Sorry but I don't know Wroclaw at all.
I am sure it is defined and explained somewhere.I am not from Wroclaw so I can't help you here but I am sure someone will.
Well thanks anyway, I've had to now buy the extra ticket because don't want a scene on the bus and I'm going to be in outlying areas of Wroclaw this coming month and don't want the aggravation.
MPK Urbancard take note - I had to walk to 2 machines until I found one that worked - that was about 3/4km extra walk. Then it wouldn't take one of my credit cards, for what reason I don't know. MPK,/Urbancard: get your act together! I have found your machines out of order quite regularly and last month a Polish man told me your machine swallowed his money and gave no ticket or no change, I'm not sure if it was either or both. He was standing by the machine, very upset. It then wouldn't take my credit card and again I had to walk 3/4km.