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Hometown / Vacation pictures Poland

Ewilina  4 | 13  
13 Jun 2008 /  #151
I've been to Torun a couple of days. Lovely city centre!!
Kowalski  7 | 621  
15 Jun 2008 /  #152
some nice fireworks on Dni Morza in Szczecin

Edit: file to big to upload... well see someone else picks then: skyscrapercity.com/showpost.php?p=21742898&postcount=73
rdywenur  1 | 157  
30 Jun 2008 /  #153
Here, I'd like to see some pictures of everyones travels. I'd just like to see some randome pics...maybe some of your favorite.

Well since you are a VTer check out my homepage...lots of photos there :) Are you Polish Fisz or just your better half.

Raskolnikov  4 | 24  
13 Sep 2008 /  #154
Updated pics.

Krakow and Wroclaw 2007
Cracovia v Legia Warsaw
Krakow 2008
Kielce 2008
13 Sep 2008 /  #155
Kielce 2008

nice pics i have friends in this area of Poland :)

good other pictures as well :)

I have some new pictures up here if anyone wants to look ... as i recently had a trip to Krakow .... back there in 7 days time ... but here is the link

sausage  19 | 775  
13 Sep 2008 /  #156
trip to Krakow

Nice pics & nice weather too by the looks of it. Thanks for sharing...
13 Sep 2008 /  #157
not a problem .. yeah the weather was gorgeous, then came back to rain here in UK lol
sausage  19 | 775  
13 Sep 2008 /  #158
then came back to rain here in UK

it's lovely here today.. the start of another 3 day installment of summer
13 Sep 2008 /  #159
then came back to rain here in UK lol

It's been sunny here all day <average 69 degrees farenheit> absolutely gorgeous...

McCoy  27 | 1268  
13 Sep 2008 /  #160
I have some new pictures up here

a few comments: I thought that you look more like the lady from your avatar ;). Girl, you've got polish eagle on your ankle, that's something. you and your kid (has she ever been in krakow before? ) look like a couple of good friends. and where's the photo of the woman taking a dump in the center of krakow? ;)
13 Sep 2008 /  #161
I thought that you look more like the lady from your avatar ;).

thank you

Girl, you've got polish eagle on your ankle, that's something.

yes i have ;)

you and your kid look like a couple of good friends.

yeah we are that :)

(has she ever been in krakow before? )

no that was first trip for her there :)

where's the photo of the woman taking a dump in the center of krakow? ;)

thats something i wouldnt want to have a permanent reminder in the form of a photo of mate :)
McCoy  27 | 1268  
13 Sep 2008 /  #162
thank you

good, cause it was a complement :)
Uncle Bob  2 | 82  
13 Sep 2008 /  #163
I have some new pictures up here if anyone wants to look

Great photos T. Looks like you both had a great time :)
13 Sep 2008 /  #164
good, cause it was a complement :)

i know it was ;)

Great photos T. Looks like you both had a great time :)

we did .. looking forward to heading back :)
McCoy  27 | 1268  
13 Sep 2008 /  #165
krakow's zoo is very small but i love it. it's on the hill and surrounded by forest. maybe i'll go there again soon.
13 Sep 2008 /  #166
krakow's zoo

i have never remembered what bus # takes you there... and from where... from the Krk center?
13 Sep 2008 /  #167
bus number 34 i think it is and you get on it opposite the hotel near cracovia footie ground and it drops you off smack bang outside the zoo :)
13 Sep 2008 /  #168
thanks :) i remember that i could never see the lions because they didn't want to get out of their hole...hehe.... but it's a nice walk... and they used to sell good ice-cream and cotton candy at the entrance...:)
13 Sep 2008 /  #169
I have some new pictures up here if anyone wants to look .

Thanks tele :) They are just great pictures and I really enjoyed looking at them just now :)

Thanks so much for sharing. Did you go to Poland overland ? Just wondered.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
13 Sep 2008 /  #170
no that was first trip for her there :)

did she like it?
13 Sep 2008 /  #171
I'm going to Krakow next year, I've only been once before but it has changed a bit.

Can't wait to go .........:)
13 Sep 2008 /  #172
Did you go to Poland overland ?

yes we went by coach as took some stuff there ... was interesting ended up watching several english films with polish dubbing and polish films with no dubbing lmao

we had to change on way there had to change in Opole due to the coach from London having two different destinations being serviced on the one coach ...

did she like it?

she did she's into history so it appealed to her all the historical building and that about :)
13 Sep 2008 /  #173
yes we went by coach as took some stuff there

I was thinking <just thinking at the moment> of maybe going by train and stopping off en route ? I'm not sure i could do such a long coach journey but what a way to see Europe though :)
Luke  - | 1  
15 Sep 2008 /  #174
There is some polish page with nice pics of some towns. I think it's quite interesting because it is not commercial: admirepoland.com
Gre  - | 1  
7 Nov 2008 /  #175
Nice photos, look at some ours at web site greetingsfrompoland.com
Raskolnikov  4 | 24  
2 Feb 2009 /  #176
Some photos from my latest visit to Poland - the Tri-cities of gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia.
2 Feb 2009 /  #177
Some photos from my latest visit to Poland

Good stuff. I liked the one of the misty water at night (DSC 60?) Thanks for sharing!
Raskolnikov  4 | 24  
21 Jun 2009 /  #178
Some more Photos from Krakow last week:

On the blog are some more slideshows on the left side.
Danny_R  1 | 2  
14 Sep 2009 /  #179
dont think i can post pictures or links yet so you'll have to add the prefix to see them

Palac Kultury
from the top (note it was a bit too high for me as you can tell from my frozen stance)
quite a view though
nowy swiat
old town
the difference between april and january!

i know they are limited, just what was on my phone, the ones from my camera are on the other pc. so much to see in Warsaw

ready for my next trip at christmas :) !
nana  - | 40  
18 Sep 2009 /  #180

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