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Stag Parties in Kraków

Wroclaw Boy  
23 Apr 2008 /  #31
It's quite a large group but your age group should favour you.

Have expert experience in this field do you PD?

It really appears to me as Ironic that a few British stag parties decend on Krakow and a few other cities in Poland from time to time and recieve such a negative reaction form locals and Expats. Look at the stigma attached to Foreign stag boys in Poland within a couple of years!! Were talking about "perhaps" 3000 lads staying in Krakow for a few days over the weekend, drinking a few beers and just having a good time over the course of an entire YEAR.

Imagine their reaction to 2,000,000 million of us coming there to work, of which 100,000 (conservative estimate) get drunk sell drugs and fight every weekend!
IronsE11  2 | 441  
23 Apr 2008 /  #32
Imagine their reaction to 2,000,000 million of us coming there to work, of which 100,000 get drunk sell drugs and fight every weekend!

It is this very fact which makes people like Lukasz look like the ignorant bigots they are.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
23 Apr 2008 /  #33
hhhhmmm i'm not suprised by this, another go at the English (British) thats fine as long as people don't start crying when something anti-polish comes up in the future. How many times do you see it on here, the double standards, its ok to slander everything on this forum, ow actually, that is apart from the polish or poland, then its a crime.:):):)
IronsE11  2 | 441  
23 Apr 2008 /  #34
hhhhmmm i'm not suprised by this, another go at the English (British)

In fairness, this is an old thread created by a notorious bigot.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
23 Apr 2008 /  #35
while its probably ture mate, its still no excuse, as i said i'm all up for defending the english and seeing 'anti-english' posts. Its a free forum right, however what i don't like is hypocrites and double standards of which you see a lot on this particular forum :)
OP Lukasz  49 | 1746  
23 Apr 2008 /  #36
The worry that I have is how we will get on in Krakow and how many places wont let us in.


I saw one tosser doing naked star jumps while his mates cheered him on from the bar...

you are bigot :) English people do the same in center of London ...
mikejd72  - | 3  
23 Apr 2008 /  #37
I can guarantee there wont be any naked star jumps, or anything naked for that matter!!! Nor will we be inappropriately dressed, just the usual - shoes, jeans and shirt (and maybe a coat!).

Probably due to the size of the group we might split up for a bit and meet later on. We will probably go to some of the Irish pubs, though there is a massive prefernce to try something not British. Saying that I popped into the John Bull pub with my girlfriend last month but it was a haze of smoke, just not used to that now!! We seemed to spend too much time in the Loza bar though, quite trendy but pricey!

23 Apr 2008 /  #38
you are bigot :) English people do the same in center of London ...

hardly the same thing :)
23 Apr 2008 /  #39
I can guarantee there wont be any naked star jumps

promises, promises, best not come to Poland and spend time exploring castle and old buildings in blighty. Would you still come to Poland if prices were more expensive than back home...hmmmmm No, I thought so!
mikejd72  - | 3  
23 Apr 2008 /  #40
Wrong! Prices in some of the nice bars and restaurants in Krakow arent far off some of the prices we spend in Liverpool on a night out, and we are talking less than a pound, if not the same. But then again we all prefer the older, real ale type pubs with character. Even if prices were massively different I would still go to Poland, different experiences, different culture, architecture etc...the first time I was in Krakow the place blew my mind, hence we are going back.

Not sure where you are from Checkmate, but go and spend a night in Ruthin Castle in Wales, wow!

We are not coming to Krakow to get drunk (maybe tipsy on good food and wine, and the odd beer!), strip off, be insulting....but because it's a beautiful city, full of history, friendly and hard working people (my job involves contact with Polish people living and working in the Liverpool area, they could certainly teach some of our locals a thing about hard work and refusing to be on benefits!). Sorry, I'm ranting now!

Oh, go and visit Caernarfon castle, stunning!

24 Apr 2008 /  #41
who gets in and who gets out...? sorry, it's in Polish...
13 Apr 2010 /  #42
Luckily for us Brits, the Polish economy is shot to hell so fortunately the girls dont eat a lot of cakes and chips like brit/yank girls they are all a "yep deffo" or at least a "3 pinter".

Due to the lack of funds they are more likely to let you fire one off up the bung hole unlike brits/yanks.

These people twining on about culture and stag doo's ruining the quaint little city are talking bollox! the economy is finally thriving due to the fact Brits WILL travel "just to find a prostitute" and WILL travel "just for cheap beer".

I am going soon with a bunch of guys and I personally hope to be up to my nuts in guts within a few hours or arriving. I heard the girls from one of the many "cultural" strip bars will drop their knickers at your hotel for £30-£40! bargain!

