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Clubs, bars and general night life in Poland

Peter Sweden  1 | 2  
28 Feb 2010 /  #1
Sorry if this topic has been up before. But I want a up to date one so I'll make a new.

Long story short, im a 25 year old dude from Sweden who is tired on the basic 1 week all out party vacation in cyprus, spain whatever. And to be honest they are quite expensive or have a tendency to become. :)

I was checking around on the internet and found that travel to Poland is rather cheap in comparison. After some intense "googling" Poland struck me as a rather nice country hence my question.

How is the nightlife over there? Any town better than the other? And can you come down during 1 or 2 weeks over the summer and be out every night, I mean so the bars ain't closed or something like that, is that possible?

Any information would be greatly appreciated since I have to convince my friends of my new found idea as well. :)

I hope noone takes this post as disrepect from my part, im just clueless about the polish culture and it may or may not be suited for this kind of tourism.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Feb 2010 /  #2
And can you come down during 1 or 2 weeks over the summer and be out every night, I mean so the bars ain't closed or something like that, is that possible?

Stay away from Poznan and Wroclaw during the summer if you want this - they'll both be dead in terms of nightlife. During university term time, both will be busy every night if you want to go partying - but not during summer. Poznan is almost like a morgue during the summer months, and Wroclaw isn't much better (unless you want to party with elderly Germans).

Can't talk for Warsaw or Krakow, but I'd assume both of those would have plenty happening every night regardless of time of the year.
OP Peter Sweden  1 | 2  
28 Feb 2010 /  #3
Thanks for the quick reply.
Nah, partying with the elderly germans aint part of the plan. :)

Poznan and Wroclaw you say, gotta google that. Not necessary to go their during the summer either can take a week vacation whenever. And since I have 3 and a half years of university in me I know students can party =)

Thanks alot for the tip, gonna check into this.
scottie1113  6 | 896  
28 Feb 2010 /  #4
Gdansk has a very active night life year round, as does Sopot, only 20 minutes away by SKM. If you come here, let me know and I'll give you the name of the best pub in Gdansk.
seb4u  - | 48  
28 Feb 2010 /  #5
Torun, Bydgoszcz and Sopot in summer
OP Peter Sweden  1 | 2  
1 Mar 2010 /  #6
Great, thanks for the replies.

Found this site wroclaw-life.com and it seems to have alot of options when it comes to night life and spend money :)

So im down to either Wroclaw pre-summer or Sopot during the summer.

Any tips on places to go, things to spend the day on? Glad for every pointer I get and to be honest we are only there got really wasted and have a good time.
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Mar 2010 /  #7
wroclaw.dlastudenta.pl/lokale/ - dla studenta has some information on places to waste the night away...
BackOfTheNet81  2 | 18  
1 Mar 2010 /  #8
Gdansk/Sopot is definitely no.1 in the summer and you can do it for a decent price. My tip: check out 1stopjamboree.info ;)
Olaf  6 | 955  
28 Apr 2010 /  #9
Krakow does not sleep, and if you want to come to Poland - Krakow should be on your must-see list. Lot's of places to go and have fun.

I actually wouldn't say that PoznaƄ is

dead in terms of nightlife

- what about some clubs like Post Dali and many others? But it is a bit off-season during summer.
groovyg  3 | 70  
9 May 2010 /  #10
summer is not so good for nightlife, as mentioned above many cities are dead in summer months

holidays resorts (sopot etc) are active

krakow is always active but much much much better in october when the student year starts.

if all you want is 2 weeks non stop party your best choice would be october-november in krakow.

there will also be less tourists. weather may be cold but you are from sweden so nothing new.
13 Oct 2010 /  #11
Me and 4 other friends are getting down to Sopot from 14 till 17th october.
What can I expect of city life at that time of the year?
And how is the average prizes for beer and drinks?
jwojcie  2 | 762  
13 Oct 2010 /  #12
What can I expect of city life at that time of the year?

White bears lying drunken on the pavements... ;-)
Hm... more seriously probably not much of action on October there, but Gdansk is just nearby... Maybe as a bigger and academic city it will have more to offer during such cold autumn...
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
13 Oct 2010 /  #13
Gdansk has a very active night life year round, as does Sopot, only 20 minutes away by SKM. If you come here, let me know and I'll give you the name of the best pub in Gdansk

Are u sure ur not Carl in disguise???/

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