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Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective

OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
18 Mar 2010 /  #181
It's not about us taking critique badly.

I can see how I can come off as a prick on this one. As I student I'm just used to referring to everyone as "professor" to avoid accidentally offending them even though they might not actually hold that status, there's a lot of people with many titles at these institutions. Instructors, lecturers, Assistant professors etc. I wouldn't say being a lecturer or AP is anything special and you don't have to be a genius to achieve those titles.

I didn't run into any professors in Warsaw and if I did they didn't introduce themselves as such. Most of them were average lecturers etc. But I have met someone who held the title of professor at a state-run Swedish university and he wasn't as bright as you would think, I'm not going to mention any names. But still my main point was that the staff working at more prestigious universities are commonly better, well educated and more known within their fields compared to their colleagues at some state-run university. Anyways as I said, it's all relative and I'm sure a lot of successful people come out of these state schools.

Don't treat what I write as insults

Well I'm pretty sure presumptuous, snot-nosed, self-important pri*ck, Internet troll and sh*it stirrer all qualifies as insults. And denying my heritage was also an insult.
yehudi  1 | 433  
18 Mar 2010 /  #182
My point was that loads of people died in Europe and the same is happening in Palestine today.

And what a superficial and ludicrous point it is.
Lots of people died here and lots of people died there. So it must be a similar situation.
Except that Germany really was trying to create an empire while Israel is about the size of Wales and is not looking to conquer any territory beyond what it now controls. You can say we don't have a right to have any territory at all including the ground we're standing on, but that doesn't make us empire builders. Oh, and there was that detail of ghettos, death trains going to extermination camps, crematoriums and an industrialized program to exterminate an entire people, men women and children that succeeded in killing 6 million or so Jews and millions of non-Jews. I guess that's the same as the 1300 killed unintentionally in the fighting between Hamas and Israel.

Stop throwing around your recycled propaganda as if it was an informed opinion.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
18 Mar 2010 /  #183
I wouldn't say being a lecturer or AP is anything special and you don't have to be a genius to achieve those titles.

Is that right, 2 of my brothers lecture and one of my sisters lectures (one sister is a professor)..They're all published and have travelled as far as Aus to present papers (not at their own expense) so I'd hardly say they were untallented...

You on the other hand seem to have a high opinion of yourself for no good reason...why not stay in your own country and get your education from there if everywhere else is so bad?
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
18 Mar 2010 /  #184

lol, not going to continue this one.


I'm sure your siblings are talented, I never claimed anyone was straight out dumb just that there's certain levels of talent.

You on the other hand seem to have a high opinion of yourself for no good reason...why not stay in your own country and get your education from there if everywhere else is so bad?

Hmmmmmm... You have no idea where or what I'm studying so that's just an assumption that I have a high opinion. I'm allowed to be proud and have standards higher than others if I wish.

As for getting a degree back home that's impossible, thanks to the British governments overthrow of our government we now have the clerics running everything. Millions of people apply for 50.000 available spots and you have to be extremely lucky just to even get a spot and even luckier to get a spot for the degree you actually want. Winning the lottery is an easier feat.

I don't know why you keep claiming that I think everything else is bad, I specifically in detail explained that I'm not in favor of funding state-run institutions that fails to excel. Either you can't read or you just want to fight for the sake of fighting. I also wrote that I'm currently attending a university in the U.K which I have every right to, as I'm a full citizen so this country is just as much mine as it is yours. I can move in and out freely and do whatever I want and that includes taking a spot at an institution.

Meh... This debate is pointless so I'll just leave it at that, it's already developing into a new Israel/Palestine-like debate.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Mar 2010 /  #185
I gather that oppression is reaching record levels in Iran. George Galloway was almost attacked by 2 Iranians for defending the regime. You are right, he is on the payroll and must be careful. Nonetheless, defending some of the more volatile actions of Messrs Ahmedinejad and Hussein was a step too far and ruthless profiteering.

Anyway, any more thoughts on Poland?
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
18 Mar 2010 /  #186
He was assaulted? Can't find anything about it online...?

