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Is it safe to travel to Poland?

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
19 Sep 2009 /  #31
Adam: Here is a link that may help you work out what you need to look out for/watch out for when you go to Poland, this link is from the FCO (foreign Commonwealth Office) It will give you all the information you are looking for: fco.gov.uk/en/travelling-and-living-overseas/travel-advice-by-country/europe/poland
carolejohn2000  - | 1  
23 Dec 2009 /  #32
No individual can give you a better suggestion about the happening in a country. If a country in under terrorism or political valance foreigner's are the sufferer. I too faced such a problems in my Foreign visit's i can suggest you to make use of the service given by mysafetravel(dot)com They provide a wonderful tips for my travel, those help me to well settle in countries. I thank again for there wonderful service.
Think Twice  
23 Dec 2009 /  #33



convex  20 | 3928  
23 Dec 2009 /  #34

I don't know, I've been to both. Poland is one of the safer places on this little planet of ours.

Petty theft is a small problem, violent crime isn't. I've had stuff stolen off of my car at night, but never anything else. No pickpockets, no burglaries, never been mugged, no highway robberies. I think most of the criminals have now been relocated to Poczta Polska sorting centers.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
23 Dec 2009 /  #35

Recruiting for the service in US Army, are we?
BrutalButcher  - | 386  
23 Dec 2009 /  #36
The titles of the threads on this forum make me lose hope in mankind.

"Is it safe to travel to Poland"...
Since when is Poland Pakistan or North Korea or Irak?
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Dec 2009 /  #37
in some ignorant people's minds it is BB. You can see it very well on this forum, I mean the ignorance.

Another stupid thread "Why do Poles choose to die instead of going back home" - no comments on that one....
BrutalButcher  - | 386  
23 Dec 2009 /  #38
Most threads containing the prefix "pol" in their titles are destined to fail.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
23 Dec 2009 /  #39
I was wondering if it would be safe for me and my family to travel to Poland on our own? Thanks,

No! The scary monsters that hide around every corner will suck your blood till you faint.
Also "Polish People" like to lick the back of your thighs in order to get some warmth during the winter season.
convex  20 | 3928  
23 Dec 2009 /  #41
Recruiting for the service in US Army, are we?

I had to pay my own way, but I understand that you do get a free trip if you sign up for the army.
vetala  - | 381  
23 Dec 2009 /  #42
Also, we eat their babies.
convex  20 | 3928  
23 Dec 2009 /  #43
I actually saw this in Poznan, little fellow didn't have a chance.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
23 Dec 2009 /  #44
I understand that you do get a free trip if you sign up for the army.

Besides the free trip; think of the adventure, the experience you’ll gain, the thrill. Nice desert scenery or High Mountains if you prefer, unspoiled wilderness with occasional firework display. Wonderful architecture except for the areas you previously visited. VIP treatment (always traveling in convoy) there’s no need to be afraid of those pesky highway robbers. The thieves, liars and cheats; nothing to worry about (no one will fvck with you) after all you will carry a gun curtsey of your travel agent (complimentary). The accommodations to die for, friendly staff and the locals always ready to guide you entertain you and surprise you. Never a dull moment, three square meals a day and wakeup call service. All in all; action packed adventure in all inclusive resort with like minded individuals, daily excursions, helicopter tours and other attractions for those who are willing to experience the great outdoors. If you sign up today you’ll be able to stay at all of our resorts in the area.

At least that’s what I got out of it, how about you?
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Dec 2009 /  #45
I actually saw this in Poznan, little fellow didn't have a chance.

poor baby. Let's all pray for him in this special time of Xmas ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Dec 2009 /  #46
Is it safe to travel to Poland?

No,except if you wear red,polish girls may attack you.
convex  20 | 3928  
23 Dec 2009 /  #47
poor baby. Let's all pray for him in this special time of Xmas ;)

If you're going to pray for him, you should also pray for the millions of babies that are eaten all across poland. Why do you think the birth rate is so low, yet there are so many pregnant women? Only one explanation.
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Dec 2009 /  #48
hahahahaha, you guys make me laugh! thank you!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
23 Dec 2009 /  #49
Only one explanation.

convex  20 | 3928  
23 Dec 2009 /  #50
At least that’s what I got out of it, how about you?

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get in on the package deal. I've heard really great things, especially regarding the cultural exchanges.

I hear that they are having to close some of the resort destinations, though I understand that may change in 2012 if the company gets a new ceo. If they start offering trips to Persepolis, I'll be first in line.
f stop  24 | 2493  
23 Dec 2009 /  #51
In every country there are impoverished, 'unsafe' areas. For the tourist it's important that there are places he/she knows about that are safe to walk around, even in the evenings. I don't know where they are any more, but pointing them out would be much more useful HERE than arguing about statistics.
Think Twice  
23 Dec 2009 /  #52
Lucky guy convex.

Either your visits aint long enough when in Poland or your friends cover the truth from you very well.

Petty crime ?

What planet are you from ?

Got 6 numbers for the lottery ?
Nika  2 | 507  
23 Dec 2009 /  #53
pointing them out would be much more useful HERE than arguing about statistics.

nobody's arguing, we are having a nice chat and a good laugh. What's wrong with that?
pawian  226 | 27471  
24 Dec 2009 /  #54
I was wondering if it would be safe for me and my family to travel to Poland on our own? Thanks,

Of course. I always travel on my own and never ever has anything nasty happened to me.

Lookie here, I am carrying a piece of wood for my own campfire. Very often Polish locals help me carry those heavy logs. They never try to rob me of this wood.

poland wood
convex  20 | 3928  
24 Dec 2009 /  #55
Either your visits aint long enough when in Poland or your friends cover the truth from you very well.

I guess I'm fooling myself seeing as I've lived here off and on for the last 5 years (latest stint has been a year and a half). Things are great in my fantasy world. I've had parts stolen off my car, that's it. What happened to you here that traumatized you so badly?

This place is like candyland.
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Dec 2009 /  #56
Hm... never had parts of my car stolen in US..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Dec 2009 /  #57
Difference is, that's about as high as crime goes here. Compare this to America, where you just wouldn't walk in certain areas. Heck, people get killed in casino car parks in America!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
24 Dec 2009 /  #58
America is more dangerous...in spots...and if you ever been to Florida, you'd know cars get stolen and shipped off to Latin America.
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Dec 2009 /  #59
So, are there parts of Warsaw/Krakow you would not stroll around in the evening? If so, where and why?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
24 Dec 2009 /  #60

Some parts of Praga (which were once called "the Bermuda Triangle" with the highest crime rate in Warsaw). Recently I've heard that some new clubs etc. have been installed here, and have become very popular. But be careful.


Nowa Huta is the classic place most people in Poland know about.

One should watch out for criminal gangs that think these places are theirneighborhood.

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