Have a lovely day whingers!
13 Apr 2010 /  #43
Hello guys,
I could not agree more Gandalf!
I was there a few months ago and Krakow is turning into the next pishup capital of Eastern Europe!
Each time we find somewhere good, the prices hike up and the authorities get shirty!
Prague is going downhill so hello the next skint city with beautiful girls (Krakow)
There is a good nightclub actually in the centre now. I can’t name it on here but they built it on an old library (wicked upgrade!)

Anyway, get yourself there and you and your mates will be poking your way through some of the best looking city culture that Poland has to offer!

I don’t see what the issue is to be honest; it’s like a great big swap!
My city is full of poles now. I get my car washed once a week for 3 quid!
They like Britain; I like Poland (magic).

Naked star jumps lol, now that’s class! I hope you and your friends get steamed enough to have that much fun Gand!
king polkacanon  - | 57  
13 Apr 2010 /  #45
I heard that they have now wooden dildos in bars for english staggers.
f stop  24 | 2493  
13 Apr 2010 /  #46
Daytona could not handle the spring-breakers here - the locals whined and conmplained, so the spring-breakers changed the venue to Mexico. Mexico loves them and now Daytona is crying about lost revenues.
convex  20 | 3928  
13 Apr 2010 /  #47
the economy is finally thriving due to the fact Brits WILL travel "just to find a prostitute" and WILL travel "just for cheap beer".

Not really. Just look at Prague. Stag parties mostly consisted of a bunch of poor to middleclass people coming over looking to spend the least amount of money possible. It wasn't worth the hassle for most clubs, so they started banning stag parties. Then the prices went up, and the stag parties moved on as it was no longer priced at a level that they could afford. Prague is doing just fine having traded cheap stag groups for middle class tourists that can afford to pay the prices.

ing soon with a bunch of guys and I personally hope to be up to my nuts in guts within a few hours or arriving. I heard the girls from one of the many "cultural" strip bars will drop their knickers at your hotel for £30-£40! bargain!

Just wrap it up, remember, the women here aren't tested like in Germany or Holland. You're probably not the first, and won't be the last stag party that has plowed through.

Enjoy while you can, things are getting more expensive. Looking forward to hearing about stags going to Kazakhstan in a few years.
13 Apr 2010 /  #48
Tell you what mate, if you are planning on going in the very near future you may have problems cos the prez decided to end it all and crash his plane into some Russians. inconsiderate I know but they plan on having 7 days of mourning!

Not sure how that effects clubs full of fantastic women that want you to lick their balloon knot for zlotys?
Good luck tho!
13 Apr 2010 /  #49
I heard the girls from one of the many "cultural" strip bars will drop their knickers at your hotel for £30-£40! bargain!

You have heard completely wrong. Starting price for the girls from the strip bars is 600zl (£150) but the better looking ones will be asking 1000zl.

Sadly for you it is Grzegorz that she was speaking to there. He's got a particularly unbelievable story about how he once took on a stag group in Krakow, knocked them all out and then pissed on the stag. You don't need to be a genius to work out that the reality was completely the opposite!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Apr 2010 /  #50
this is my fav thread today, no disrespect for the mourners.
13 Apr 2010 /  #51
Well yeah, it's a good thread but I for one am sick to death of the moaners!
They bang on and on about how much hassle the stag parties cause but it's them that sees the benefit!
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Apr 2010 /  #52
They bang on and on about how much hassle the stag parties cause but it's them that sees the benefit!

yes, Krakow really appreciates people pissing on every monument in town...
time means  5 | 1309  
13 Apr 2010 /  #53
Glad to hear that all that hard work doesn't go unappreciated :-)
convex  20 | 3928  
13 Apr 2010 /  #54
yes, Krakow really appreciates people pissing on every monument in town...

Just pass legislation that makes public urination subject to a 1000zl fine or a night in jail. Problem solved.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
13 Apr 2010 /  #55
but it's them that sees the benefit!

What benefits?
jonni  16 | 2475  
13 Apr 2010 /  #56
yes, Krakow really appreciates people pissing on every monument in town...

Quite. The stag party people are a nuisance. The Polish authorities banning both the adverts encouraging them and the Polish companies who organise them would go a long way to stopping this.
time means  5 | 1309  
13 Apr 2010 /  #57
This ones for you PGTX

  • .........
convex  20 | 3928  
13 Apr 2010 /  #58
The Polish authorities banning both the adverts encouraging them and the Polish companies who organise them would go a long way to stopping this.

Why punish the stag party? Just punish the bad behavior and they'll go away. The more that come, the quicker clubs will ban them, the quicker they will go away.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Apr 2010 /  #59
This ones for you

thank you...
just don't let the burning sensation while pissing spoil your fun... ;)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 Apr 2010 /  #60
It's still happening? Krakow was the new Prague. Surely somewhere else must be the new Krakow by now? Tunbridge Wells perhaps?

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