Hint: I mentioned I saw several churches with a donation request and postcards around. Most of these churches were shut when we visited them, we could only enter the lobby (whatever it is called in the church in English) and peek through the stained glass of the closed door. Postcards were in the lobby.
My guess is that the postcards can be bought for people to send to their family/friends etc, or perhaps kept as a souvenir, and there is a donation box for people to leave their money in when the church is closed.
What public institution is housed in that structure?
Strażnica w Ustrzykach Górnych. Border guard building in Ustrzyki Górne.
I did wonder if it was part of a cemetery as I can see a star ( Soviet ?) on that first box. I don't think the star has 6 points from what I can see, but I'm on a mobile and it's not that clear when I enlarge picture. A bird in the second picture ? Eagle? Or am I supposed to be looking in the clouds?
I like it, sounds so poetic. And whales are such romantic animals. Thanks. Unfortunately, that was another, quite common representative of animal kingdom. On second thoughts and a hint - its exact species isn`t so common in Poland. So far I have taken pics of only 3 of them since the beginning of digital photography. In my case, 2005.
If it's not a bird, then there is only bats or insects which fly. Bats aren't usually out in the day, plus it looks too large to be a bat. Wrong part of the world for large bats e.g fruit bats
By skunk you mean this stinking one? But we have already established that only two flying animals are possible - bats and insects. And we already excluded bats.