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Is Poland worth visiting?

18 Mar 2011 /  #1
I live in Poland and I like my country very much. But I wonder if it is country attractive enough for foreigners with it's landscapes, monuments, people and so on. Personally I think that it's true. But if somebody is hesitating, I wrote a song with my friend Mateusz. The song is titled "Born In Poland" and it's goal is to present Poland as a great place to live or just go there for a week or two :)

I've placed the HD wideo and the song on youtube. You can find the song looking for "Born In Poland" of user bilbek66 :)

Welcome there. And I will be very grateful for the feedback :)
Best wishes!
19 Mar 2011 /  #2
Catchy chorus :) Very pleasant. Nice pictures. Thank you!
plk123  8 | 4120  
19 Mar 2011 /  #3
Is Poland worth visiting?

from everyone i have spoken with about their visits to PL, i have only hears good things. sorry, didn't listen to your tune yet. maybe later
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
19 Mar 2011 /  #4
I don't mean but....It is cheesy and crappy and it would best if you guys did not produce it at all. I think it might do the the opposite and dissuade people from visiting Poland.

Having said that I appreciate the good intentions(:

PS: more emphasis on the laaaand in Poland and Holland.

If i were you guys i would prepare for the torrents of abuse that will come your way on that clip, not from obviously, it's just a warning.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
19 Mar 2011 /  #5

You can find the song looking for "Born In Poland"

You might find it goes feral...

And then we'll be hearing it on the TV. :)

Cute kids btw. :)

However I *do* think that this clip would do more for your national economy...

OP bilbek66  
19 Mar 2011 /  #6

Thanks for frankness :) But what you regard as "crappy" - pictures or song? Or both? :) As Mateo and I do from time to time such clipos, all concrete remarks are very important for us. Fault-finding too! :)

Okay, we are prepared. Son's of Mateo said that they will defend us :)))

Have a nice day

However I *do* think that this clip would do more for your national economy...

Nice pictures. Is this boy mature enough for using such binoculars? :>

The stereotype that Polisg girls are one of the prettiest in the world is one of the best stereotypes about Poland :) And it's true!

OP bilbek66  
19 Mar 2011 /  #8
I am proud that you - £odź-The-Boat - are proud of Biala Podlaska-White.... Underforest? :)

Softsong  5 | 492  
19 Mar 2011 /  #9
I liked your video. Thank you for sharing it with us. The song is catchy, and the pictures show the contrast between the cities, countryside, seashore and mountains.

The video is heartfelt, and makes me feel happy. It is well done with an endearing touch of homespun.

Is the train the one that is at the ancient lake settlement?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Mar 2011 /  #10

I will be proud for anyone trying to do something good for Poland. I don't mind what you did, but you did.
OP bilbek66  
19 Mar 2011 /  #11
Is the train the one that is at the ancient lake settlement?

The train on the clip is in Jędrzejów. It is a.... narrow track rail? Wąskotorówka :) It leads through the Ponidzie, beautiful land on the south of Kielce, full od ancient sights and raw nature. THere are many touristic attractions, the best is to look into google maps. And on the site "Ciuchcia Ekspres Ponidzie". You'll find there a lot of photos and schedule of the train.
Softsong  5 | 492  
19 Mar 2011 /  #12
Thanks! I'll check it out!

Now I remember the name of the place I was thinking about. Biskupin.
Maybe next time I am in Poland I can ride the train at Jędrzejów.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
19 Mar 2011 /  #13
I have to say, Poland looks really pretty on your video. And the song is catchy.
Thumb up :)

However I *do* think that this clip would do more for your national economy...

Was the video made at some sort of hot Polish people convention?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
19 Mar 2011 /  #14
Poland looks really pretty on your video.

Does anyone here remember the 'let Poland be Poland' adverts, back in the 80s? Looked very pretty.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
19 Mar 2011 /  #15
All I remember from the 80s is that you couldn't get any candy.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
19 Mar 2011 /  #16
An American advert, called 'let Poland be Poland' appeared on British TV for a while. Controversial, because there hadn't been any political adverts there before (or since). I don't think it did much to affect the politics, but the images were so nice (villages in the Tatry, folk costumes etc) that it probably helped tourism a bit after 1989.
OP bilbek66  
19 Mar 2011 /  #17
Was the video made at some sort of hot Polish people convention?

You mean people dressed up as courtiers? In £omazy, a small town where I spent most of life, we have every year a festival called Jarmark Jagielloński. It commemorates that a long time ago £omazy laid on the king's route from Kraków (capital od Poland at that time) to Wilno (Lithuania) - home country od Polish Jagiellonian kings. History, history..... :)

At the end of June we organize Jarmark in the park, it's a kind of exhibition, old crafts, modern arts, martial arts and so on. Much fun for £omazians. From this point of view it's a pity that capital of Poland was moved to Warsaw! :))) King's route changed.

All I remember from the 80s is that you couldn't get any candy.

Do you remember "wyrób czekoladopodobny"? A worse packed version of today's Mars or Milky Way. Imagine that nowadays you see in the shop a candy named: "Chocolate-like product" :)
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Mar 2011 /  #18
perhaps somebody could post the video here so we dont all have to go searching youtube.
Softsong  5 | 492  
19 Mar 2011 /  #19
Thanks for posting the video.

P.S. Love listening to the slide guitar.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
19 Mar 2011 /  #20
But what you regard as "crappy" - pictures or song?

the pictures are quite good, I guess it is the song.

