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Stag Parties in Kraków

Filios1  8 | 1336  
13 Apr 2010 /  #91
I love public school boys

Yes... we already knew that tartan queen... What else is new?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
13 Apr 2010 /  #92
Filios follows the guys around, waiting for any strays ;)

I haven't had a night out in a long time. It could be quite the thing in Kraków.
14 Apr 2010 /  #93
I suppose if they stuck their hand in a fire, you would do that too?

Bravo! 10/10 for being so original and Inginuative.
No actually I would not “stick my hand in a fire” if they (assuming you mean the Poles acting the **** in my country) did, as it would be almost as stupid as you! due to the fact it would hurt and cause scarring.

I would however happily stick my pen1s in a Polish lap dancer.

SteveSmith  - | 9  
14 Apr 2010 /  #94
Polish girls are cheap and easy to find Danny, take no notice of the prices on here, the lapdancers will try to charge you more though so far better of looking for Polish ****** out of those clubs. Plenty to be found.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 Apr 2010 /  #95
Ahh, sad English guys jealous of Poles coming to the UK and stealing their jobs and women, so they take out their frustration on line.

I think you will notice, I didn't say people aren't allowed to do that. I just said that there is no point.

To you there might be no point, but everyone is free to decide what they want out of travelling. Visiting every church in Poland maybe someone's idea of a holiday, but to me it would be as pointless as staying in a hotel bar.
14 Apr 2010 /  #96
Ahh, sad English guys jealous of Poles coming to the UK and stealing their jobs and women, so they take out their frustration on line.

Not true, Poles work much harder than I could ever be bothered. They are welcome to the manual work! (scroll back to see the car washing quote)

As for the women... why do you think we are going to Poland LOL you are also welcome to the cream of the British pie eating munters!

Gratz on another failed attempt at being clever tho!
Fred marra  
14 Apr 2010 /  #97
I like men's bottoms and winkies!

Nuff said!
jeden  - | 226  
14 Apr 2010 /  #98
Polish girls are cheap

so you have to buy women?? Sorry.

Poles work much harder than I could ever be bothered


As for the women... why do you think we are going to Poland LOL you are also welcome to the cream of the British pie eating munters!

Sorry I don`t know what is 'munter' but probably your countryman Shelly won`t agree with you.:)
James86  - | 2  
14 Apr 2010 /  #99
drunken englishmen was on the worst parts of living in Krakow
15 Apr 2010 /  #100
Awesome grammar! I assume you mean “Drunken Englishmen are one of the worst parts of living in Krakow” (even now it is a sentence a two year old could muster, but at least it’s legible).

Ok James,
I see from your profile that you live in the USA so:
A, what the **** has it got to do with you and…
B, what the **** has it got to do with you?

If you don’t like the fact that a large percentage of Krakow income is from tourism i.e. stag parties etc, then don’t live there/whinge about living there.

I have come across American spring breakers all over the world and they don’t get drunk and party do they not?
Don’t get me wrong, nothing against that but surely its not just “drunken Englishmen”?
Cardno85  31 | 971  
15 Apr 2010 /  #101
“Drunken Englishmen were one of the worst parts of living in Krakow”

If you are going to be a pedant then get your tenses right ;P
15 Apr 2010 /  #102
I couldn’t possibly comment on Jeden’s tenses because I wasn’t/am not there.
I am only making an assumption on what he was trying to say my little Scotch friend :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Apr 2010 /  #103
you are also welcome to the cream of the British pie eating munters!

Bless, so sweet, I always find it funny when English men make these kind of comments it really does show the kind of women you can aspire to sh*g of a weekend...Try a better class of bar or get a better job so you can meet those who are slightly classier.

Sorry I don`t know what is 'munter' but probably your countryman Shelly won`t agree with you.:)

Oh we have plenty of the kind he describes (munter is someone rather ugly), but we also have plenty of beauties too, shame for him he doesnt have a chance for anyone with the slightest bit of class..Those that complain about certain nationalities are generally doing so because they have been stung - he ex was probably a fat munter who dumped him for a Polish guy!
15 Apr 2010 /  #104
There you go Jed ^^ that's a "munter".
Cardno85  31 | 971  
15 Apr 2010 /  #105
I am only making an assumption on what he was trying to say my little Scotch friend

Well you know what happens when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of U and mpti....ok, you get my jist. I made the assumption too on him saying was instead of were to mean he was no longer in Krakow. But I can see how you would make the opposite.
15 Apr 2010 /  #106
Excuse me Scottie but you are a bit dull, if you don’t mind I am busy explaining to Jeden what a munter is…

If you check its profile you will notice it's single, probably quite large with a face like a painter's radio. Unfortunately we are plagued with them over here and it's generally the real munty ones who argue about it... its denial you see!

Not sure if links work, so if you click on Amathyst and check out the kind of forums it's interested in. i.e.

Are men more unhappy about being single than women (a thread about her being single and "not bothered")

Polish Men and their attitude towards sex and relationships (a vain attempt to find a shag in another country)

and my favourite Women who decide to have children alone for whatever reasons (I think we know why you would have to hunny and it probably involves a turkey baster)
Fred Marra  
15 Apr 2010 /  #107
Ha, nice one Dan… I had a look at her interests and it would seem like you missed some really good ones…

Check out women around the globe! She wants to know why English men find Polish women attractive and can’t find love at home (I refer to your earlier posts regarding pies etc).

