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How much it costs a visit of Poland of one week?

zohir cheribet  
28 Jul 2012 /  #1
I'm Algerian ,i want to know how much i have to pay inorder to visit Poland and stay ther for one week in summer in 4 stars hotel for example.

Bieganski  17 | 888  
28 Jul 2012 /  #2
I would guess probably anywhere between 2,000 and 4,000 Euros. That's taking into account your return flight, hotel, meals, shopping, local travel, etc. Poland is a large country and you didn't say which part you wanted to visit or what exactly you planned on doing during your trip. I also assumed you were traveling from and back to Algeria.
Wroclaw Boy  
29 Jul 2012 /  #3
stay ther for one week in summer in 4 stars hotel for example.

A 4 star hotels about 300pln - 500pln per night, look for special offers with one of the Polish hotel websites. Spending money about 200pln / day so 7x 600 pln = 4200pln = around 1000 EUR (excluding travel of course).
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
29 Jul 2012 /  #4
That's taking into account your return flight

Lols....Im leaving the obvious cracks today ;)
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 Jul 2012 /  #5
Bieganski: That's taking into account your return flight
Lols....Im leaving the obvious cracks today ;)

Yes, well, buying return tickets upfront are typically cheaper but whether this zohir cheribet plans on using them is another matter. He has already posted elsewhere on PF his desire to meet a Polish woman. For love of course! I find it sad actually to read over and over again that there never are any suitable women to be found outside of Poland.
pawian  226 | 27563  
29 Jul 2012 /  #6
That`s because Polish satellite channels are extremely popular in Arab countries. They watch Polish blond singers, dancers and models day and night and then dream of Polish women. Normal.
OP zohir cheribet  
4 Aug 2012 /  #7
No, it is not true Mr i did not see any polish channel before because i see arab channels , frensh , British and American for a linguistic purpose but it does not mean that i did not hear about Polish girls that there are very nice and for that i searched about them on net and i had talked with one of theme for 8 months but now she don't want to talk with me....until now i can't forget her( she is not actess or model or...) she is a simple girl and i can tell you that i could find who is nicer than her easily in Algeria but really i did not like anyone exept her because she was very kind , she answered me when i write to her for the first time ...she whote to me and she asked about me , she accepted to meet me when i told her but really is me who couldn't go to Poland last summer because i had not money ....now i can't forget her, i know that it is imposible to meet her now because he has her boyfriend but really i don't know what i want exactely...a girl like her or to visit her town inorder to see her even for amoment....really i don't know....finally , i want to tell you that i'm not care for your rasist ideas, i just want to show you the truth.

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