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Poland in photo riddles

1 Apr 2019 /  #2311
What is their meaning?

Time of the cruxifiction and death?

Thank God for that, it took me long enough!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2019 /  #2312
Yes, how did you know? :)

My friend owns an air rifle for scaring birds with, and we were blasting bottles with it ;)

This one is much harder, damn you ;D
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
2 Apr 2019 /  #2313
Time of the cruxifiction and death?

No, that would be too simple. :) the mere shroud and cross would be enough to remind of it. Clocks suggest sth deeper.

My friend owns an air rifle for scaring birds with,

We don`t shoot at birds, but bottles and jars are blasted into pieces one after another.

This one is much harder, damn you ;D

I hoped so. And slept well. :)
3 Apr 2019 /  #2314
Clocks suggest sth deeper.

Unless they're to represent the time between death and resurrection, I have no idea :( But that is too simple.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2315
You know it but in the back of your mind.You are too shy, come on, you worry that what you say will be too deep. Don`t.

Double hint: Every year there is a different display. Also, remember who made this display.
3 Apr 2019 /  #2316
You know it but in the back of your mind

Oh no I don't!

Every year there is a different display. Also, remember who made this display.

Now I'm more confused than ever! Different display because Easter Sunday date varies? Church members made it? This riddle is horrendous!!!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2317
Now I'm more confused than ever!

Please, don`t give up! You can do it! Just one more little effort. :)
Different means every year the display uses another motif.
Not members but priests, of course. Hint - what is the priest`s main role?
jon357  72 | 23706  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2318
Where could you see this little exhibition and what was its aim?

Is it to do with the Warsaw Uprising? I know daffodils symbolise the hope they had.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2319
No, jon, Chemikiem has already established it was a symbolic Jesus` grave at Easter time. Now we are trying to guess why priests put the clocks there.

Have a wider view. The beam we talked about isn`t a cross in fact but a big clock. My mistake, sorry..

  • shindler163.JPG
jon357  72 | 23706  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2320
Now we are trying to guess why priests put the clocks there.

To measure the time between the Good Friday liturgy and the first Mass of Easter, symbolising the period when the disciples and His family were still mourning?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2321
Sorry, no. Why should anybody measure such time? :) There are more important things.

Hint: one of the roles/activities performed by priests to/for people is preaching. Preaching has a few meanings. Which one and how connects with clocks?
3 Apr 2019 /  #2322
Let's see if anyone else can get this. I have absoluely no idea, and I can't connect any meaning of preaching with clocks :((
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
3 Apr 2019 /  #2323
Let`s wait till tomorrow, if nobody answers correctly, I will enlighten you. :):):)
Last but one hint: Why do people keep/use clocks? To show time. What for????
The Last of the Hints: What is time for people of Western civilisations? Blessing or curse?
The Mother of all Hints: How does this and all I said before connect to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ????
4 Apr 2019 /  #2324
Nope, I can't get this at all. A couple of friends at work had a look today too, and both made the guesses that I previously had. I thought maybe my religious knowledge was lacking, but one friend is an RE teacher, and the other a very religious Catholic, and they were both clueless.

Last thought - something to do with all the blessings received over a lifetime?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
4 Apr 2019 /  #2325
but one friend is an RE teacher, and the other a very religious Catholic, and they were both clueless.

Oh la la, it has really gotten serious. :):):)

Last thought - something to do with all the blessings received over a lifetime?

Hmm, I am not sure what you mean, probably not.

Let`s ellucidate on the whole mysterious clock metaphor then. It is really simple.

Firstly, one should remember that it has been a long tradition to put up such symbolic grave displays in Polish churches at Easter time. Another thing to remember is that a lot of those displays are meant to get across certain message to believers, often they refer to the times we live in.

Here are all the hints I provided :

Every year there is a different display. Also, remember who made this display. what is the priest`s main role?One of the roles/activities performed by priests to/for people is preaching. Preaching has a few meanings. Which one and how connects with clocks? Why do people keep/use clocks? To show time. What for???? What is time for people of Western civilisations? Blessing or curse? How does this and all I said before connect to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Each year the priests in our church build a new decoration for the grave. They do it to preach to the parishoners. Preaching has two meanings: deliver a sermon and instruct/persuade sb to take a course of action. It is natural the display is used to persuade. Who and what about? And why clocks?

