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Poland in photo riddles

19 Mar 2019 /  #2221
What and why?

Does this have sth to do with the new exhibition which has opened at The Museum of Islamic Art in Jerusalem? It is highlighting the role of the hamsa in Israeli culture and the place of it in society today. The hamsa is an important symbol in Jewish culture.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
19 Mar 2019 /  #2222
Does this have sth to do with the new exhibition which has opened at The Museum of Islamic Art in Jerusalem?

Well, I know nothing about it. :):) The photos were taken in Poland a few years ago. Thanks for that hamsa, though, I didnt` know the name and I still must read about its role.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
20 Mar 2019 /  #2223
Don`t make a fool of yourself now. :) I have never hidden it, and you also refered to it in other threads.

This quote was for Dirk, whose original post was removed while mine stayed and was combined with another. Now it all looks a bit misleading.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
20 Mar 2019 /  #2224
The hamsa is an important symbol in Jewish culture.

A hint - another photo

The things from these 3 photos played their little roles on one big day.

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21 Mar 2019 /  #2225
strange name of the sport.

It's not wrestling is it?

The things from these 3 photos played their little roles on one big day.

Back to the drawing board :( It's not anything to do with the Jewish Culture Festival is it? Although that is for a week I think and not a day.
mafketis  38 | 11282  
21 Mar 2019 /  #2226
The hamsa is an important symbol in Jewish culture.

an in some muslim cultures, A north african colleague calls it 'the hand of Fatima' and says it's used everywhere the same way that the glass eye beads are used in Turkey to ward off the evil eye...
jon357  72 | 23680  
21 Mar 2019 /  #2227

Means "five" in Arabic. Because of the shape of the character it sometimes has a rather rude association too!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
21 Mar 2019 /  #2228
It's not wrestling is it?

No, wrestling is derived from to wrestle which isn`t ambiguous, as it has one meaning. While the sport in the photo comes from a name which is quite equivocal because its primary meaning concerns sth else. Hint - the name of an object used by people, especially by individualistically oriented Poles.

:( It's not anything to do with the Jewish Culture Festival is it

Sorry, no. I will show you the last photo from the series to help you guess. If you don`t solve it now, I give up. :)

So, again - what was the situation which encompasses the last 4 photos?

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21 Mar 2019 /  #2229
it's used everywhere the same way that the glass eye beads are used in Turkey to ward off the evil eye...

Yes, it is known as a symbol of protection. It's also referrred to as 'the hand of Mary'. I have one at home that I bought on my travels.

If you don`t solve it now, I give up. :)

You may well have to give up!
I can only think of International Jewish Day ( August 2nd ).
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
21 Mar 2019 /  #2230
You may well have to give up!

No, I was joking. I never give up with my students!:)
OK, let`s recapitulate what we have. Jewish side: a bottle opener, hamsa. Polish side: a mug with Krakow motif. The last picture shows yellow sheets of paper with Jewish stars and some words. What is written on them and by who?
21 Mar 2019 /  #2231
Hobbies of students?

sport in the photo comes from a name which is quite equivocal because its primary meaning concerns sth else

No doubt this one is wrong too.
Volleyball or Siatkówka which also means retina apparently. However that doesn't have anything to do with the name of an object............
mafketis  38 | 11282  
21 Mar 2019 /  #2232
What is written on them and by who?

messages for the wailing wall?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
21 Mar 2019 /  #2233
Hobbies of students?

Yes, hobbies of students, too! Now, what students? And why do they write about hobbies and other things? What is the occasion?

As for volleyball/siatkówka/retina - oops, I meant that the sport`s name is ambiguous in English! not Polish!

messages for the wailing wall?

I must remind you the photos were taken in Poland, there are no wailing walls here... :)
21 Mar 2019 /  #2234
Now, what students?

Is this some sort of International student exchange programme?

What is the occasion?

