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uk mobiles in poland -no roaming fee , polish mobiles in uk - no roaming fee

kj99  8 | 54  
25 Oct 2012 /  #1
can anyone help me ....

i travel to poland quite a bit , and have a polish orange sim card . i also have a uk 02 sim card.

ive got a gizmo that lets me use my uk mobile in poland (the 02 one) without copping the roaming fees - to make / recieve calls , likewise , the same gizmo lets me use the polish orange sim card when in the uk - without the roaming costs...

the gizmo is left in the country whos mobile you want to use abroad - eg ... i have the gizmo plugged into my uk broadband router , my 02 sim card is plugged into the gizmo ... when i get to poland , i can log on to this gizmo uysing my polish smartfone.... and everytime some back home calls me ... the call comes thru to my polish smartfone , i can take the call and not worry about the charges ,,, likewise i can type a number into my smartfone, and the gizmo left back in the uk , will use the 02 sim card in it to actually make the call ....

since the 02 sim card (plugged into the gizmo) is still in my london flat .... no roaming charges apply - even tho , i am effectively using it from poland.

now ,you know how this works , im after a favour .....

im after anyone in poland with a good broadband conenction - good enough to listen to internet radio clearly - so it doesnt have to be that fast ......

that i could send one of these gizmos to ( they are about the size of macdonalds hamburger ) and have them plug it into the back of there polish broadband router .

this gizmo would contain my polish orange sim card .

when my polish girl freind calls my polish orange phone number - the call will hit this gizmo , go up your broadband and out to me in the uk - i can then take the call with no charges.

the gizmo uses virtually zilch bandwidth , and will NOT slow your broadband at all .

in return , for any uk expat is living in poland - i could supply and fit one of these gizmos in there uk home( theirs or a friend) so you can use your uk mobile phone in poland without roaming charges either ..
25 Oct 2012 /  #2
You ever heard of vopium.com a lot less messy.
OP kj99  8 | 54  
25 Oct 2012 /  #3
just checked that site ... calls to polish mobiles 8 pence p/m.- and doesnt include being able to recieve calls on a polish mobile orange from abroad free

orange.pl mobile pre paid deal ... 6 zl per month unlimited calls to three favourite orange numbers . anyone on orange in poland can call one of there three favourite polish orange numbers for same deal - much better than calling my uk mobile number - free for them and free for me.

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