double standard, no?
I'm sorry , I had to pipe in; your entire view on this subject makes you sound quite unsavory for first time since I started hanging here!
My many countries even HAVE this type of law that happen to have these legions of native Polish, using their mighty buying power of their current coinage to illegally obtain fine antiques? What double standard?
Are you taking specifically of import /export law? Or the raping of national treasures (regardless of tatty post war condition) to make ..PROFIT. Using western economic strength to make a predatory market because inability to pay fair market price? Or straight up raping of antiquities?
My maternal grandfather was Import /Export dealer in rare items and coins.Every true foreign antique we have left from him has paperwork trail.
Very FEW countries even have such a law..usually ones that have been rolled over and sacked constantly so have so very little of their precious past. Obtaining anything illegallly is WRONG. Especially to float a business. Ethically , morally and of course by law.
So point out the NATIVE polish ring of antique thieves that operate in countries desparate to hold to treasures like Iran, Afghnastan, Egypt. The Syrian war is directly connected to illegal antiquities trade. And there was a reason for agreements like the flawed old GATT as well as it's replacement VER. To protect countries newly opened into Int'l market from predation from richer countries is just ONE. A sovereign nation has the RIGHT o make whatever law they like in their borders. If you break it in their borders you area criminal. No matter how large or small the offense. I doubt any WTO data shows Poland as some major offender in antiquities theft. But I will look into it in normal hours (am up to take allergy med)
If one is worried about police or customs, then one is intending to obtain things they should not have. I have a personal disgust against the type of people who look for illegal baragins of heritage pieces. Plenty of interesting stuff to buy the right way. And if real? it should never be let go 'cheap". I have no qualm against obtaining an older, well made piece of furnishing or art/jewelery type of antique. Even older pieces, if obtained legal with proper tariffs..regardless of "fairness" .
Looking for bargians in illegal antiquities is neither cute, amusing or even clever. It is all just wrong.
And fuels events like happened to my family personally.
A business acquaintance of my grandfatehr hired thugs to rob my father's house to get Stewart linked possessions he heard about in passing casual conversation and THIS: And other antiques, but THESE were personal heirlooms that would have become nameless "finds" had they slipped past the (?French..I think it was? this was 70s) border after the reports. It was luck and a sniffy official and a squealing hireling. He was caught selling these items on the sly market. And damn straight we PROSECUTED!
example A
example B
Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organization
Small blog by expert