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Rihanna complains about lack of privacy on Polish beach

9 Jul 2013 /  #31
This should be enough to offend just about everybody.

As I mentioned earlier she was wasted at the KOL gig on Saturday night.

It's just not uncommon at all, no matter how much some racists will try and portray Poland as being a sort of white-only "paradise".

You have to question when the last time or if ever some posters on PF have visited Poland.

Delph, H, Jon the The European Solidarity center is coming on in Gdansk, opening date June 2014.


Building is really taking shape now.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2013 /  #32
Delph, H, Jon the The European Solidarity center is coming on in Gdansk, opening date June 2014.

I'll definitely take a trip up there to see that!

You have to question when the last time or if ever some posters on PF have visited Poland.

I think the answer to that is pretty obvious.

Those of us living here see non-white people daily. Nothing out of the ordinary or special.
smurf  38 | 1940  
9 Jul 2013 /  #33
Actual thinking people might want to know.

You wouldn't belong to that group :P
Plus everybody already knows her race.


Lol, Polish isn't an ethnicity.
Double Duh!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
9 Jul 2013 /  #34
Again somebody doesn't understand the difference between citizenship and ethnicity.

Such as the Great Marshal ? But then he is was not very fond of your idol Dmowski.

It is not uncommon to see black people in Poland, everyday of the week I see black people on the streets of Warsaw. It was uncommon to see African/Asian people on the streets of Poland, not anymore.

Even here in Bielany :). And I am still alive :))
Nacjonalista  4 | 95  
9 Jul 2013 /  #35
It's just not uncommon at all, no matter how much some racists will try and portray Poland as being a sort of white-only "paradise".

I bet that makes you all tingly inside huh?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2013 /  #36
I don't even give it a moment's thought.
jon357  72 | 23482  
9 Jul 2013 /  #37
I am not quite sure you would class Sopot beach in front of the Sheraton/Grand as being down market, I would say after Jurata/Bryza it is probably one of the more exclusive beaches in PL.

I know it well and it's certainly classier than most, not that that's saying much. Doesn't say much at all for the others. The in-crowd tend to sit outside cafes mid way up the main drag. For a nice beach, I tend to walk south a little from the pier, in the direction of Jelitkowo where there are some excellent cafes. The beach at Gdynia is also surprisingly nice and a few very good bars and restaurants.

Those of us living here see non-white people daily. Nothing out of the ordinary or special.

Nobody really notices, do they?
9 Jul 2013 /  #38
I bet that makes you all tingly inside huh?

Nope, but some of the curries served up by members of Warsaw's Indian, Pakistani and Nepalese communities most certainly make me more than tingle inside.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2013 /  #39
Nobody really notices, do they?

I saw a black guy on the train (a crappy local train, at that) full of old people coming back from the seaside the other week. No-one even batted an eyelid.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Jul 2013 /  #40
firstly she is not black she is mulatto ( mixed race),

What century are you posting from, warszawski?

She, like all of the trash to come out of hollywood, loves attention.

She is from Barbados not Hollywood.
jon357  72 | 23482  
9 Jul 2013 /  #41
Given that the music industry is suffering as a whole, it's common sense to suggest that the worst possible situation is to be ignored. She'll certainly get attention in Germany too for this - which is all good for her career.

Spot on - that's what her Polish PR did it for in the first place. Doesn't harm seaside resorts when the crowds think one of their idols might be on the beach too. We can expect Edyta Górniak, Doda, Mandarynka, the large breasted one from M jak Miłość, him that used to be in Ranczo, Norbert Afera and whoever else follows suit to show up at a beach any day now, entourage and all.

Nope, but some of the curries served up by members of Warsaw's Indian, Pakistani and Nepalese communities most certainly make me more than tingle inside.

Have you tried that new Arab place on Jana Pawła - at the end of the more northerly of those 2 pavillions on the West side just above Solidarności? Only a tiny place and not posh, but the real deal. Quite a few Turkish businesses there too, including a grocery - things are looking up.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2013 /  #42
Quite a few Turkish businesses there too, including a grocery

Mind telling them to open up in Poznan?

I've been trying to convince my favourite Kurdish kebab shop owner to open a shop, but he won't :(
mochadot18  18 | 245  
9 Jul 2013 /  #43
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Jul 2013 /  #44
(yawn)...another celebrity who seeks fame and attention but supposedly not when he/she claims not to want it. At least she didn't complain that the Polish patriarchy was keeping her down. lol
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 Jul 2013 /  #45
Pfft every time I go someplace with people I feel the same. There are people all over this planet and most of them are annoying.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Jul 2013 /  #46
What century are you posting from, warszawski?

I most certainly can be honest about my opinions as to how famous musicians react to certain situations

hahahaha harry! What a silly claim to make! You can be honest about your opinions! Indeed you can, but you cannot, as I said, be honest about how Rhianna really feels because you do not know her, and creating a class of "famous musicians" that are somehow all alike such that your contact with "more than a few of them" makes you an authority on their feelings is just a silly fantasist joke!
9 Jul 2013 /  #47
a class of "famous musicians" that are somehow all alike

Funny how for the vast majority of them (unlike most DJs), being ignored was probably the worst thing that could happen to them, especially vocalists (and frontmen).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2013 /  #48
To be honest, it is a disaster - if anyone from the record company saw the total lack of reaction from the public, they could be tempted to drop them for the "Next Big Thing".

