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Which Poland's city is LGBT friendly?

Ironside  51 | 13124  
20 Jul 2019 /  #31
BTW: Is there any cities in Poland that are zoophile friendly?

If it is that would be Warsaw with Soviet Trzaskowski in charge. That your Kremlin Soviets fault you breed that vermin and now they just go from one master to other, like butlers without their master. I'm sure they would lick Russians/Soviets boot too given right circumstances. Now they are in German/EU sucking up mode. That involves embracing LGBT ideology.

Personally they don't give a F one way of their other. If Moscow would be in position of power they would cheer up bridges of so called vigilantes that hunt for and beat up homosexuals. What is in fashion in Putin's Moscow.
Crow  155 | 9736  
20 Jul 2019 /  #32
cities in Poland that are zoophile friendly? ....................... with beloved dogs, sheeps and goats ........................... necrofiles is a thing that is hardly possible...

Very wise, timely and important question.

That could be named only as freak show, if ever happen. Especially in any Slavic country, where people are still normal.

But, exactly because of such malevolent things we need to acknowledge rights of our LGBT brethren who are oriented on same sax. Then, in peace with them, in alliance with them, we would together fight true evil they will of course be sent on us.

No city is LGBT friendly.

That is very sad, indeed.
pawian  226 | 27817  
21 Jul 2019 /  #33
Some people asked about full rights. Are they morons or they only pretend to be ones?

Full rights mean that gays can hold their parades without worrying about violence against them, for example.
What happened during yesterday`s first parade ever in Białystok? Antigay protesters hurled stones and eggs at the marchers. The police detained 20 guys, the rest is going to be identified.

See nice pics. As I said, it will not stop the movement. And the more stones are thrown today, the more rainbow flags will wave tomorrow.

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Jul 2019 /  #34
Antigay protesters hurled stones and eggs at the marchers.

Reports say that these defenders of traditional Christian values in Poland have attacked the police protecting the march in the vicinity of the Cathedral. Also, groups consisting of several rightards attacked individual persons by chasing and beating them.

Police detained 20 persons and the Internal Affairs Minister, Elżbieta Witek said they all would be punished. Adrian Zandberg of the RAZEM party said the minister at first behaved as if nothing happened!
Tacitus  2 | 1274  
21 Jul 2019 /  #35
Reports say that these defenders of traditional Christian values

Interesting that those who follow the teachings of a man who once said ""He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone" are now throwing rocks on innocent people.
Ironside  51 | 13124  
21 Jul 2019 /  #36
propaganda works, hence they're using it.
Crow  155 | 9736  
21 Jul 2019 /  #37
The police detained 20 guys

Most interesting thing is that are many man raped in jails. Jails and judicial system that way serve as recruiting centers for LGBT. People, people, when would you understand that you can`t against system. That system exploit equally homosexual and heterosexual populace.

Just accept gays as reality and move on. Don`t give excuse EU to use that question against Poland.

nice pics. As I said, it will not stop the movement. And the more stones are thrown today, the more rainbow flags will wave tomorrow.

Yes. That I speak about. Poland is now in media focus. It just feed the machine. Poles against Poles. Just find them reason and excuse to EU to more meddling in Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Jul 2019 /  #38
Antigay protesters hurled stones and eggs at the marchers.


As I said, it will not stop the movement. And the more stones are thrown today, the more rainbow flags will wave tomorrow.

The Polish constitution isn't gonna get changed... Majority of poles are against gay marraige, adoption, and pride parades which looks more like a clown costume convention

It wouldn't be a problem is gays just wanted unions. But they always push the envelope and poles realize that. First it starts with civil unions, then they start demanding marraige, then it's transformers with their pronouns then adoptions, then the transformers start demanding bathrooms, then they start demanding hat people not only tolerate then but accept their behavior even if it's against their own views (for example a transformer took 15 business owners to court because they refused to Brazilian wax thebtransformers balls. And in the clown world society of Canada the transformer won...then there's court cases where a father was forced bt rhe clown world court ro refer to his prepubescent son by some girls name ... or that a Christian Baker refused to bake a cake for two gays.) Then they start demanding that they're allowed to indoctrinate kids... Soon they'll start demanding pedophilia be legal they're already starting to plant the seeds that it's "normal" and "natural" it simply never ends.

Poles understand this. That's why in the 90s they decided marraiges will be between Adam I ewa, not Adam I Stefan.

30+ polish cities are now free of aggressive indoctrination. I bet you'll definitely be seeing more of those LGBT free zone stickers.
Crow  155 | 9736  
21 Jul 2019 /  #39
Well, Polish society do deserve to be free from EU influence. In any sense. Is that possible? Possible peacefully? Or would it be intervention style like in the cases of Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union?

