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Mexican going to Poland (Katowice). What do I need?

cldagy  5 | 16  
9 Jun 2012 /  #1

I'm from Mexico I want to go visit a friend in Katowice and stay at her house..
what do I need?
I heard I need a request letter or something like that saying that I'm going to stay there with her
please explain and details

thank you
Polsyr  6 | 758  
9 Jun 2012 /  #2
If you are Mexican then you don't need anything to go to Poland or other Schengen countries except a valid passport and return ticket. No visa required.
OP cldagy  5 | 16  
9 Jun 2012 /  #3
I'm going to stay at a friend's house. Don't I need a request letter that shows I am invited to Poland by a friend? how does this work? any comments please thank you
Bieganski  17 | 888  
9 Jun 2012 /  #4
Take a look at the visa section of La Embajada de la República de Polonia en México here: meksyk.msz.gov.pl/es

You may also want to ask a travel agent in your country about your preferred accommodation with a friend.

However, you may need an immigration lawyer if you are the same cldagy from Mexico who posted the intent to live in Poland on this site: expat-blog.com/forum/profile.php?id=375619
OP cldagy  5 | 16  
9 Jun 2012 /  #5
yes thats me
my girlfriend and i decided to marry in Poland so i can stay there and put my business there in Katowice.
where do you recommend me to get the international insurance and any airline you recommend me? please thank you

Poland will benefit immensely with my business I am NO tread please help me
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Jun 2012 /  #6
Well I hope you are marrying your Polish girlfriend because you love her and not because it will help you start a business in Poland. Otherwise you are already setting yourself up for failure.

There are many other posts on here that can give you some insight to the process and yes there are long waiting times (in years) but I don't think you are going to find anyone on here who will be able to speed things up or even obtain and complete all the forms you will need to change your life as extensively as you are seeking to do. Since your girlfriend lives in Poland I don't know why she is unable to contact the necessary government departments there to get the information you are looking for.

You won't be the first immigrant to marry a Pole and move to Poland. But visa and other immigration rules between countries vary widely and are always changing so it is best you and your girlfriend work directly with the Polish officials on this because only they can give you the latest information and approvals you will need to settle and then start any business. Again, you may need to find a lawyer in Poland who can guide you through all this if you are hesitant to deal with the Polish authorities yourself.

Also, there are various non-EU immigrant communities in Poland (some with church affiliations) so maybe your girlfriend should contact them to get some information on how they managed to migrate and settle. It might be as easy as her talking with a migrant currently working in or owning an ethnic restaurant or shop in the larger cities and they can share their experiences with her.
el_easy  2 | 54  
10 Jun 2012 /  #7
Poland will benefit immensely with my business I am NO tread please help me

In case, they sell Taco here already :)
espana  17 | 951  
10 Jun 2012 /  #8
what do I need?

Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Jun 2012 /  #9
Poland will benefit immensely with my business I am NO tread please help me

Sorry but you misquoted. I never said those words; cldagy did.
OP cldagy  5 | 16  
10 Jun 2012 /  #10
hahaha I'm glad they sell tacos. that id really miss
MoOli  9 | 479  
11 Jun 2012 /  #11
they do sell fajitas:))but no rice and beans what I miss when im there:(
OP cldagy  5 | 16  
1 Apr 2016 /  #12
I know this is a very old post now. But im still in the making of my decision. If i should stay in usa texas or go live in Poland with my girlfriend. Given my curcumstances i see the best option is to go to poland. Texas is just **** with their cowboys and all the other retarded culture. I'm Mexican living in Texas 10 years with a temporary permission. I have my own business in here but i dont like living here i hate the system completely. The only pros i can say is the money. Since usa likes to consume like pigs well i am making a lot of money. But im planning to go live to poland because i want to marry my girlfriend and live with her. I dont want a marriage here in usa where my kids would go to school and be tought by homosexuals and their spouses.

The idea of going to a country like poland i know its a very different culture and language and customs and whatever. And i have had many people warn me about it. But it just cant be as bad as Texas.

So far my plan would be to get my mexican passport here in texas. Then get marry with my girlfriend here in texas (she has visa to enter usa) then get plane tickets to only go to europe and show the customs im married to polish girlfriend so they can let me processed to poland.

Any comments and advises are welcome!!

Please dont be rude
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2016 /  #13
I dont want a marriage here in usa where my kids would go to school and be tought by homosexuals and their spouses.

Don't worry, there are plenty of homosexuals teaching in Polish schools too. I'm sure they'll treat you nicely, though, because they're professional enough not to be judgemental to your face about your ridiculous views.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Apr 2016 /  #14
Texas is like Poland in many ways, religion and strong sense of family and culture albeit recent history. yes there is more money and opportunity In Texas

Whatever is wrong in returning to your homeland Mexico?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
1 Apr 2016 /  #15
get plane tickets to only go to europe and show the customs im married to polish girlfriend so they can let me processed to poland.

Would it really be that simple?
I think it would be best for your girlfriend to get some advice from her embassy tbh.
Have you actually proposed yet?..:)
OP cldagy  5 | 16  
2 Apr 2016 /  #16
Yeah i already bought themarriage ring. Im ready to go to poland. I bet you all think im short and brown mexican. The world always happens to forget mexico was invaded by french and spain mostly... I'm 6'3" 200lbs and as white as ghost. My girlfriends friends say i even look polish.

My girlfriend has many job opportunities for me once im able to get permission to stay and work approved.

Im so tire of living with such ugly people all my life. Short, fat, very dark skin, lazy, and dont forget the dye blonde hair. Eveywhere people everywhere -.- . Texas is the fattest place on earth. I have seen my girlfriends friends and oh God. Poland has the most beautiful girls in the world. No wonder why i dont hear anyone of you forum people to invite me or encourage me to go to your country. Thats very jealous but its nice that way i wont be living with blacks and browns on my everyday living.

I will ho to poland and i will get citizenship from poland i choose poland because is amazing. I dont care if i have to clean bathrooms for the reat of my life. I know in super hard worker
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
2 Apr 2016 /  #17
Hope you speak, at least can read, some Polish:-) Spanish won't get you far and not every Pole understands (or will admit to understanding) English!

This should really be your number one priority, after finalizing all the pertinent documents, of course.
Hellooo  - | 28  
2 Apr 2016 /  #18
I bet you all think im short and brown mexican

Who cars about how you look like

Im so tire of living with such ugly people all my life. Short, fat, very dark skin,

Very sad you are a Mexican and they are your people your family your country

Thats very jealous but its nice that way i wont be living with blacks and browns on my everyday living.

Look like you don't have a personality

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