Clocks are primarily used to show the time. Their secondary function, but the one which often bothers people, is showing the passageof time. We constantly look at our clocks/watches/smartphones and either we are irritated that time goes so slowly or quite the opposite, too fast, depending on a situation. Hence my allusion to the curse of a Westerner - we invented clocks to measure time and we became its and their slaves.

Clocks were intentionally chosen by the priests to show the passing time. Time before what? Death, of course. The message is as following: Look at the grave and clocks next to it. Think about how much time you have been left with. It can be actually very little - you can die any moment. What should you do? Give up your sinful ways till you still have a chance, because when time is up and game`s over, it will be too late. Look at the Jesus` grave again, first containing the body, then empty and remember, we are all going to die, but our deeds will decide where we will go - up or down. If you want to go up, try to live like Jesus did. He died, indeed, but thanks to his deeds, he was resurrected and taken to Heaven. If you want to follow him, do as he did - believe, love God and your neighbour, live decently. If necessary, change. your life now before you run out of time.

Other educational displays from our church, (I helped to put up some of them and even offered my ideas for decorations but I can`t find the one which used supermarket trolleys full of gadgets, meaning senseless pursuit and devotion to earthly matters) .

  • polishforums18.jp.jpg

  • Crosses symbolise sins - our each sin is like another cross for Jesus

  • People have thrown the commandments into a rubbish bin
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
5 Apr 2019 /  #2326
Let`s move on. Don`t forget about the latest German surnames plaque photo riddle.

In the meanwhile:

What and where?

  • polishforums12.JP.jpg
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2019 /  #2327
Don`t forget about the latest German surnames plaque photo riddle.

That one has me completely confused :(

Pawian, those displays are very clever!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
5 Apr 2019 /  #2328
No, it isn`t so confusing, somebody mentioned this place within the last two weeks.

As for being clever - if you mean difficult, no, I have just gone through the first season of riddles (two months) and noticed that members have guessed most of them. So, it is not so bad after all. I am going to sum it up when exactly two months strike, on 11th April.

Before summing up, let me remind you there are still a few unsolved riddles: Unfortunately, to avoid repeating the same answers and get some clues, you should read other posters` suggestions as well as my hints. Sorry for bothering you but I just hate leaving things unfinished.

German names plaques - what and where?

Madonna picture made of what?

Burnt dollar notes/bills - where/what for?

Two finger signs - why ?

Species of fruit - what?

Strange penguin - what is going on?

Holy place, copy of Lourdes - what/where?

What dish is going to be prepared?
6 Apr 2019 /  #2329
Oh la la, it has really gotten serious.

It did! I had to resort to desperate measures! One of them went off muttering that she would thinking about clocks all day........

Clocks were intentionally chosen by the priests to show the passing time.

Aha. Now I understand, and yes, it is quite simple once you know the answer. The purpose also being reflection and change I guess. I don't think I would have got this. For me, it was a classic case of not being able to see the wood for the trees, I was looking for something more concrete, and I guess my friends were too. Makes you think, and I am not religious either. A very good riddle :):)

I like the displays btw, especially the one of the sins written on the crosses. I have only been to a Polish church at Xmas, so saw only traditional nativity scenes, nothing like these symbolic ones.

there are still a few unsolved riddles

I know. I was stumped on the penguin and Madonna ones :(
I thought I had got the Lourdes one though. Was it not Gietrzwald as I wrote?
The two finger signs one was for either Dirk or Ironside to answer.
For the dish that was going to be prepared, I listed the ingredients I could see, but I couldn't make out what all of them were.

I am pondering over the German names, and that fish statue thingy looks to be in some sort of palace or museum setting?
I have run out of excuses for not guessing the others ;)

Will there be prizes after your summing up on April 11th? ;) After all, we have all been very good students :):)
Ironside  51 | 13124  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2330
What and where?

