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Driving from UK to Ukraine via Poland - need car insurance

10 Jan 2012 /  #31
I made an overnight at one near Sobibor

There's a cracking little fish 'restaurant' just off the main road from Wlodawa to Lublin (on the right a bit before the turning on the left to get to Sobibor if you're coming from Wlodawa). "Bar pod Samolotem", hard to miss: it's got a twin engined turboprop parked in the garden (which is painted purple and pink).
wildrover  148 | 6108  
11 Jan 2012 /  #32
As you probably gathered I have a keen interest in WW2 history and visit any related sites.

If you are also interested in more modern military history , you can visit Borno Sullinowo... It a Russian miliary camp , used for housing mobile nuclear missile forces...Its quite near me...

A lot of the stuff above ground has been destroyed , but there are miles of underground bunkers to explore...

Dont go alone tho , and take some rope and a pair of wellies there is some flooding in parts , and i did hear a German tourist fell down an unseen shaft under the water and drowned...
Bulletguy  - | 11  
14 Jan 2012 /  #33
"Bar pod Samolotem", hard to miss: it's got a twin engined turboprop parked in the garden (which is painted purple and pink).

Purple and Pink?!!!!

That's worth a photo just for a laugh!

A lot of the stuff above ground has been destroyed , but there are miles of underground bunkers to explore....

Sounds like the sort of place I enjoy snooping around though I don't relish the idea of disappearing down some shaft never to be found again! Is the place fenced off as a restricted area?
wildrover  148 | 6108  
14 Jan 2012 /  #34
You are not really supposed to drive into the area.... but you can walk around it , no problem...

incidentally , before the Russians took it over , it was a huge German military base....

there are supposed to be miles of tunnels they made...that lie undiscovered yet....


Some information about Borno Sullinowo...
6 Feb 2012 /  #35

Interesting post you put here,
Is still the case?
I used to pass the border at Krakovets.
It has been some years since i went by car to Ukraine and plan this trip this summer, do you have any fresh update concerning insurance?

28 May 2013 /  #36
I just made the crossing over to Ukraine from Poland via the korczowa border on sunday, there were only 3 cars ahead of my but still took an hour to get through. Partly because they were asking for a green card and most UK people know not many Uk insurers provide cover for Ukraine. They said I had to go back and buy a green card and there was nobody at the border selling insurance. I had read on a post here that I could buy the insurance at the "Medyka/Shegyni border crossing just outside Przemysl. But my sat nav took my to korczowa:( .... they didn't make a fuss and left me alone and then after a few minutes I bribed one of the security staff with 10 euros and he waved me through. But I have to find a Ukrainian insurance company to get a real green card otherwise I will have to bribe to every traffic policeman who sees my UK reg and immediately stops me. I'm going to visit some insurance companies in Lviv tomorrow and will keep you updated.
greg carpets  
4 Jun 2013 /  #37
i have crossed the border twice in the last 2 yrs at korczowa, i will do so again this july. when they ask for my green card or insurance i just tell them i will buy it as soon as i enter ukraine. i normally stop at the first petrol station, straight after the entrance gate on way into ukraine. opposite is a dinner or similar, they sell car insurance in there. its not very expensive and shuts the local police up when they stop you. rolex 44 should you find a broker in lviv could you post there details on here, i may try and contact them in advance and see if i can get insurance before i leave, just incase they are being stupidly strict on entering this year!!
10 Jul 2013 /  #38
Hi All,

I am planning driving from UK Via Poland and Ukraine, then Russia to Kazakhstan. I have a UK Passport, Vehicle will be UK registered, i have Kazakhs and Russian Visa's. Do i need anything else? Do i need a Carnet for anywhere or just a case of having the Vehicle Documents and Green card for insurance and on my way?? What about vehicle loads? Like Bicyle and any other stuff i take with me?

I would appreciate any help that anyone can give.

kind regards,

10 Jul 2013 /  #39
You don't need an apostrophe in visas.
You do need a first aid kit and a reflective triangle.
10 Jul 2013 /  #40
any other stuff i take with me?

If you're going through France you must have two disposable breathalysers and a high visibility jacket.
For where you're going I'd suggest having both a spare wheel and a puncture temporary repair kit (tyreweld or similar)

You do need a first aid kit and a reflective triangle.

After the 'v'? Or before the 's'?
10 Jul 2013 /  #41
Thanks guys,

Europe is not an issue, i lived in Paris for a few years so i know the rules etc there. Especially that now the High-vis jacket Must be visible inside the car (I.E: On the back of the drivers seat) Or you will get a ticket if Stopped.

My Concern was outside EU like Ukraine and Russian Boarders etc....

Kind regards,

29 Nov 2013 /  #42
greg carpets
Hi, You should go to the "Medyka/Shegyni border since there are lots of shops and a big building building like a superstore a quarter of a mile before the border crossing. You will also be able to buy a monthly road assistance cover. If you find yourself in a very long queue. Just park your car and walk to the shops. This way there will be very little hassle with the border police. If you don't some of them might stop you from crossing. the "Medyka/Shegyni border crossing also has better roads on the Ukrainian side to Lviv.
Rolex44  - | 1  
29 Nov 2013 /  #43
In Ukraine none of the police cared about the international driving license only the UK photo id one.

Those of you going to Ukraine, I used tas-insurance.com.ua/en/ it costs about £10 a month 3rd party, fire and I think theft. They have a Uk office which might provide you the insurance documents before you go. Garant Assistance Recovery.provides you with road side and recovery in Ukraine again about £10 a month.
28 Apr 2017 /  #44
I am driving from UK to Ukraine in June. After some searching on the internet, I discovered that TAS Insurance Group have a Facebook page. I messaged them about insurance for my holiday, and once they knew what I wanted they arranged my driving insurance and my medical insurance. I paid for the policies online and they emailed copies of both policies to me and I printed them at home, I can collect the originals when I arrive in Ukraine. I don't speak or read Ukrainian or Russian, but they messaged me in English anyway. All in all, a painless procedure which may save some time at the border.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
29 Apr 2017 /  #45
Do you know what is the difference between my internet browser and the country of Ukraine?
My browser has "history".
MitchP  - | 1  
15 Oct 2017 /  #46
Any one Looking for a Ride to Ukraine or Poland Please get in touch I am Driving to Lutsk in Ukraine on the 7th of November 2017 from London and looking for company since I am Alone in a 4x4 Audi Q7 I am going there to Join My Wife and Baby Daughter please email me at mitch17@mac.com

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