More importantly, what was she doing anywhere near that polluted mess that is the Baltic?
9 Jul 2013 /  #49
Let me explain to you that "black" is not an offensive, nor an inaccurate, term for certain persons of mixed race, like Rihanna or Barrack Obama, but "mulatto" is now considered an offensive term as are "quadroon" and "octoroon" too.

Maybe in your part of the world mullato/mixed race is offensive, not in my mine part of the world. Just like walking the streets with a beer in Poland is acceptable, in the UK is not, the article was written on a blog in the UK, by a Polish journalist about a situation in Poland.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
9 Jul 2013 /  #50
Maybe in your part of the world mullato/mixed race is offensive, not in my mine part of the world

So then the use of zyd in a football context shouldn't be offensive? Just a bunch of fun loving guys pro-jew and anti-jew having a lark over a game of footie?
pawian  226 | 27453  
9 Jul 2013 /  #51
Rihanna complains about lack of privacy on Polish beach

That is pathetic. First, she did everything to become famous, then she puts on sunglasses to prevent being recognised. What inconsequence!
9 Jul 2013 /  #52
So then the use of zyd in a football context shouldn't be offensive? Just a bunch of fun loving guys pro-jew and anti-jew having a lark over a game of footie?

I don't know what the above has to do with this thread, I will answer out of courtesy. The term Yids is used by north London fans of Tottenham hotspur F,C.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Jul 2013 /  #53
Maybe in your part of the world mullato/mixed race is offensive, not in my mine part of the world.

The term "mixed race" is not offensive in my part of the world. Don't pretend that "mulatto" and "mixed race" have the same connotations in English now. They do not. The term "mulatto" is one of a series of racialist terms, of Portugese and Spanish origin, used in the times of slavery and segregation. "Mulatto" specified someone at least half black. "Quadroon" was reserved for people who were one quarter black and "Octoroon"for those who were one eighth black. Just as the term "negro" has been supplanted by the term "black" the term "mulatto" has been supplanted by the term "mixed-race" or "half-black". So too realize that if "black" only applies to people of purely African ancestry then few of the black people in the Americas would be "black" anymore. Caucasian and Amer-Indian ancestry is very widespread amongst black people in the Americas. Warszawski, if "your part of the world" doesn't understand that using the term "mulatto" is considered as boorish as using the term "negro" then so much the worse for your part of the world, but I somehow doubt that you're being accurate when characterizing your abode.

Just like walking the streets with a beer in Poland is acceptable, in the UK is not

Wow let's talk about an inept analogy! Using racialist terminology from the 19th Century is not at all akin to strolling the boulevard with an open container of suds, regardless of the country in which one saunters.
9 Jul 2013 /  #54
I take it you haven't been to Saudi Arabia. Or the part of Palestine where Hamas is in charge.

On the plus side for them, at least Saudis don't need to worry about Rihanna performing there.
9 Jul 2013 /  #55
The term "mulatto" is one of a series of racialist terms, of Portugese and Spanish origin, used in the times of slavery and segregation.

The word also has its roots in the Arabic word muwallad.

There is no direct proof of the origins of the word and you know this, Des.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
9 Jul 2013 /  #56
I don't know what the above has to do with this thread

It has nothing to do with the thread itself, but it now has a lot to do with the way the thread has developed. Smurf suggested the usage of the word "black" to describe Rhianna was racist on the part of the author.

You have said

Maybe in your part of the world mullato/mixed race is offensive, not in my mine part of the world

I am suggesting that "racist terms" are not necessarily interpreted the same way by all people in all cultures. Your acceptance of the term mulatto is akin to the use of the term zyd by these football fans. Both usages can be offensive to many people.
9 Jul 2013 /  #57
Using racialist terminology from the 19th Century

Mullato is not a racist term in Europe, Asia or South America, only in certain groups in the USA, the same ones who believe it originates from the Spanish word mulas
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Jul 2013 /  #58
I take it you haven't been to Saudi Arabia. Or the part of Palestine where Hamas is in charge.

Harry don't be so stupid. Alcohol is outlawed in some places in the world, but it never reminds people of the racial classification system that existed when people of African descent were treated as chattel. Thus warszawski's analogy is inept. Your bringing up the Saudis, and the Islamic Resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestine, is yet another example of your creepy Arabophobic obsession. Get a life and stop making so many stupid posts on this forum, Harry.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
9 Jul 2013 /  #59
Rihanna complains about lack of privacy on Polish beach

Another girl with the ever so common princess complex.
9 Jul 2013 /  #60
racial classification system that existed when people of African descent were treated as chattel.

Please quote any other country in the world where the mainstream consider the word mullato racist other than some groups in the USA/ Canada. The word mulas in Spanish is in common usage even today and is not considered offensive.

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