delphiandomine 86 | 17823
3 Jun 2019 / #31
You become a criminal for a crime you haven't committed.
If you own a lethal weapon, you've certainly got responsibility for the use of a lethal weapon.
I may now but I choose not to tell or may not remember well and don't want to put someone in trouble.
Then if you don't want to get someone in trouble, you can take the fine yourself.
If you don't remember, then you give them the people that might have driven it on that day and they'll figure it out. However, normally photographs are taken from the front, so the person can be easily identified. If you're the owner of the car and you don't recognise who is driving your car, then there are problems ;)
Can't talk for the US, but in Poland, most trouble is caused by middle aged angry men, not young people.
Are you familiar with this youtube channel, Johnny?
Plenty of Polish lunatics for you.