International Friendship Day?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
22 Mar 2019 /  #2235
Is this some sort of International student exchange programme?

Yes, the Polish Jewish student exchange. The items in the first 3 pictures were souvenirs that students gave each other. We still have the hamsa because it is my son, then a high school student, who is holding it in the photo. Pieces of paper were a part of the workshop that students ran to get to know each other.

Thank you for perseverance.

Probably the last pic of 2016 spring -summer series.

What is the image made of? It is not painted. Hint - sth very unusual.

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Shitonya Brits  
22 Mar 2019 /  #2236
Yes, the Polish Jewish student exchange. The items in the first 3 pictures were souvenirs that students gave each other.

As someone who boasted about being "fully European" then surely you know that the EU does not recognize illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian land.

So share with PolishForums what steps you personally took to ensure these trinkets were not manufactured by and did not profit illegal Israeli settlements.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Mar 2019 /  #2237
What is the image made of? It is not painted. Hint - sth very unusual.

pawian, your riddles are just torturous ;)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2238
What is the image made of?

Fabric? Looks like embroidery to me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2239
Sorry, embroidery is sth typical while I said sth unusual. Really, incredibly out of this world, sth which one would never think of and it would take them 100 years to guess. But I believe in you, guys. Together, united, it will take,much less! :)

pawian, your riddles are just torturous ;)

Yes, but they must be so. Have you solved the mystery of the sports club yet? I thought it became easy after we know the name of the region it comes from. I can help you with another photo - this statue shows a famous Pole. So, the club is in the same city where the man in the statue was born. I went there to buy a and fetch a second hand car for my wife.

BTW, who is that guy?

  • polishforums25.JPG
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2240
you know that the EU does not recognize illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian land.

I can boast further, saying we strictly abide to the European law. As an expert on European- Arab relations, you should know that so far the EU has banned the import of chickens and eggs from occupied territories. Other products haven`t been banned yet. When they are, we shall take appropriate steps accordingly.
23 Mar 2019 /  #2241
What is the image made of

Has it been knitted? Wool? Although I'm sure that's not unusual enough.......

Have you solved the mystery of the sports club yet?

Delph gave up at the first hurdle ;) The famous Pole is Jan Kiepura from Sosnowiec. I can only think of the game squash but what that has to do with the name of an object used by people I don't know..........

Thank you for perseverance.

I must be a masochist ;)
Ironside  51 | 13114  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2242
Has it been knitted?

Its is either straw or some other material glued together
23 Mar 2019 /  #2243
Papier mache maybe, though it seems unlikely. Besides, it's supposed to be sth we will never think of in 100 years, so it's going to be something really obscure, no doubt!
Ironside  51 | 13114  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2244
really obscure,

23 Mar 2019 /  #2245
You may well be right, I wouldn't have thought of that :)
jon357  72 | 23680  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2246

Some sort of mosaic?

Is it flower petals (like Derbyshire Well Dressing)?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2247
Thanks very bloody much jon. I've been ill for 2 weeks , and now you're making me even more ill with home-sickness and nostalgia. Our family never missed a year of driving up to Derbyshire to the well dressings at Tideswell, I think it was.... I remember I didn't care for the town itself, not as exciting as Matlock for instance, but there's nothing like well dressings here, unless you could compare the roadside shrines on Corpus Christi.
jon357  72 | 23680  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2248
The same. North Derbyshire was only a short drive away. The Tideswell one was I think one of the biggest.

The celebrations during May in some Polish villages have a bit in common with Well Dressing.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2249
Who is this Pawian and where is this mural to be found? This came up on PF before when Wulkan was dissing my shortish mountaineering expeditions of bygone days. Only for me they were more like drinking expeditions, as this high achiever was also inclined to do, albeit he was sportsman extraordinaire.

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kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 Mar 2019 /  #2250
I know, I know!
Or is this riddle for pawian only?
I didn't recognise him at first but your hints were really helpful.

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