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Summer Vacation at the seaside in Poland for 19/20 year olds?

3 Mar 2014 /  #1

I am planning to go with my friends to Poland in the summer and would love to go to the sea side! Does anyone know where is best to go for young people? We will want to drink etc and wouldn't want to go somewhere, where we would annoy people!

Thank you!
Uglywoman  3 | 75  
3 Mar 2014 /  #2
Have a great time on the beach!

I picture you relaxing in some bathing suits with white and navy stripes and red on it as well, very Valentino superstripe :)

Take pictures and show us :)
McDouche  6 | 282  
3 Mar 2014 /  #3
So you're interested in a beach vacation? Why Poland of all places?
OP ClaudiaAnnaa  
3 Mar 2014 /  #4
Well i'm half Polish and therefore in Poland a lot, so I feel comfortable being in Poland alone and thought it would be nice to show my friends Poland! Plus its also cheaper than going to Cyprus etc and personally id rather be in Poland :)
3 Mar 2014 /  #5
if you like parties - go to Tricity, Sopot in particular. I personally like more quiet places like Karwia(clean sandy beaches), Leba is nice too(more crowded though). i love the dunes there
gumishu  15 | 6228  
3 Mar 2014 /  #6
£eba was once popular among Polish youth, they had a big camping there but they have also hotels and privately rented rooms and houses - I am not sure Polish seaside is that cheap actually - I ve only been once in Gdynia Sopot in recent years and not really as a tourist - you have to take the weather into account also which is not always good on the Baltic shore in summer contrary to the Mediterrenean -
3 Mar 2014 /  #7
Go stay in Sopot for the Opener: opener.pl/pl/Artysci?stage=37
4 Mar 2014 /  #8
Plus its also cheaper than going to Cyprus etc

You sure about that? I've not been to the Polish seaside for a few years but the last time I was there the prices were the same as or higher than Cyprus. People I know who were at both Cyprus and the Polish seaside say that Cyprus is now cheaper, and of course it has better weather (but also more Russians, and Brits).

£eba was once popular among Polish youth, they had a big camping there but they have also hotels and privately rented rooms and houses - I am not sure Polish seaside is that cheap actually

I was there about five years ago and was amazed at how utterly packed the place was; you could hardly see the sand on the beach for all the people on it. The hotel we were in was charging about six times what the room was actually worth.

Go stay in Sopot for the Opener

Would they not do better to stay in Gydnia? Also, the line-up this year looks very very weak.
4 Mar 2014 /  #9
Would they not do better to stay in Gydnia? Also, the line-up this year looks very very weak.

If they want beach time and a good all rounder, Sopot would be better. The trains run 24/7 during the Opener so travelling is not an issue.

The Line-up: opener.pl/pl/Artysci?stage=37 is no where near concluded they have to add another 20 bands or so and there is no headliner for Saturday or draw for Sunday. Prince,Rhianna both played the opener so who is the big name for 2014? My call is imagine dragons,Peter Gabriel, Katy Perry or Lady Gaga will play the opener this year.
7 Aug 2014 /  #10
You can check side wczasyopinie.pl or get information on +48 511345577 they help me to find best place witch i ever been in mielno
Warszawiak88  - | 2  
11 Aug 2017 /  #11

Szczecin Tall Ships Races 2017 - one of the best summer events in Poland in one of it's coolest cities

here's a brief summary of the event (guys, wait until the club scene:-D


and this guy is a hero of this year's TSR, LOL


When you plan a visit to Poland, Szczecin is a must!
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
12 Aug 2017 /  #12
Yes, I enjoyed Szczecin also. Wasn't there more than half a day's trip worth, but loved the harbor as well as the Old Town Square! Too long ago and far away to recall the special places I visited, unfortunately. Alas. But then, there's always next time.

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