Anyway, any more thoughts on Poland?

Nah... Not worth it.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Mar 2010 /  #187
Almost, the police stepped in. There are many clips on George Galloway.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Mar 2010 /  #188
As I student I'm just used to referring to everyone as "professor" to avoid accidentally offending them even though they might not actually hold that status,

Aha. Now it makes sense.

You're obviously Polish yourself, the fact that you refer to the country as PL is a very Polish thing to do, combined with calling everyone "professor" when they're not - dead giveaway :) Someone "just passing through" wouldn't pick up these things quickly.

(either that, or American, but I hope not)

Cute troll though. Perhaps the moderators will be kind enough to tell us where Darius has been posting from? :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Mar 2010 /  #189
you're trying to build a Zionist empire on spilled Palestinian blood with tactics right out of the Nazi handbook."

Im English, so Im not trying to do anything...but think for a moment, had the Arabas won the last war in 1973 how many Jews would be left? Yom Kippur would have different meaning now...

Jews were in Israil from when time began..and they existed with Arabs.. But the hatred is so deep now on both sides I dont see a solution...Arab children are so angry and I do understand. Jewish Children just want a home and also understand this...I always say that Yitzhak Rabin would have lead a different way for both sides..
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
19 Mar 2010 /  #190
As for getting a degree back home that's impossible, thanks to the British governments overthrow of our government we now have the clerics running everything.

do you have any resentment towards islam as well?

Millions of people apply for 50.000 available spots and you have to be extremely lucky just to even get a spot and even luckier to get a spot for the degree you actually want. Winning the lottery is an easier feat.

im guessing the criteria is pretty simple...male, muslim and preferrably connections.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
19 Mar 2010 /  #191
It's pretty common to use the letters of a country within the EU, it's not just a polish thing. PL,UK,DE,SE,DK etc are all commonly used on internet forums. As for the professor thing that's not just a polish thing and I'm sure students do it all over the world, it's always best to be on the good side of the person who's grading you than to accidentally offend them by hurting their ego. And I'm posting this through a Swedish proxy so it would look like I'm there even though I'm in London.

Im English, so Im not trying to do anything...but think for a moment, had the Arabas won the last war in 1973 how many Jews would be left? Yom Kippur would have different meaning now...

I didn't say you're trying to do anything I was just correcting the sentence you pointed out was wrong. If Arabs had won then I'm pretty sure a lot of Israelis would be dead but that wouldn't have been without reason, it's easy to point out an event and say "what if" but you need to look at what's happened over the course of decades. Before the state of Israel was established Jews were living decent lives all over the middle east. The sole reason for them not being welcomed anywhere today is because they've acted out so badly. I get that they want their own country and that there's some Jews who have a historical connection to the region but that doesn't give them the right to do what they did. And by grabbing Jerusalem which is the holy city of every major religion on this planet they were just asking for trouble. And it's clear that even the international community refuse to accept some of these illegal acts as every embassy in Israel is located in Tel Aviv and not their illegal capital Jerusalem. They're not just pissing off Arabs intentionally but also other countries.

We all know how history would have played out if Israel had lost but today we can turn on the television and see the very product of an Israel victory, what once was Palestine is shattered and in ruins while it's people are grossly mistreated. It's an understatement to say that Arab children are angry, it's not just anger but it's also desperation. The Palestinians have been driven off their land and Israel is giving them less rights, inferior living conditions, No rights to education, inferior healthcare compared to Israeli's, they're systematically kept down in all aspects of life so Israel can control them and prevent a future uprising.

It's not rocket science that these kinds of conditions will make uneducated and misinformed Palestinians do messed up things but Israelis are living in an advanced, well educated state so they should know better by this day and age and they should improve living conditions for the millions of state-less Palestinians and put in an effort to actually educate them more, once they've achieved that, however long it may take then the only right thing to do would be to establish a brand new state with the Palestinians, not a two-state system but one state as one people. But of course this isn't on the agenda in Israel and we all know what the grand master plan is here. The mortality rate of Palestinians are far higher compared to Israeli's due to their living conditions so it's sadly just a matter of time before Israel can out breed Palestinians and by building the apartheid wall it's going to be a lot easier because then they don't actually have to look at their victims.

do you have any resentment towards islam as well?


im guessing the criteria is pretty simple...male, muslim and preferrably connections.