What do the PL women of the forum think of the desparate men looking… she goes on about “desperate men” looking for polish women.
Considering every other post or reply of hers is on this subject, I put it to you sir that she may come under a well known phrase involving pots and kettles!

She bangs on about going to higher class bars etc then she has a thread on there complaining about all the polish guys she’s shagged (in bars).

She sounds real classy, maybe you should try and get a ride on her Dan ROFL.

The whole thing just screams “munter” to me!
Fanny like a wizards sleeve no doubt!

P.S I am sorry if this upset you Amathyst (was amethyst taken?) but if you don’t want to hear some home truths you really shouldn’t get involved in a stag thread should you?
Don King  
15 Apr 2010 /  #108
he ex was probably a fat munter who dumped him for a Polish guy!

Tracy? is that you?
15 Apr 2010 /  #109
Looks like you guys were correct! I could have sworn that nosey old slapper would have put up some sort of defence.
She is online because I seen her reply on another thread which made her out to be really old or something and her mam was still riding strangers at 50... cant remember exactly.

I love the thread by the way! thanks.
17 Apr 2010 /  #110
Omg she got shot to **** lol.
19 Apr 2010 /  #111
Well, just thought I would let you all know how upset I am at the funeral of the polish president!
What had the makings of a really great stag doo this weekend turned out to be a total crock of sh1t.
Everywhere was shut, everyone was sulking, couldn’t even get a taxi to the good titty bar!
It’s been planes, trains and automobiles (without the planes) to actually get here!

It was a president! Who cares? I am sure another knob jockey will step up to the podium before you can say “brace, brace, brace for impact”

If one of our “important” people dies, we don’t go around shutting everything and crying! No! We just get on with it.
That sponging old witch of a queen mum died and we didn’t even get a day off work!
I hate the royals by the way; a good plane crash with them all in it (unlikely I know) would save our country a bloody fortune! Fingers crossed!

Obama had the right idea; he wasn’t going to let it spoil his day! He was out playing golf according to the news. (Cant get to the prez’s funeral oh no, what now? Should we play the back nine sir? Hell yeah!).

A guy only gets married once unless he’s really lucky to get a second chance!
This farce completely bolloxed his send off.

We did manage to see a guy chained to a dwarf dressed up as a smurf this weekend so that did make us smile a bit!
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Apr 2010 /  #112
I hate the royals by the way; a good plane crash with them all in it (unlikely I know) would save our country a bloody fortune! Fingers crossed!

God save the Queen!
convex  20 | 3928  
19 Apr 2010 /  #113
I hate the royals by the way; a good plane crash with them all in it (unlikely I know) would save our country a bloody fortune! Fingers crossed!

Me too, I'm a White Sox fan.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Apr 2010 /  #114
Well, just thought I would let you all know how upset I am at the funeral of the polish president!

You were shite out of luck there man. I feel sorry for you...

Cant have a stag do without titty bars, its tradition.
Southshields  - | 2  
7 Jun 2012 /  #115
Merged: Stag + Birthdays

Just looking for a bit of advise from anyone living in or has been to Krakow.

There are 34 of us coming over from England for 3 nights early next year for a Stag and 2 birthday partys. Age ranging from 21 - 50. We are looking at breaking the weekend up by doing a few activities rather than just getting pissed. Anyone got any suggestions on what we could do and the costs? Was thinking something like go-karting, visiting Auschwitz. I have seen a few stag websites but they seem quite pricey so is it best to book the stuff yourself from other websites? Also any help on where to go and avoid with it being such a large group i.e pubs clubs etc?

bullfrog  6 | 602  
7 Jun 2012 /  #116
What about going to Doncaster or Newcastle instead? If you indeed choose early 2013, you'll get warmer climes. And Poland (and Krakow) especially are so fed up with British stag parties..
Southshields  - | 2  
7 Jun 2012 /  #117
Well what about the millions of Pols staying in Poland instead of coming to England and taking all the jobs for tuppence? bcus Britain and the english especially are so fed up of it.... Get a grip bulldog. oh and by the way iv been to newcastle and doncaster all over England infact and Prague, Amsterdam, Tallin, Ibiza, magaluf, benidorm,malia , ayia napa, NewYork, Las Vegas, south africa , and thailand. Never heard any of them moaning when we are pumping thousands of pounds into there economy and im certain the people of krakow wont be to bothrred either. Maybes its just you perhaps you need to live a little! why dint you meet up with us and wel show you have to have a good time?
bullfrog  6 | 602  
7 Jun 2012 /  #118
bcus Britain and the english especially are so fed up of it

well that's not what I hear from my english friends.. They say it's very nice 'cause it improves the british gene pool!

Ibiza, magaluf, benidorm,malia , ayia napa,

My god, you are a traveller Southshields, focusing on the high brow stuff are we?

why dint you meet up with us and wel show you have to have a good time?

Thanks for the invite but my idea of a good time is not to get pissed with a bunch of Brits!
6 Sep 2012 /  #119
My hen party organised krak4fun company and it was the best trip and party ever :) I can reccommed it for stag/hen party and for the family tour :) krak4fun or facebook/stagpartycracow

I presume you guys/girls don't puke w bramach. ;)

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