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Buying train tickets - easiest / cheapest way to buy them in Poland?

Rosanna  1 | -  
17 Apr 2017 /  #1
Hello all
I am coming to Poland in October and will be travelling from Gdansk - Torun - Warsaw - Zakopane - Krakow

Can I buy tickets at the station on the day of travel?
Or should I buy them online? If I buy them online is the ticket then on my phone to show to staff on the train?

Just want to know the easiest / cheapest way to buy them

Thankyou all so much
polishbrit45  - | 3  
17 Apr 2017 /  #2
Hi a lot of the bigger train stations in Poland (e.g. Kraków Główny & Gdańsk Główny) have electronic ticket machines either on the platform or on the way to them.

The tickets machines usually have an English language option as well and are easy to use. Usually, you can also pay by card. Hope this helps :)
jon357  72 | 23565  
17 Apr 2017 /  #3
? If I buy them online is the ticket then on my phone to show to staff on the train?

You can also buy them online at intercity.pl/en/

You will need to print the ticket.
The Wanderer  
17 Apr 2017 /  #4
Buy the tickets with a credit card. Polish train tickets can be quite complicated, and even the locals frequently don't understand all of the rules. In case of problems, i.e., .like the wrong ticker was sold, or it was useless without a reservation, etc., you can file a chargeback. That is much easier than dealing with the PKP people.

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