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Is there a healthy expats scene in Poland? (drinks, food, golf, etc.)

Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #1
Hello all. I'm a British guy looking to move to Warsaw in January Is there a healthy expat scene? Drinks, food, golf etc.? Many thanks.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Oct 2012 /  #2
yes there is.
smurf  38 | 1940  
23 Oct 2012 /  #3

We don't like your type 'round here :P

*plays banjo furiously

Seriously tho.....don't come in Jan man, you'll be depressed as hell with the winter. Wait till spring comes, I felt like hanging myself in the first winter, grim as Hell so it was.
23 Oct 2012 /  #4
Is there a healthy expat scene? Drinks, food, golf etc

Drinks - most expats/immigrants hang out at.

Tortilla Factory
Jimmy Bradleys
99 Bar

There are much better options should you wish to go native and embrace your new country.


The list is endless and a new restaurant opens every week.



looking to move to Warsaw in January

Make sure your place of residence is close to a metro station, driving in winter is not recommended unless you are a seasoned driver in advanced winter conditions.

Good luck with the move and your new life.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Oct 2012 /  #5
expat scene

Don't you think you should integrate instead of going ghetto style ?
jon357  72 | 23570  
23 Oct 2012 /  #6
Perhaps you should check out the difference between an expat and an immigrant.
OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #7
yes there is.

thanks! :-)

Seriously tho.....don't come in Jan man, you'll be depressed as hell with the winter.

Thanks, but I have no choice!

driving in winter is not recommended unless you are a seasoned driver in advanced winter conditions.

. Thanks for all the advice! Oh dear...that bad?

Don't you think you should integrate instead of going ghetto style ?

Of course, but I'd like the option ;-)
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Oct 2012 /  #8
there is a very large scene here- but there are factors also. are you a single guy looking to go to the bars and pick up cheap Polish girls or are you already married with kids and are looking for similar to hang out.

don't worry about January- expats go out no matter what the weather.

agreed about finding a flat near the metro line. Your life will be so much easier. I am a huge fan of Ursynow. It has everything needed and it is on the metro line.
OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #9
married with kids

Yes, middle aged, married with kids. Seeks same lol


Yes, Ursynow or Mokotow look lovely. Thanks for the tip. I am a driver, but shan't take risks.

I wish people wouldn't make nasty comments about being an expat though. You know nothing about me, I've lived all over the world and my wife is Asian. I know all about integration thanks!

And look at all these helpful comments I've received....there's nowt wrong with expats :-)

grim as Hell so it was.

Are you an Irish smurf? ;-)
mickstar813  - | 11  
23 Oct 2012 /  #10
Check out Professionals in warsaw. All expats :)
OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #11
Professionals in warsaw

Thank you.
23 Oct 2012 /  #12
mickstar813: Professionals in warsaw Thank you.

Here's a link to their FB page: facebook.com/groups/professionalsinwarsaw/

I wish people wouldn't make nasty comments about being an expat though.

They are just jealous: they have sad little lives as pathetic failures and you travel the world making very decent cash.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
23 Oct 2012 /  #13
Hello all. I'm a British guy looking to move to Warsaw in January

Good luck with your move ...... what will you be doing?

If things work out, it's possible I'll be following in your footsteps later next year ..... hopefully in summer :o)

Yes, middle aged, married with kids.

same here ...... already checked out the schools and have been looking in Wilanow area for property; it's a good time to be looking at property.... exchange rate is favourable and I think you can get some good deals.

my wife is Asian

have either of you been out to Poland ?

I'll be looking out for your posts, to see how you settle in ...........

OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #14
They are just jealous

Thanks for the link Harry. I wouldn't word it as strongly as that but yes, I seem to find that attitude wherever I go.

what will you be doing?

I'm a teacher (British Council) and no, the last time I wore a backpack was when I was 10 years old. :-) Wilanow looks good too, there is a lot of very nice property in Warsaw. I'm not flash, but I need a family home. No, we haven't been to Poland, nearest I've been is Berlin, before and after.

What a super forum, very active. I hope to be as much help.

They are just jealous

Thanks for the link Harry. I wouldn't word it as strongly as that but yes, I seem to find that attitude wherever I go.

what will you be doing?

I'm a teacher (British Council) and no, the last time I wore a backpack was when I was 10 years old. :-) Wilanow looks good too, there is a lot of very nice property in Warsaw. I'm not flash, but I need a family home. No, we haven't been to Poland, nearest I've been is Berlin, before and after.

What a super forum, very active. I hope to be as much help.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Oct 2012 /  #15
ok, so with this info--there are a lot of British expats here. There is the group American Friends of Warsaw----not all American, mostly women- they get together and do loads of things. There is another group International womens group---I think? but this is older ladies, empty nesters.

