Could you please tell us the name of the University of Warsaw professor who has
"the intelligence of an educated chimpanzee"?
Wow you people take critique badly, I never said that specifically teachers at the university of Warsaw were chimpanzee's.. It was just a general example. Take the university of Greenwich in england for example, amazing building but that's pretty much it, the rest is horrible teachers and a bad reputation. All I was trying to say was that I'm not in favor of keeping mediocre institutions alive.. Warsaw University is average.. Not good but not bad either and if you guys can't deal with someone saying it out loud then that's you're problem. Go check for yourself how it ranks compared to other institutions in the EU.
I think he made an unsucessful attempt at studying at Warsaw University, and now he declares it is not Harvard and the profs are not to his standards, and he requires world class ones.
As I said I'm already attending a well respectable institution in the UK as for the place not being up to my standards.. Well yes that's true and I'm not ashamed to say that I'd like to attend a well rounded institution. Does that mean that the place is bad? No.. standards are relative and what I find unacceptable someone like you might find acceptable... I can't see how this is so offending?
His second-hand dentist stories are even worse
You don't have to take my word for it go to the World Health Organization website and look up Poland's Oral Health compared to neighboring countries. Or just ask any German, British Danish or Swedish dentist and they'll tell you how many patients they work on who've had bad dental work done abroad for a fractions of the price.
He did enjoy many buckets of KFC here, so at least he liked our cuisine.
That was actually an example and compliment.. I couldn't believe how cheap food compared to other places. Supermarket prices were cheap too and the selection of products was good.
IN MY OPINION you are not a Persian tourist
but a troll and a sh*it stirrer
I don't know what to say to this one.. You come in with guns blazing and misinterpreted my post and thought I was comparing all Warsaw professors to chimps which wasn't the case as explained above. The only troll here is you people who idle sit by and jump at everything that you don't agree with armed with personal insults. And as for your denial of my heritage I just laugh.. I don't know what you want me to say? Want a DNA test?
As for the rest...
I was just answering Seanus about what kind of freedoms Poland has and pointed out specific points why I couldn't live there which is mainly salary, education and health. Now if you nationalist supremacists can't handle healthy debate and simple critique then that's not my problem. I don't think I'm out of line with my opinions, Poland isn't as developed as it's neighboring countries to the west and the country lacks behind on development in some crucial areas. You've all seen the overwhelming number of people who've left Poland since they got entry to the EU in 2004. Now does this mean that it's a bad country? No.. It has a lot of good qualities and I've pointed out some of them in my earlier posts.
Just because I point out it's less attractive aspects and why the place isn't for me, doesn't mean that it's a bad place in general..