No... More women go to university then men. Gender or religion doesn't matter. You need to be on a first name basis with a cleric and you need to be prepared to line his pockets with cash. Even as bad as it is today it's by no means a backwards country and women have just as many rights as men or maybe even more as it's always an advantage to be female over male.

Jewish Children just want a home and also understand this

Sure this is understandable but at what cost? As I said I'm not against Jews but I am against a Zionist state and I think there are limits as to how much a state is allowed to do before it should be forcefully dismantled. I think it's safe to say that Israelis have failed miserably in establishing a respectful nation and I think it's safe to say that the government have no idea what the hell they're doing. Using Nazi tactics is not acceptable in any way.

It's clear that it's the wealthy war mongering fanatics in the U.S who are behind all of this and that they're playing some sick game to control natural resources and territory by unconditionally supplying Israel with weapons and training while also supplying Palestinians with arms just to keep the ball rolling. It's clear that Israel is a back door into the Middle East and that's why no country will object to the atrocities that are happening over there. If all western nations would just stop meddling in the affairs of middle eastern nations then everything would just sort out itself.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Mar 2010 /  #192
If all western nations would just stop meddling in the affairs of middle eastern nations then everything would just sort out itself.

this ain't gonna happen.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
19 Mar 2010 /  #193

how do you personally feel being a persian from such a rich culture basically ruled by this backward bunch of know it alls.

No... More women go to university then men.

a cleric would have disposition to muslims though?

man, that situation sounds fooked up. you could be the brightest student academically but if you're aint got the money then you struggle.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
19 Mar 2010 /  #194
a cleric would have disposition to muslims though?

Muslim or not doesn't matter to them. These guys aren't really religious, each one is a mini-dictator in a cloak out to line his own pockets with gold, they know that most people aren't Muslim so they don't push the issue if you pretend to be muslim. The whole Islamic Republic is theater to the outside world.

These people were nothing before the revolution, they were peasants, farmers, working-class lowlifes. Now they're men with power - killers, pimps, judge and jury, and worst of all they're law enforcement and what they say is basically the law.

As much as western media would like you to believe that this country is a religious nation it's just not true. Nothing in this country is about religion. Every freedom you'd like is given to you in some way or another but the freedom to excel is only given to people who are loyal to the clerics and the regime.

man, that situation sounds fooked up. you could be the brightest student academically but if you're aint got the money then you struggle.

School is a big thing over there, in western countries for example it's difficult to find more than a handful of bright students per class, over there the slackers are in the minority, I know tons of people who are Ivy league material but they simply don't have the the funds to attend a school like that. One of my friends applied for Yale Law just to see if he could get it which he did with ease, but instead he's working a low wage job in a bank like many other youths who roam the streets or work dead end jobs. The only kids who go to University over there are rich kids from rich families who have a good relationship with the clerics. whether or not they're as academically good as a poorer kid is insignificant.

this ain't gonna happen.

Nope, but it's the only solution.
George8600  10 | 630  
20 Mar 2010 /  #195
I visited the University of Warsaw while I was there and it wasn't anything special, nice buildings but the level of education seemed like your average public school.

