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Is it safe to drive in Poland?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Jun 2019 /  #31
You become a criminal for a crime you haven't committed.

If you own a lethal weapon, you've certainly got responsibility for the use of a lethal weapon.

I may now but I choose not to tell or may not remember well and don't want to put someone in trouble.

Then if you don't want to get someone in trouble, you can take the fine yourself.

If you don't remember, then you give them the people that might have driven it on that day and they'll figure it out. However, normally photographs are taken from the front, so the person can be easily identified. If you're the owner of the car and you don't recognise who is driving your car, then there are problems ;)


Can't talk for the US, but in Poland, most trouble is caused by middle aged angry men, not young people.

Are you familiar with this youtube channel, Johnny?


Plenty of Polish lunatics for you.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
3 Jun 2019 /  #32
doesn't want to reveal whom he sold it to.

Baloney.......if you sold your car you are no longer responsible for it.
If someone commits a crime with your knife or your car because of your negligence then you become accountable for being irresponsible..

You become a criminal for a crime you haven't committed.

If I were to leave my loaded gun out where someone had access to it and they took it and killed someone then I am responsible for being negligent.

I know this generation has lost those two words, 'accountable' and 'responsible', in their vocabulary.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Jun 2019 /  #33
Baloney.......if you sold your car you are no longer responsible for it.

At least in Poland, you're supposed to have a proper contract of sale, with the identity card / passport numbers of the seller. If you have that, you aren't responsible.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
3 Jun 2019 /  #34
I know this generation has lost those two words, 'accountable' and 'responsible', in their vocabulary.

Don't you know that everybody was molested and abused as a child? Some even when they were 25. Or are on drugs. You are a heartless person, JR.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
3 Jun 2019 /  #35
If you have that, you aren't responsible.

Well there you go, I made my point perfectly clear.
I think the OP is just trying to be difficult by not using any common sense.
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Jun 2019 /  #36
you're supposed to have proper contract of sale, with the identity card / passport numbers of the seller.

You should also cancel your ownership of the car in the registration office. Once I didn`t do it and had a little problem. A few years ago I was summoned to the police because the guy who had bought my old car had a minor crash and escaped. So they tracked me down because I was still the owner according to their data. I had to show the sale contract and that was enough.
OP SafeDriver  
3 Jun 2019 /  #37
I don't know if it's a civilized solution. Don't Poles know what freedom is and they actually support this tyranny? This what what the conversation would look like in the US vs Poland?


Police: Sir, we have a record that someone driving your car yesterday committed a car. Do you know who it might me?

Me: Hmm. I don't really recall. But please do let me know when I can pick it up.

Police: Right, but you don't really know who drove your car yesterday?

Me: Sorry, I don't know anything about it. Gentlemen, have a good day.

Police: Fair enough, good night. We'll contact you about car pickup tomorrow.


Police: Sir, someone driving your car committed a crime yesterday. Our camera shows it was not you, but we need to know who it was. Please give us their contact information.

Me: Hm, I don't really know, don't remember anything about it.

Police: Sir, if you don't know, you are the main suspect.

Me: But as you told me, and I can prove, it was not me driving the car yesterday.

Police: It doesn't matter. It was your car. You are under arrest.

Me: #$$##$ Komuno wróć!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
3 Jun 2019 /  #38
what if the owner of the car doesn't give the details or doesn't know who used his car

somebody's in trouble..... somebody's in trouble....

You become a criminal for a crime you haven't committed

concealing the identity of someone who broke the law is called aiding and abetting, a crime in most places...

Police: Fair enough, good night. We'll contact you about car pickup tomorrow.

Not how US police work. You need to own up to whatever it is you did and pay up. Be a man and not a lawbreaker!
pawian  219 | 24792  
3 Jun 2019 /  #39
Police: Fair enough, good night. We'll contact you about car pickup tomorrow.

That`s really strange. Are Am cops so stupid?

Police: It doesn't matter. It was your car. You are under arrest.

Don`t be silly. Nobody is arrested right away.

Hey, your infantile arguments smell of another smartass troll. Get lost and try another forum. :):)
OP SafeDriver  
3 Jun 2019 /  #40
I'd welcome actually the police in the US to arrest me because I'd collect money for false arrest. Pleading the fifth is what protects people. In a civilized country, it is the accuser / police to prove you committed a crime, not the other way. It is a shame Poles allowed to be castrated and they actually enjoy the tyranny.

You need to own up to whatever it is you did and pay up.

I committed no crime. Lending somebody a car is not a crime in a civilized world. It is no crime not to cooperate with the police either. It is in Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Jun 2019 /  #41
Not how US police work.

I've just checked, and it seems that they deal with it in a simple way: if you refuse to identify the driver, they simply won't allow you to renew your registration.They're also apparently got systems that automatically match the driver's face to the photo on the licence. The initial citations are issued to the car owner, not the driver, unless they've automatically matched them to the offence.

The other thing is that speed camera tickets seem to be a civil, not criminal offence, so the 5th amendment doesn't apply.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
3 Jun 2019 /  #42
No, that is not the way the conversation would go at all.

your infantile arguments smell of another smartass troll.

I think you just nailed it pawian.
This guy just wants to see how many hits he can get on his new thread.
He obviously DOES NOT know how the laws work in the U.S.A. and he is trying to pretend that he is a New York lawyer.

There is another law though that hasn't been mentioned which is, "withholding evidence from a police officer" which WILL put you in jail in many instances.

I'd welcome actually the police in the US to arrest me because I'd collect money for false arrest.

You wouldn't do crap my friend, the police could stack charge after charge on you for any damn thing they wanted,
A police officers job is to merely collect evidence to charge you with and then turns it over to the prosecutor and he decides what to prosecute you with.

Cops in the U.S. loves smart asses like you and have been trained how to make your life a living hell.

It is no crime not to cooperate with the police either.

REALLY now, withholding evidence is most certainly a major crime son. (jail time)
They would provoke the hell out of a guy like you (they are trained exactly how to do it) and slap resisting and obstructing (a felony) on you and throw your dupa in the can.

You then would have to go find yourself a real attorney to represent you that would cost you AT LEAST $5000 retainer up front, that you would never get back, even if you won your case.

That is why you say yes sir and no sir and I will help anyway that I can.
Call it what you want but if you are doing nothing wrong you don't have to worry about any of your nonsense here.
Guys like you are the ones that are always claiming the police are picking on them.
Can you imagine that !

Discuss laws in Poland please.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
4 Jun 2019 /  #43
It is no crime not to cooperate with the police either

It depends on what crime has been committed.... speeding? not sure, hit and run? DUI and hit and run?

they actually enjoy the tyranny

helping to make sure that those who commit infractions have to face the consequences of their actions =/= tyranny

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