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Trains in Poland - Poznan to Gdansk

ilariuzza  1 | 1  
8 Jul 2010 /  #1
Hi! I'm travelling to Poland on August, and I would like to know if someone can tell me the prices of the trains in Poland, and how long it takes to go from Poznan to Gdansk. Is it far? thanks
8 Jul 2010 /  #2

Try pkp.pl - times certainly, and not difficult to use even if you don't know Polish. Don't know if it will help with prices.

Poznan-Gdansk typically via Warsaw I think - allow 3 hours to Warsaw and anothe r3 to Gdansk (roughly).

pgtx  29 | 3094  
8 Jul 2010 /  #3
you can buy your PKP train ticket online...


it's about 6 hours
motylek  2 | 15  
8 Jul 2010 /  #4
Its about 6 hours from Poznań to Gdańsk, but not via Warszawa. To go via Warszawa would be 3 hours to Warszawa and then another 5 or so. Just go direct from Poznań. I would not buy the ticket online though unless you speak fluent unaccented Polish.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
9 Jul 2010 /  #5
rozklad-pkp.pl/?q=en/node/143 - Here you can search in English

It takes about 5.5-6.0 hours. But some takes much longer time, so be careful. Costs about 50 zl (5 €) in 2nd class.

When you buy a ticket, write/draw on a paper that is easy to understand, use your imagination. They probably don't speak English.
9 Jul 2010 /  #6
You need to type in two rail stations names on pkp.pl site to see timetable. English version of website is available:

Warszawa Centralna (for Warsaw)
Gdańsk Główny (for Gdansk)

It's 329km distance by train

There are 2 possibilities:

Direct Express Intercity (EIC) train - 114,00 PLN in 2nd class; 149,00 PLN in 1st class (reserved coach included in price). Duration of whole travel is about 5h15m.

Direct TLK train (Cheap rail lines) - 53,00 PLN in 2nd class; 82,00 PLN in 1st class (no reserved coach in 2nd class, optional reservation in 1st class at cost of 10 PLN). Duration of whole travel is about 6h20m (an hour longer than EIC).

I recommend you to choose EIC. TLK have lover standard and having no reserved coach is ridiculous.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Jul 2010 /  #7
I recommend you to choose EIC. TLK have lover standard and having no reserved coach is ridiculous.

TLK doesn't necessarily have lower standards - while the name tells you what you need to know (it's meant to be cheap!) - they frequently use EIC carriages on TLK services.

What's ridiculous about unreserved seating? It costs money to administer reservations, and the lack of reserved seating means that boarding times are faster. If you want a reservation, you travel 1st class - simple.

Anyway, from Poznan to Gdansk, the journey sucks regardless of which type of train you use. There's no direct EIC service, so you have a choice of InterRegio or TLK services. For such a long trip, I'd steer clear of InterRegio (though it is cheaper!) due to the unreliable quality of the services.

As I recall, Poznan-Gdansk is through Bydgoszcz.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
9 Jul 2010 /  #8
Warszawa Centralna (for Warsaw)
Gdańsk Główny (for Gdansk)

She asked about Poznań-Gdańsk.

I recommend you to choose EIC. TLK have lover standard and having no reserved coach is ridiculous.

I disagree. The difference in comfort is not very big. What you pay for is that EIC has newer trains. However, the difference in price is big. If you don't care about money you can choose EIC of course. But TLK is comfortable enough for everyone I know. And about reservation, how often is the TLK between Poznań-Gdańsk full? Not often, maybe sometimes on friday/sunday in the afternoon/evening.
OP ilariuzza  1 | 1  
17 Jul 2010 /  #9
Thank you very much! I had been looking in the web site you told me, and I was also interested in going from Warsaw to Gdansk. I saw that this trip lasts like 7-8 hours, so I thought I could travel by night (there's a train that departs from Warsaw at 23 and arrives at 7 am to Gdasnk)...do you think it is safe travelling by night, being careful with money and not alone (I go with my boyfriend)? Are there couchettes or some kind of bed where we can sleep? I'm asking this because I met some Polish girls who told me that travelling by train in Poland is a very interesting experience: sometimes you could buy a ticket without buying an actual seat! If it's a 2 hours trip it could be ok, but 7 hours by night I don't know if I could resist...thanks!

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