That might be offensive to some Poles since UWarsaw is the top in Poland. While it isn't world-class, they do have some outstanding programs such as their humanities program which ranks amongst the highest in Europe. Also, you shouldn't generalize. Private does not mean better than Public. Here in the US (where the vast majority of top schools reside) there are TONS of top ranked public schools, along with Crap loads of horrid private schools. Also you preach the Ivy League, when both for undergraduate and graduate studies they are still excellent, however they have lost their #1 ranking in most of the subjects they teach. Go figure. (ie, medicine is now Johns Hopkins, economics and biological sciences is now UChicago, Law is now Northwestern, engineering and technology is now MIT, physics is now Caltech, and so on)

If you like top schools come here to the University of Chicago. We have some of the best buildings and architectures than any other school in the US, and we have more Nobel laureates than any other institution in the world. (over a dozen of whom are current professors)

I'm a summer student there, during the year I go to Loyola University which is a neighboring school.

go to the World Health Organization website

lol, and I thought I was the only one spending hours looking at those numbers.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
20 Mar 2010 /  #196
you shouldn't generalize. Private does not mean better than Public

True. but I wasn't comparing standard privates to public schools. Anyways those schools you mention might excel in certain programs over the top ranking schools but the overall experience and education and extras you receive compared to what you pay is still far beyond elsewhere, that's why the Ivy Leagues are always in the top 25 and usually in the top 10. I have no doubt JHU,MIT,CalTech etc are all great schools. So these schools you mention are school I personally wouldn't exclude. It's a little funny you mention exactly these schools as they rank well, they're private, they're prestigious and they cling well with future employers and they're among the top schools.

As I said it's all relative and depends on your standards. But it's undeniable that high end private schools overall excel over state-run universities in student satisfaction and well rounded education. As far as I know the university of Warsaw doesn't even rank in the top 100 all the time so that's why I call it average. Of course it's not bad but if you're working in the tech industry it's easier to land a high rolling job if it says MIT on your CV compared to WarsawU. My point is that Warsaw University might be "top" in Poland and polish employers might look at it as a good school but if you compare it to other schools internationally it's not that great and I wouldn't want to loose a future job because some employer might look at the university as if it's beneath them.
scottie1113  6 | 896  
21 Mar 2010 /  #197
(either that, or American, but I hope not)

Ouch. That hurt me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #198
Don't worry, I really hope he's not - I've only so far met one American in Poland who was actually fitting the stereotypes!
yehudi  1 | 433  
22 Mar 2010 /  #199
No rights to education, inferior healthcare compared to Israeli's,

You can repeat bullsh*t as many times as you want and it still won't make it true.
As far as rights to education: There were no palestinian universities in the west bank before the israeli takeover in 1967. Not one. Now there are 7 universities. And palestinians also study at Hebrew University, Haifa University, Ben Gurion U and elsewhere in Israel.

As far as healthcare, here you really show your ignorance. Every hospital in Israel, particularly those in Jerusalem, has plenty of arab patients and staff both from Israel proper and the "territories", as you'll see in this article:

Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Mar 2010 /  #200
From what I have seen and read, he is right, Darius. What he didn't tell you was that access routes to many hospitals are blocked and pregnant Palestinian women often aren't allowed through checkpoints to get vital care.

Yehudi, you come across as fair and as sb who wants to paint the picture as it is but is there any part of you that can criticise the IDF as disproportionate? You know, it's a fundamental concern of international law.

Do you also pay heed to international mediation efforts or do you feel that they are a form of incursion into internal Israeli affairs?
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
22 Mar 2010 /  #201

Inferior education is no education, just because you shove a piece of diploma paper in the hands of a few Palestinian charity cases that doesn't mean that they have equal rights. You seem to be under the illusion that the Palestinians were a bunch of nobodies before you people came along and that they have somehow benefited from your ridiculously enormous generosity of a few universities after you enslaves them and messed up their country, this is not true and I hope you can detect the sarcasm in what I'm writing.

Sure in theory a Palestinians might be able to achieve what an Israeli can achieve but when you're born and bred in Gaza with 41% unemployment and 80% poverty caused directly by the actions of the Israelis then you're not really in the same academic position as an Israeli kid are you?

I'd like to see you yehudi live a lifetime in Gaza amongst death and poverty in a region worse off than the worst places in Africa, and then come back and claim the lies you preach so dearly.

You should be ashamed.

Yehudi, you come across as fair and as sb who wants to paint the picture as it is but is there any part of you that can criticise the IDF as disproportionate?