Still, why would Poland fall in trap and antagonize its own population? EU is one thing, LGBT is different thing.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Jul 2019 /  #40
Again, LGBT isn't the issue. Aggressive, militant LGBT indoctrination especially towards children is. Like most people, idc what two consenting adults do in their bedroom. But when they try to indoctrinate kids before they've even hit puberty I can't agree with that and neither do most Poles. That is why this big fight over LGBT in Poland now. A Warsaw politician wants to introduce LGBT education to kids, PiS and most Poles are against that.

Well, Polish society do deserve to be free from EU influence. In any sense. Is that possible? Possible peacefully?

Why would we give up the EU while we're still getting billions of dollars. Once Poland becomes a net payee I believe attitudes will change significantly. The LGBT indoctrination is part of the EU's efforts to force their agendas upon populations regardless of whether the majority of the countries' citizens agree with it or not. That a big problem in the EU and most democracies. The EU, USA nad other western democracies like to talk **** saying that Russia, China, etc. is authoritarian, a quasi dictatorship except just like supposed 'democracies' the legislators don't give two ***** about what citizens want and what will be good for them.
Joker  2 | 2468  
21 Jul 2019 /  #41
A Warsaw politician wants to introduce LGBT education to kids,

This is totally messed up how they are brainwashing children to believe this sick behavior is normal.

I bet you'll definitely be seeing more of those LGBT free zone stickers.

This is battle worth fighting for, saving the children from these sexual predators. Like you said, I don't care what 2 adults do in their bedrooms with one another, but these disgusting parades with pervs preforming simulated sex acts in front of little children to view should be banned immediately.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Jul 2019 /  #42
This is battle worth fighting for, saving the children from these sexual predators

The brainwashing is crazy. There's so many kids who are like 7, 9, 12 etc years old transitioning and many even od them taking hormone blockers as preteens and young teens. I remember reading an article how some school in UK had several dozen kids transition. And surprise surprise, one of the admins forgot if it was a principle or Dean or whatever is also a transformer. In a tv interview two Canadian teachers admitted to pushing LGBT views on kids. To top it off several countries have thes insane laws where a doctor can lose their license for not acknowledging a transformers sex while in Canada it's illegal for parents to try to talk their kids out of it and not call them by their transformer name.

The Warsaw politician wanted to introduce this same kind of stuff. It would start with supposed education and before you know it there's a dozen kids transitioning. And of course they'd force the other kids to accept and deride Christianity and social conservatism.

This is the stuff that Poland is fighting against. And how did it all begin? With gays first asking for rights like civil unions and over rhe decades pushing the envelope further. Enough is enough. Hands off Polish children!

What's beautiful is that polish government is investigating and will possibly prosecute Ikea because they fired an employee who refused to go along with their pro LGBT agenda they force on employees and when he wrote that he's Catholic and doesn't buy into this stuff and that he was hired to build furniture not get involved with som LGBT stuff they sacked him.

view should be banned immediately.

It use to be illegal. But the EU got their panties in a bunch over it.

Quite frankly I am so sick of all the resources spent on promoting sexual deviations that a tiny fraction of the population participate in. Every single freaken country there's ngos, charities, etc a big portion of them lead and finances by Jews (which is quite ironic because gay marraige is illegal in Israel - again this is just one of the many things that are for the goyim). I mean seriously even people who are into kinky sex like say BDSM or whatever they don't go about advertising their sex life and demanding that children lead about it.

Even trump is now pushing the LGBT agenda. He wanted to sanction countries where gay marraige is illegal. Rainbow flags flew from embassies during "gay history month."

Poland is resisting and thank goodness the constitution has nipped it in the bud and that majority of poles aren't brainwashed and can see this militant lgbt activism for what it is.
mafketis  38 | 11284  
22 Jul 2019 /  #43
There's so many kids who are like 7, 9, 12 etc years old transitioning and many even od them taking hormone blockers

that is very terrible, and just reinforces the idea that what is needed are rational criteria rather than poorly understood talking points repeated ad nauseum

I'm completely in favor of adults being able to order their emotional and sexual lives as they please (including legal protections for their hard earned property) and completely opposed to the sexualization of children (either drag kids of child beauty pageants or even child actors) and/or trans procedures applied to those below the age of 18 (at least).

the puberty blockers are a pharmaceutical scam - it's a side effect of another drug and the American pharmaceutical industry (essentially an organized crime syndicate) is behind creating this secondary market - I'd explain in more detail but people whose arguments consist of talking points and memes.... wouldn't get it.

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