but one friend is an RE teacher, and the other a very religious Catholic, and they were both clueless.
Oh la la, it has really gotten serious. :):):)
Last thought - something to do with all the blessings received over a lifetime?
Hmm, I am not sure what you mean, probably not.
Let`s ellucidate on the whole mysterious clock metaphor then. It is really simple.
Firstly, one should remember that it has been a long tradition to put up such symbolic grave displays in Polish churches at Easter time. Another thing to remember is that a lot of those displays are meant to get across certain message to believers, often they refer to the times we live in.
Here are all the hints I provided :
Every year there is a different display. Also, remember who made this display. what is the priest`s main role?One of the roles/activities performed by priests to/for people is preaching. Preaching has a few meanings. Which one and how connects with clocks? Why do people keep/use clocks? To show time. What for???? What is time for people of Western civilisations? Blessing or curse? How does this and all I said before connect to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?Each year the priests in our church build a new decoration for the grave. They do it to preach to the parishoners. Preaching has two meanings: deliver a sermon and instruct/persuade sb to take a course of action. It is natural the display is used to persuade. Who and what about? And why clocks?
Clocks are primarily used to show the time. Their secondary function, but the one which often bothers people, is showing the
passageof time. We constantly look at our clocks/watches/smartphones and either we are irritated that time goes so slowly or quite the opposite, too fast, depending on a situation. Hence my allusion to the curse of a Westerner - we invented clocks to measure time and we became its and their slaves.
Clocks were intentionally chosen by the priests to show the passing time. Time before what? Death, of course. The message is as following: Look at the grave and clocks next to it. Think about how much time you have been left with. It can be actually very little - you can die any moment. What should you do? Give up your sinful ways till you still have a chance, because when time is up and game`s over, it will be too late. Look at the Jesus` grave again, first containing the body, then empty and remember, we are all going to die, but our deeds will decide where we will go - up or down. If you want to go up, try to live like Jesus did. He died, indeed, but thanks to his deeds, he was resurrected and taken to Heaven. If you want to follow him, do as he did - believe, love God and your neighbour, live decently. If necessary, change. your life now before you run out of time.
Other educational displays from our church, (I helped to put up some of them and even offered my ideas for decorations but I can`t find the one which used supermarket trolleys full of gadgets, meaning senseless pursuit and devotion to earthly matters) .


Crosses symbolise sins - our each sin is like another cross for Jesus

People have thrown the commandments into a rubbish bin