Have a nice day

However I *do* think that this clip would do more for your national economy...

Yea the little kid thing is creepy, and although the women are definitely worth looking at, they do look a little slutty.....though i can see how this would boost Poland's economy(:
Marynka11  3 | 639  
20 Mar 2011 /  #21
Do you remember "wyrób czekoladopodobny"? A worse packed version of today's Mars or Milky Way. Imagine that nowadays you see in the shop a candy named: "Chocolate-like product" :)

Do I remember it "wyrób czekoladopodobny"? Of course. And I remember not being able to buy even that:) I remember suffering very often from sugar withdrawal.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
20 Mar 2011 /  #22
"wyrób czekoladopodobny"

We used to get something like that in the UK as well. Horrible. Fortunately the real stuff was available too.
Ogorki  - | 114  
20 Mar 2011 /  #23
The stereotype that Polisg girls are one of the prettiest in the world is one of the best stereotypes about Poland :) And it's true!

The only problem is - they know that too :(
beckski  12 | 1609  
20 Mar 2011 /  #24
Is Poland worth visiting?

Oh heck yeah! Especially, if you have a great majority of your relatives living in Poland, like I do.
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Mar 2011 /  #25
But I wonder if it is country attractive enough for foreigners with it's landscapes, monuments, people and so on. Personally I think that it's true.

You failed to mention some negatives: rude people, hardly anybody out of the cities speak English, horrific driving conditions, povewrty stircken areas, no real exclusive holiday areas. Have you ever been abroad?

Basically if i need a holiday i want relaxation and swimming pools with really hot weather, Poland doesnt have that, people who visit generally do so as they have family here.

"not france, not russia, not holland" man thats in my head.
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Mar 2011 /  #26
Poland is very attractive because you see original untouched stuff.
OP bilbek66  
20 Mar 2011 /  #27
bilbek66: The stereotype that Polisg girls are one of the prettiest in the world is one of the best stereotypes about Poland :) And it's true!

The only problem is - they know that too :(

Are you serious!? It's great that Polish girls know their value!
You must do really the best to ensure them, that you are worth of their attention :)


You failed to mention some negatives: rude people, hardly anybody out of the cities speak English, horrific driving conditions, povewrty stircken areas, no real exclusive holiday areas. Have you ever been abroad?

OK, only my friends was abroad, I wasn't :)
You are right in some questions as bad roads condition. But people aren't rude - I'm certain. I think that Poles overall are not better or worse than people in other countries.

Worse infrastructure and lack of luxuries - okay. But we have something that compensates drawbacks. on the other hand:

"not france, not russia, not holland" man thats in my head.

This phrase was improvised during first take :)))))
Softsong  5 | 492  
20 Mar 2011 /  #28
In all fairness to the song, how many songs do you know that include negatives about a place? Usually when we sing about something, we extol the virtues. So, I think the song is great just as it is. :-)

I grew up in the USA, but I enjoyed every minute in Poland. The roads, everything. If I wanted to see lots of interstate highways, I would stay home. Instead, I traveled down some dirt roads in the countryside (thank goodness for GPS), that looked a bit like the dirt road in the video that turns to a snow covered scene.

Being from the north in the USA, I am used to people being a little distant in public till you get to know them. I did not find anyone rude in Poland. Once three years ago, in Gdańsk, I was lost walking and noticed a reluctance to help me, but it was more like people were busy during rush hour and had other things on their mind.
OP bilbek66  
20 Mar 2011 /  #29
how many songs do you know that include negatives about a place? Usually when we sing about something, we extol the virtues.

That's the point. I think the important thing is if the song (or book, film...) was made for your countrymen or for foreigners. There are some Polish songs, sang in Polish and for Poles. They say bitter things about our reality. "Warszawa" by T-Love, "Mój dom" by Ira, "I to jest mój kraj" by Krzysztof Daukszewicz. It's easy to find more examples. But very few people want to present their country as an unpleasant place to foreigners.

"Born In Poland" is like a mirror of Springsteen's "Born In the U.S.A". Bruce's says about taugh life in his country and casualties of The Vietnam War. But he sings it to Americans. I am not sure if Springsteen wanted to sing such things about the USA in Polish or in Russian :))) "Hey, Russians, USA is the best country in the world!" :) It's more probable version.

So we did the same, singing good things about Poland in English. Not perfect English, I know! :) Sorry! :)
20 Mar 2011 /  #30
"not france, not russia, not holland" man thats in my head.

So don`t come in here , we don`t want you . If you just look for sun and the pool go to Egypt or Spain . Poland has something more to offer that just that . Personally I hate such places , faceless , boring, full of cheap tourists . By the way for many people who visited Poland it is a surprise how divisive holidays we can offer. Depends on what a person is interested in . The climate is very beautiful and thanks God that we have 4 seasons . I wouldn`t stand sun all year around . I can recommend vacations for: lovers of mountain hiking , back horse ridding , visiting palaces and castles or churches . wild life watchers , theme park lovers , visiting oldest villages (Gniezno , Biskupin ) , architecture admirers ( Kraków, Toruń ,Wrocław and Gdańsk ) . If you want only sun and a pool in Poland just visit in the summer Warsaw hotels : Hilton, Hyatt, Westin, Marriott , Sheraton , Intercontinental and hundreds more .They will serve you with anything you want or go to Sopot - famous luxury holiday resort place .

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