just off Piotrkowska.
Also see if you can pick up a copy of £ódź - In your Pocket. It's a guide of what to see/do, where to eat etc

To be honest, when I went to £ódź I really wasn't expecting too much because of the slating it gets on this forum.

It certainly isn't as pretty as cities such as Kraków and Wrocław, but although it is run down it has a certain charm all of it's own.

Thumbs up from me, I liked £ódź :)
jon357  72 | 23528  
25 Mar 2014 /  #14
although it is run down it has a certain charm all of it's own.Thumbs up from me, I liked £ódź :)

Exactly how I feel.

For restaurants etc, if the OP wants a real treat (and doesn't mind paying for it) L'ecru (at Manufaktura) is one of the best restaurants in Poland. Reservations and smart clothes are necessary. For a cheaper treat, that Uighur (North East Chinese Muslim) place is/was on ul. Sienkiewicza. There's also a few nice places at the bottom of the pedestrianized bit of Piotrakowska.

There's also the Cinematography Museum which is worth going to for the building alone.
14 May 2014 /  #15
I just received a job offer for a year in Lodz. I am the type of person that enjoys the adventure of being immerse in a new culture and a new language (I don't speak Polish but I am pretty good at learning new languages). I read contradictory opinions about Lodz. Any comments or suggestions for me?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
15 May 2014 /  #16
If you're staying for 1 year only, then it's irrelevant that you learn languages fast. Except if it's the only thing which you're going to do in £ódź. Read wikitravel.org/en/%C5%81%C3%B3d%C5%BA if you decided to go.

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