Commemoration of those who died, were massacred. Where? Do you mean location? How the hell would I know? If you mean a place in site or nearby cemetery.

Ironside and Dirk,

Why do you link me with him? He is projecting some American stuff on Poland. Not my cup of tea.

As to this picture. I'm not interested in KOD, demonstration of traitors, post-commies and morons but it is obvious what those Fekkers try to do. So I guess that is a one of those two:

a. victory

b. a pledge to defend constitution (which is useless piece of post-commie ...).

By the way they should have just identify all those who are demonstrating - they shouldn't be able to work for a state in any capacity.

Ah and if they are former soldiers, security people or the police they should have their pensions taken away from them. What kind of people would destabilize their own country and work against their own legal government inviting and begging for foreign intervention?

If you mean a place/location

I mean other way around

What and where?

In a Church, a Leviathan. the baroque.
6 Apr 2019 /  #2331
By the way they should have just identify all those who are demonstrating - they shouldn't be able to work for a state in any capacity.

Quite totalitarian of you. I thought the right to contest the government is one of the key and greatest parts of free, domocratic country...

It's not USA, we don't take ppl's pensions away that they worked for their whole life just because we don't like what they do.

You seem quite socialist in your approach I must say
jon357  72 | 23706  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2332
they shouldn't be able to work for a state in any capacity.

Don't be daft. In a democracy, people have the right to express their opinions in any non-violent way they choose.

Sad how some turn a thread about interesting photos into a right-wing rant.
cms neuf  2 | 1973  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2333
Is the German names plaque people who died on one of those boats that sank while evacuating Gdańsk ? There seem to be no ethnic Polish or Jewish or mixed names on there so my guess is some people who died as refugees
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2334
I have only been to a Polish church at Xmas, so saw only traditional nativity scenes, nothing like these symbolic ones.

Nativity scenes are never symbolic, only Easter displays are. BTW, did you guess the meaning of the first picture which I didn`t describe?

I know. I was stumped on the penguin and Madonna ones :(

I see. But I think I won`t tell you now, let`s wait, someone might join us one day and have a try. No, it is not Gietrzwałd.

Will there be prizes after your summing up on April 11th? Yes, the first three best students will be prizes.

Commemoration of those who died, were massacred. Where? Do you mean location? How the hell would I know?

Yes, massacred but it is important when, where and by who.

I already said the place has been mentioned here in the last two weeks. That was the reason why I loaded it as a riddle. I wanted to see if you have a good memory. :)

Yes. victory sign, once meaning: we shall defeat communism, today it gained a new one: We shall defeat PiS neobolsheviks. :):)

That fish is in a Baroque church indeed, and it is Leviathan (so not a fish anymore). But, what is its function and where is it located?

Is the German names plaque people who died on one of those boats that sank while evacuating Gdańsk

no, they were not German civilians from Wilhelm Gustlof or other ships sunk off the Baltic coast. They died in a place near the south of Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2335
Alot of Laqua's on that memorial plaque....one branch of my silesian ancestors was a Laqua.....Maria...
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2336
Yes, because it is in Silesia region. I won`t tell you which one yet.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2337
es, massacred but it is important when, where and by who.


We shall defeat PiS neobolsheviks. :

As they say the cure is worse than the sickness for the health of the patient.

But, what is its function and where is it located?

It is a pulpit in St Peter and St Paul Church in lower Silesia.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
6 Apr 2019 /  #2338
It is a pulpit

Yes! More exactly, in Duszniki Zdrój.

German plaques - Yes, 1945 and Lower Silesia, but not Soviets.
10 Apr 2019 /  #2339
did you guess the meaning of the first picture

No:( I'm not sure what the picture is supposed to represent either, the scene looks to be after an earthquake or something? Or I could be completely wrong again!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Apr 2019 /  #2340
, the scene looks to be after an earthquake or something?

I like this earthquake idea. :)

Have a wider view, the first photo shows the right side of the discussed picture.

Another riddle in the second photo: what is it?

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