So Irish priests/ministers give the communion to the hand or mouth during a service? In Poland to mouth.
In Ireland, it's your own choice, how you want to receive it. Communion has been given into the hand for about forty years now I think. We were taught in school how to receive Communion in the hand and most people choose to take it that way. You cup both hands, and the priest places it in the left hand and you take it with the right, if you're left-handed you can reverse it of course.
By a strange coincidence I came across this yesterday and thought it might amuse you. This short film was made by two Irish priests who had a long running religious affairs program on Irish television. Note that though it was made 50 years ago when Ireland was a much more 'Catholic' country than now, there's nothing solemn about it, it's intentionally humorous, in a rather dry, satirical way. . I think that's the main difference I find between the Irish and Polish forms of Catholicism, yours is a lot more 'serious', not much room for laughter.
This is a film with with every Irish Catholic would identify. I don't know about Poles :)