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Poland in photo riddles

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Jul 2019 /  #2911
Yes, very good, Leccinum Scabrum.


This plaque commemorates ..... ?

  • Bieszcz2012319.JPG
24 Jul 2019 /  #2912
what is left then?

Insects, but it doesn't look like anything I've seen. Doesn't look like a butterfly, moth or dragonfly.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Jul 2019 /  #2913
Doesn't look like a butterfly, moth or dragonfly.

Why not? Photos are taken at various angles.
24 Jul 2019 /  #2914
Ok, I will go for some type of butterfly then. Moths are usually out at night and dragonfly wings look a bit more delicate than those on your specimen.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Jul 2019 /  #2915
Ok, I will go for some type of butterfly then.

YES! I wrote it was not such a common species. It was sitting on us before. The Polish name is mourning nympha. as the mourning cloak in North America and the Camberwell Beauty in Britain,

  • Bieszcz2012762.JPG
25 Jul 2019 /  #2916
That's a really pretty butterfly, never heard of it before. Now did you take the pic at that angle knowing it would go into this thread one day?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
25 Jul 2019 /  #2917
No, I took photos of everything that moved or was still in the area.

There is one above and the last one from Bieszczady below:


  • Bieszcz2012147.JPG
26 Jul 2019 /  #2918
I haven't forgotten the one above but searching on a mobile is a pain. Is it at that same Polish and Soviet cemetery in Baligród? The face in the bottom pic looks familiar but maybe I'm confusing it with Yul Brynner;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jul 2019 /  #2919

The statue/memorial in Jabłonki of General Karol Świerczewski, who was executed by the UPA there during the ethnic cleansing of Bieszczady and surrounding areas.

Quite a popular tourist attraction:)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Jul 2019 /  #2920
Yes, Chemikiem and delph, it is near the cemetery. Or, rather was. They dismantled it this year. Świerczewski was highly controvercial, more of a Soviet traitor than a patriot. Thousands of Polish soldiers died because of his leadership incompetence.

Delph, he wasn`t executed. There was an ambush on the road and a little skirmish followed. He was shot in action.

The destruction of the monument can be called the historical justice..

I hadn` t cared when it was there - not my area, not my business - and I didn`t care when they pulled it down - I won`t cry after it.

You can see the red grafitti TRAITOR on those marble plates still attached to the monument.

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26 Jul 2019 /  #2921
A new riddle........
I took this pic in Vilnius today. It was on a wall with a plaque next to it. All I want to know is whose overcoat it was. The owner was Lithuanian, not Polish, but there is a Polish connection. The owner was a sculptor and architect, and a famous example of his work can be found in Krakow. I'm sure this will be far too easy!

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26 Jul 2019 /  #2923
Blimey that was quick, and yes, you are correct! The Battle of Grunwald monument was his work, although it was destroyed in WW2 and had to be rebuilt. The story of the overcoat can be read on the plaque:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Jul 2019 /  #2924
All I want to know is whose overcoat it was.

In the Polish text I found "szynel." In Polish it means a military coat.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jul 2019 /  #2925
Delph, he wasn`t executed. There was an ambush on the road and a little skirmish followed. He was shot in action.

Wasn't he a notorious alcoholic and dreadful military man? I used executed, because it's hard to imagine him actually fighting.

I'm sorry to see the monument go, because those PRL-era monuments are part of history for me. I know it's different for you, but they are a connection to a different era for me. For me, the presence of these monuments reminded me of what was - and a reminder of what we should fight against.

I would, personally, prefer to see such monuments left in place, with information boards to explain what they stood for in those times and what the truth actually is today.

While we're on the topic - are there any memorials to those that were forced out of their homes during Akcja Wisła? I've been in Bieszczady several times and never seen one...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jul 2019 /  #2926
I know there's a few monuments to the Poles who were deported by Stalin to the east...

I agree with keeping the PRL monuments because its still a part of history. I don't see what purpose destroying them serves.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jul 2019 /  #2927
Wasn't he a notorious alcoholic and dreadful military man?

Yes, he was. During Bolshevik Revolution he fought on the Reds` side and later against Poles. Stayed in the Soviet Union, became a military intelligence agent. Fought in Spain against Franco. During German Soviet war he was removed from his position for alcoholism and incompetence. Made a commander of Polish troops created by Stalin, sent them to certain death with his crazy orders. Germans scored their last great victory in WW2 thanks to Świerczewski.

I'm sorry to see the monument go, because those PRL-era monuments are part of history for me. I know it's different for you

No delph, scum like that doesn `t deserve monuments. He had blood on his hands. It is not Finland where Finns still keep monuments to Tsar Alexander from the times when Finland was a Russian domain and today Fins remember the tsar as a good ruler.

Świerczewski was a traitor of Poland cause he prefered the Soviet Union and fought hard for the victory of communism in the world. Keeping that monument here was spitting into the faces of all victims of communism.

I agree with keeping the PRL monuments because its still a part of history. I don't see what purpose destroying them serves.

Not all communist monuments are bad. I am also against blind destruction of all PRL era stuff. But in case of Świerczewski, it was historical justice.
28 Jul 2019 /  #2928
military coat.

Strange it was referred to as just an overcoat in the English. Looks like a greatcoat to me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jul 2019 /  #2929
Because it is a greatcoat.
mafketis  38 | 11284  
28 Jul 2019 /  #2930
it is a greatcoat.

what's a greatcoat? looks like an overcoat to me (nb I grew up in warm climes with an impoverished vocabulary for things you wear over shirts... the words jacket and coat were used more or less interchangeably...)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jul 2019 /  #2931
I believe greatcoat looks more military than an overcoat.

The problem arose when I read Polish szynel - soldier`s coat in the info plaque in one photo above but they translated it as overcoat in English version.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
28 Jul 2019 /  #2932
Wasn't he a notorious alcoholic and dreadful military man?

He was part of Soviet agent/military/tool or whatnot. Used in Spain. No need for his monuments, send them To Kremlin.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jul 2019 /  #2933
Used in Spain.

Dear Iron, can we have a request? When you explain sth, can you provide more info? Your way is too succinct, people who are not aware of certain historic events might feel lost after reading you. This forum doesn` t exist only to show others how much you know. One of its more important goals is to englighten people about things they didn`t know.

I hope you understand what I mean.

Compare my earlier entry on Świerczewski.

Fought in Spain against Franco.

jon357  72 | 23706  
29 Jul 2019 /  #2934
Antoni Wiwulski?

A thoroughly decent man and a seemly memorial.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jul 2019 /  #2935
There is still one last Bieszczady riddle in 2911.
Now I am going to show you some completely random stuff. I have processed a few thousand photos from recent years, so let`s go.

What was it?

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OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jul 2019 /  #2937
hahaha Nope. Neither magic mushrooms.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Jul 2019 /  #2938
That was Tauron Arena in Krakow by night. Krakow Arena is the biggest hall entertainment and sports venue in Poland.

Where was I?

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31 Jul 2019 /  #2939
Is it taken in a park of miniatures somewhere? The scale looks wrong to me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Jul 2019 /  #2940
Yes, it is in Zator, Dinoland. Did you recognise the building?

What is this structure in reality?

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Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / Poland in photo riddlesArchived