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Poland in photo riddles

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
7 Sep 2010 /  #511
a - rabarbar
b - agrest
c - porzeczki
d - rzezucha

Practise your English.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #512
Food before frying. What?

shrimp (from our time)
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #513
d - rzezucha - cress

What is cress used with in Polish cooking?
7 Sep 2010 /  #514
its used for Easter as a decoration but you can eat it and it's said to be healthy! ;)

Name the bread kind:






pgtx  29 | 3094  
7 Sep 2010 /  #515
What is cress used with in Polish cooking?

soups, salads... popular during Easter and spring in general...
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #516
Come to think of it, I may have seen it on deviled eggs.
7 Sep 2010 /  #517
whats the name of it in english:
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #518
a - raisin bread
b - challah
c - baguette or flute
d - zwykli...or however that sadistic (but delicious) bread is spelled

whats the name of it in english:

dill? koperek?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
7 Sep 2010 /  #519
by the looks of it could be either dill or outer stalks of fennel
7 Sep 2010 /  #520
not for pgtx.

What is this pupper doing in the stream? What's her name?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
7 Sep 2010 /  #521
whats the name of it in english:

baby dill

not for pgtx.


What's her name?

starts with M
7 Sep 2010 /  #522
dill? koperek?


a - raisin bread
b - challah
c - baguette or flute

in polish please

d - zwykli...or however that sadistic (but delicious) bread is spelled

No its smaller than a common bread and its made from wheat

a - raisin bread

not exacrly. It has raisins indeed but it has special name (even 2 names)

what is this and how is it made: przepisy/przepisy/podplomyki.jpg
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #523
What is this pupper doing in the stream? What's her name?

Sacrifice to the god Ramuu. Her name is Suzy.

a. chleb z rodzynki ? I have no clue.
b. chalka
c. bagieta
d. no clue again
pgtx  29 | 3094  
7 Sep 2010 /  #524
what is this and how is it made:

slow down... they didn't guess the Marzanna question yet...


convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #525
slow down... they didn't guess the Marzanna question yet...

what the hell is it doing in a river?

And that looks like unleavened bread...
Vincent  8 | 801  
7 Sep 2010 /  #526
What is this pupper doing in the stream? What's her name?

I think that "pupper" is for scaring birds (scarecrow) and got washed away in the floods. Her name is probably Basia:)
7 Sep 2010 /  #527
a. chleb z rodzynki ? I have no clue.

żulik or chleb turecki.

d. no clue again

bułka paryska (in £ódź called angielka)


I've rub all the letters from my keyboard. That's why I make lots of typos...

what the hell is it doing in a river?

I think that "pupper" is for scaring birds (scarecrow) and got washed away in the floods. Her name is probably Basia:)

Ok. so the puppet name is Marzanna just like pgtx has already said. Marzanna was the slavic godess of winter and we are drowning Marzanna in symbolic way as a sign of coming spring.

And that looks like unleavened bread...

well it's really retro thing impossible to make now.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #528
bułka paryska (in £ódź called angielka)

will give it a shot tomorrow :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2010 /  #529
Chleb z rodzynkami? Istnieje takiego czegoś w Polsce? I didn't know raisin bread was around here but I guess I'd find it in Dom Chleba :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Sep 2010 /  #530
What's her name?

Marzanna who gets drown in spring.
7 Sep 2010 /  #531
While you are thinking about this weird kind of primitive bread, I've come with another riddle:


Is this thing on the pic really exist? What would happen if you found it?

Chleb z rodzynkami? Istnieje takiego czegoś w Polsce? I didn't know raisin bread was around here but I guess I'd find it in Dom Chleba :)

It's common and it's called żulik or chleb turecki. Better quality pic:

Marzanna who gets drown in spring.

Yes. On previous page I've already solve the riddle. What about the primitive bread which look like maca?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2010 /  #532
Aha, Turkish bread :) If I found it, hmm.... :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Sep 2010 /  #533
s this thing on the pic really exist? What would happen if you found it?

fern flower, does not exist, but if one finds it is bring that person good luck. Urban myth really.

the maca bread is pita bread. Middle Eastern flat bread.
7 Sep 2010 /  #534
fern flower, does not exist, but if one finds it is bring that person good luck. Urban myth really.

Urban?! rather village legend ;) Looking for fern flower is one of the customs of the Night of Saint John aka Noc Kupały - the night were the summer is welcome.

What those ppl are doing?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Sep 2010 /  #535
this is too easy for me:) I will leave it to somebody else:)
7 Sep 2010 /  #536
do you have in Ukraine the same customs?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
7 Sep 2010 /  #537
shrimp (from our time)

Very good. :):)

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Sep 2010 /  #538
do you have in Ukraine the same customs?

I would not know, I grew up in Poland, ask Nathan.
7 Sep 2010 /  #539
the maca bread is pita bread. Middle Eastern flat bread.

but polish name is different. Podpłomyk. It's because it was made by putting on the surface of kuchnia kaflowa:

My grandma who was still useing kuchnia kaflowa until she died few years ago, she used to make some podpłomyki whenever she was making pierogi or pasta

Is it Halloween or not? ;>
tygrys  2 | 290  
7 Sep 2010 /  #540
but polish name is different. Podpłomyk.

Depends what region in Poland you live in. Some call it maca, some call it something else

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