So will your kids go to the British school or the American school or neither? There are a lot of expats there and they very easily make friends and do stuff. If your kids are younger- there is a mums and tots Warsaw group- you will need to google that one, they also do group play dates and other activities.

If you are looking for a flat I recommend Ursynow or Mokotow. There are loads and on the metro line. Wilanow is also nice but only serviced by bus- which is a pain.

The majority of the expat community live in Wilanow, Konstancin or Zawady.
OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #16
there is a mums and tots Warsaw group

Thanks Pip! My son is just over 1 years old, so this sounds great. 'Dads and Tots?" Ursynow and Mokotow are on my list, I'll need a family home however. Although I'll drive, the Metro will be most beneficial. As long as my wife and child are happy, that's great. I'm easy to please, a beer and bullshit watching the F1 is all I need :-)
jon357  72 | 23570  
23 Oct 2012 /  #17
Don't forget that there's also the International Women's Group. They have an office in the LIM Centre.

Also, for areas to live in, look at Zoliborz, Stara Ochota and Saska Kepa. All nice.
OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #18
Thanks Jon. Is there a Filipino community?
23 Oct 2012 /  #19
. Thanks for all the advice! Oh dear...that bad?

For a canadian the weather is home from home, for a Singaporean the weather would be somewhat cold. The benefits are you can go skiing !

If you are a foodie or into Wines then sign yourself up here [clubvivanova.de/tag/mitton-wines/] the guy who runs it is British and he puts on some very nice events in Warsaw and Central Europe.
smurf  38 | 1940  
23 Oct 2012 /  #20
Are you an Irish smurf? ;-)

darn-tooting I am boss ;)

Best of luck lad, I'm nowhere near Warsaw, but have been there a few times and I really liked it, especially since they've had the football.
23 Oct 2012 /  #21
Is there a Filipino community?

I know an American guy who is married to a Filipino, next time I see him I'll ask about it.

But for now: pinoysinpoland.blogspot.com
OP Uk expat  
23 Oct 2012 /  #22
Cheers Harry
Richfilth  6 | 415  
23 Oct 2012 /  #23
I've lived in Warsaw for eight years but never felt the urge to seek out the ex-pat crowd. There are more than enough Polish people out there prepared to bullshit with you about Formula 1... particularly on the enormous skill, talent and overall prowess of Kubica.

I'm not sure a teacher's salary will pay for a house in Wilanow though, British Council or otherwise.
23 Oct 2012 /  #24
I'm not sure a teacher's salary will pay for a house in Wilanow though, British Council or otherwise.

Same here.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
23 Oct 2012 /  #25
They are just jealous: they have sad little lives as pathetic failures and you travel the world making very decent cash.


They are mostly the kind of bare-chested, silver chain-wearing, tattooed thugs who put "Burnely (sic) til I die" on their Facebook page (or whatever inbred chav town they come from). People like that surplus c*** who gouged his girlfriend's eyes out. Unfortunately, my sister loves such losers :) Of course they will be "Burnley until they die", because (a) they will never hold down a decent job, and (b) they would lose their council house if they moved for a better one :D I would love to become a much-derided "expat", but I'm too old now, lol.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Oct 2012 /  #26
I'm not sure a teacher's salary will pay for a house in Wilanow though, British Council or otherwise.

there was a British expat couple that used to live in a very nice house in Mokotow and he worked for the British council. I met them about 9 years ago- so they have long gone. I don't really know what the British council does- but they had a nice house.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Oct 2012 /  #27
Could have been not a teacher, but someone else connected with them. They essentially exist as a "jobs for the boys" type organisation without being directly employed by the UK Government.

But yes, not convinced as well that a teacher with the British Council would manage to live the kind of life involving a nice house, golf, etc spoken about here.

Don't forget that there's also the International Women's Group. They have an office in the LIM Centre.

If the group in Poznan is anything to go by, they're horrible people and best to be avoided.

I'm not sure a teacher's salary will pay for a house in Wilanow though, British Council or otherwise.

Can't see it happening personally - not unless he's doing some sort of office-related job with them and not teaching.
23 Oct 2012 /  #28
Don't forget that there's also the International Women's Group. They have an office in the LIM Centre.

The women I've know from IWG Warsaw have all been very sound.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Oct 2012 /  #29
I am not in the International Womens group in Warsaw but a lot of them come to my shop, a lot of them are my clients. They all seem quite nice- the only thing I noticed is that they are older. Late 40's early 50's so somebody with two young children probably doesn't want to hang around with them- and vice versa. That is why I suggested the mums and tots.

the website seems to have shut down but here is their facebook page. It is a closed group.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Oct 2012 /  #30
Perhaps you should check out the difference between an expat and an immigrant.

Please enlighten me.

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