He can't... He has already expressed that Israeli soldiers are supernatural beings who were beamed down from the skies to save the day. Remember that according to yehudi Israeli soldiers don't rape and apparently every single one of them find Palestinians unattractive which according to him makes them incapable of carrying out any atrocities. Because of this they're the sole exception amongst all other soldiers in any army on earth.

I think it's pretty pointless to fish for a rational answer from this guy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 Mar 2010 /  #202
Sure in theory a Palestinians might be able to achieve what an Israeli can achieve but when you're born and bred in Gaza with 41% unemployment and 80% poverty caused directly by the actions of the Israelis then you're not really in the same academic position as an Israeli kid are you?

Ummm....correct me if I'm wrong but in what way is Israel responsible for the education of the Gazans? They are NOT Israeli Arabs after all.

For further reading:


emember that according to yehudi Israeli soldiers don't rape and apparently every single one of them find Palestinians unattractive which according to him makes them incapable of carrying out any atrocities.

Well, Darius...show me a link about Israeli soldiers raping arab women, will you?
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
22 Mar 2010 /  #203
in what way is Israel responsible for the education of the Gazans?

Are you kidding me right now?

Well, Darius...show me a link about Israeli soldiers raping arab women, will you?

Google it. If there wasn't some truth to it there wouldn't be thousands of investigated cases being swept under the rug. But I'm sure you'd much rather believe that IDF soldiers are Jewish military saints with uncompromisable morals. the Israeli government knows what kind of stains they'll get if they start investigating these claims and it's clear that they're perverting the course of justice.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 Mar 2010 /  #204
Are you kidding me right now?

I really start to think you messed up the Israeli Arabs with the Palis...learn more about their education here:


Google it.

I did, believe me! I couldn't find anything that's why I asked YOU to bring something...I'm waiting!

If there wasn't some truth to it there wouldn't be thousands of investigated cases being swept under the rug.

Any link to it?
yehudi  1 | 433  
22 Mar 2010 /  #205
You seem to be under the illusion that the Palestinians were a bunch of nobodies before you people came along and that they have somehow benefited

Before Zionism came along, palestine was a primitive neglected region of the Ottoman empire with no industry or infrastructure to speak of. Other parts of the Arab world, such as Iraq and Egypt, were far more developed. Zionist immigration created jobs for people from surrounding regions, which explains the dramatic increase in Arab population during the 1st half of the 20th century. After 1948, the west bank was under jordanian rule and gaza was under egyptian rule and they were worse off than under the british. Since 1967 when we took over, both areas grew in terms of economy, education and healthcare. Until the intifada, tens of thousands of palestinians worked in Israel and their economy was growing. All the problems they have now are due to their violent struggle against israel, which continued even after we left Gaza.
OP DariusTraveller  1 | 59  
22 Mar 2010 /  #206

Just the fact that you refer to them as "Gazans" shows how dumb you are.

I did, believe me! I couldn't find anything that's why I asked YOU to bring something...I'm waiting!

If you're that bad at finding information then you clearly shouldn't express your opinion. I think you should join one of those "internet for beginners" classes that might be offered by your local government. I hear they're popular among senior citizens who wish to learn how to use "the google".

Any link to it?

As I said.. Join an internet for beginners course. they'll teach you how to pop investigation+abuse+israel into google.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 Mar 2010 /  #207
Just the fact that you refer to them as "Gazans" shows how dumb you are.

Well...The citizens of the Gaza strip (the ones whose education YOU tried to blame the Israelis with) are commonly called Gazans! And they are proud of it if I remember it correctly...

If you're that bad at finding information then you clearly shouldn't express your opinion.

Please big internet guru show me dumb newbie the light and bring some links about IDF soldiers raping Pali women! *sniffles and falls on knees*

You must have quite an archive as the master cyber guru that you are...please share with us unworthy ones your GREATNESS and WISDOM! *bows deeply*
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Mar 2010 /  #208
no need to subjugate yourself yet BB;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
22 Mar 2010 /  #209
You don't know how far I would go for some links....;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Mar 2010 /  #210
me too. I still don't understand why Darius would not post them. I am a slave to truth too:)

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