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Poland in photo riddles

27 Jun 2019 /  #2731
decipher the ending SKIE in the plaque and it suggests sth general,

The monument is not dedicated to one particular hero, but it is a memorial to honour the members of a specific organisation.
The brick building itself is 19th Century, but the museum within which houses the memorial, is 20th Century.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2732
The brick building itself is 19th Century, but the museum within which houses the memorial, is 20th Century.

It reminds me of Pawiak in Warsaw. I have to check it.

PS. No, it isn`t Pawiak and Warsaw is on Wisła banks.

but it is a memorial to honour the members of a specific organisation.

Cursed soldiers? Many photos depict them wearing Polish army caps.
27 Jun 2019 /  #2733
Sorry, but no.

specific organisation.

Or movement.......
Do I have to start providing much bigger clues? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2734
I am afraid you do. :)

I found out there is a Military Museum in Rzeszów, I am checking it out
27 Jun 2019 /  #2735
This museum was founded in 1947. Unfortunately for you, it's not in Rzeszów......
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2736
Which plane had such a wing?

Bell p39q
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2737
. Unfortunately for you, it's not in Rzeszów......

Not in Rzeszów, your favourite city? That`s outrageous, you tricked us in a nasty way! :):)

The only museum set up in 1947 is in Koszalin but I still can`t find that memorial. That`s torturous - now I know how you felt before.:)

Bell p39qAiracobra

Yes, used by Soviets through Lend Lease and shot down in Poland.

As you seem a good expert on planes, a few more:

What make?

  • muzuemlot42.jpg
27 Jun 2019 /  #2739
That`s torturous - now I know how you felt before.:)

Not yet you don't, remember how long some of yours took me to get :) Zemsta.........
Ok, I'm not as cruel and heartless as you, so a big clue. The building was originally a fortification structure.

MiG-15UTI Midget

Wow Dolno, that was quick! Are you a planespotter ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2740
MiG-15UTI Midget


Ok, I'm not as cruel and heartless as you, so a big clue. The building was originally a fortification structure.

Yes, revenge is sweet! :)
But you are cruel cause the clue doesn`t help much. I stil can`t find it.

What about this one?

  • Kopiamuzeumlot33.jp.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2741
w Dolno, that was quick! Are you a planespotter ;)

Errrm well kind of involved with Mig's at one point in my life, valve radios and the like.

But here is a little known fact for you all.

Polish Air Force pilot, defected from Soviet-controlled Poland in a MiG-15 on the morning of 5 March 1953, allowing Western air experts to examine the aircraft for the first time.

What about this one?

Polish su22, designated fitter NATO
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2742
Sorry, no, SU-22 was my next riddle, see it below, the planes have two different noses

  • muzeumlot57.jpg
27 Jun 2019 /  #2743
the clue doesn`t help much

Ok, massive clues are needed! In WW2, this site was used as a place of mass executions. The monument is housed not in a corridor, but in a cell. There are 20 cells within the building, which is circular.............
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2744
Kraków Forty Krzesławickie? No, Wisła again. :(
27 Jun 2019 /  #2745
Try south east Poland.......
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2746
two different noses

Couldnt see full nose in first pic and just jumped to a conclusion based on cockpit, tired now going to bed.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2747
Try south east Poland.......

Ah, Lublin! Yes, the Castle, where Germans massacred Poles! I am guessing now.

Couldnt see full nose in first pic and just jumped to a conclusion based on cockpit, tired now going to bed.

Yes, here you are, full nose view. Sweet dreams and I hope to see you here again tomorrow.

  • muzeumlot36.jpg
27 Jun 2019 /  #2748
Sorry but no :( But Lublin is one of my favourite cities! :)
The historic centre of this city is on the UNESCO World Heritage List :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2749
Sorry but no :( But Lublin is one of my favourite cities! :)

Aah, so it must be Przemyśl, with the WW1 fortifications.
27 Jun 2019 /  #2750
Sorry but no :(

Ok, I cannot bear the pain any longer!
The monument is in a cell in the Zamość Rotunda:


That particular monument honours the members of the underground resistance fighters of Bataliony Chłopskie, who gave their lives trying to defend and retaliate against the murders, evacuations and deportations of the people of Zamość.

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2019 /  #2751
Ok, I cannot bear the pain any longer!

You are so gentle with me, thanks very much. :):) It was a hellish intellectual marathon.

Bataliony Chłopski

aah, now I know why those statues look so .. informal. :):)

I presume you are not into planes so let`s leave them for boys.

What and why? If you need translation, I will lend a hand.

  • 2012wakacje586.jpg
27 Jun 2019 /  #2752

I'm sure there will be many more hellish riddles to come :)
I will look at those comedy bank notes another time, my bed is calling me now.......
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jun 2019 /  #2753
I will look at

The info is available on the net, interesting history and story, too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jun 2019 /  #2755
Yes, very good, Iskra (Spark) was a purely Polish construction.

So, more for you:


  • muzeumlot24.jpg
29 Jun 2019 /  #2756
What and why?

A couple of questions. Is the writing to the left of Reagan's head important because I can't see it that well. I can make out what looks like 'z okazji', the number 40, rzadow, and w Polsce'. Something to do with a 40 year reign? Are the dates important? 22/07/1944 was the day the PKWN was set up and also liberation of Majdanek. Between then and 22/07/1984, Poland was under communist rule.

On the second note, I'm not sure if that is Konstantin Chernenko? NKWD ( NKVD )? and UB bank, Soviet security service and Polish secret police. Jeden pierdol speaks for itself ;) There is some writing under Chernenko's? head, but I can't read that either.

Reagan is doing that arm gesture made famous by Kozakiewicz at the 1980 olympics, and which p1ssed off the Russians.
I can't quite put it all together as usual ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jun 2019 /  #2757
The words next to Reagan - yes, they are a little important and you made them out quite well except there is one more: of communists` reign in Poland.

The second note presents a Polish communist politician of the time. The words under his head read: M.F.R. - gawron mniejszy - a lesser/smaller grackle.

With all this data put together, plus you said earlier comedy banknotes. it is really easy.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Jun 2019 /  #2758

Mig 29 Fulcrum , simply amazing beats a f16 anyday.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Jun 2019 /  #2759
Yes, A beautiful plane, I never cease to admire its shape, it is so ..... graceful, like a ballerina dancing Swan Lake. As for beating F16, Americans had better electronics on their planes. e..g, radar. As always.


A piece of cake for you:

  • muzuemlot71.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Jun 2019 /  #2760
A piece of cake

Yep, Spitfire, but I think the insignia is zf? I thought the Polish designation was RF, help me out here , funny enough Hanging above by head is a picture of the toby inns 303 sqdn spitfire flying over the cliffs of dover.

Doh ZF Krakow supermarine, you been to the Krakow museum to take that picture?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / Poland in photo riddlesArchived