Jadwiga, Queen of Poland
Yes, indeed a comprehensive list as backto has noticed. Thank you, you get a point.
The thing on the wall is the Black Madonna, Matka Boska Częstochowska icon.
Yes, exactly.
Atch, you had doubts about it but let me tell you it is an obvious guess for a typical Pole, so whenever you see an obscure picture which looks like a portrait and there is a round shining object at the top and a smaller one beneath and you can`t discern features of the face because it is so dark, then it must be Black Madonna.
let me add to it Wandę co nie chciała Niemca ;)
Yes, chronologically, Wanda is No 1. :)
It's Smierć Ellenai by Jacek Malczewski, this painting comes from 1883.
Yes, exactly, the full painting below:
And a new riddle: What event does this painting show?