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Where can I buy alcohol in Poland as a 16 yr old? (is it legal?)

14 May 2014 /  #1
So basically, Im 16 years old and polish, but i live in Finland. I am going to Rowy and Slupsk, but I want to buy booze. So where should i try and buy: gas stations, liquor stores, small shops etc ? And if anyone knows a specific place please inform :)!
14 May 2014 /  #2
So basically, Im 16 years old

Have teenagers today not heard the words 'novelty ID card'?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 May 2014 /  #3
oh yes those Harry my 15 year old has a little industry going at college making them
14 May 2014 /  #4
Looks like he might have another customer soon!
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
14 May 2014 /  #5
Have teenagers today not heard the words 'novelty ID card'?


Stick around. Sooner or later there will be a thread created about fake ID. Send some Euro's over and Bob's your uncle.


my 15 year old has a little industry going at college making them

Maybe he / she should post a thread!
jon357  72 | 23483  
14 May 2014 /  #6
Stick to soft drinks. The age for buying alcohol in PL is 18 and shops are quite good about sticking to that.
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
14 May 2014 /  #7
buying alcohol in PL is 18

I always wondered who is charged in case a underage is sold alcohol? in states both the seller and the buyer is charged,to top it even if a fake id is shown still the seller is charged as he did sell to underage as well as the buyer.Same is the case with ciggerettes.
jon357  72 | 23483  
14 May 2014 /  #8
Using a fake ID card is certainly illegal here and a shop in Warsaw lost its alcohol licence for selling to minors a while back.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
14 May 2014 /  #9
It is quite strict, I have been asked for ID a couple of times in fact and I am nearing 30. I am pretty sure that the charge will definately hit the shopkeeper and their license, however I am aware that it is an offense to attempt to buy alcohol while underage so the person buying could also be charged. It's also worth noting that a particularly strict shopkeeper could refuse you and then call the police/straz mieska with a description and they will be fine and you will be picked up.

Might be better off getting someone to buy it for you.
18 May 2014 /  #10
Marek. If you look 16 or even 18, most shopkeepers are going to card you. I see it all the time. Why not forget the booze and find the Lord Jesus instead? Just kidding. Ask a wino outside the night shop.
23 Jun 2014 /  #11
Merged: Alcohol

What is the best place to try and purchase alcohol in poland as a underage, im thinking of the monopolowy stores and the small kiosks or maybe some private shops? Im in słupsk and rowy atm
Roger5  1 | 1432  
23 Jun 2014 /  #12
Try the place at Al. 3 Maja, Słupsk.
23 Jun 2014 /  #13
You mean the Czarny Kot? I'm pretty sure that closed down.
I think that place on Szczecinska is still open.
(My Mrs is from Slupsk and I lived there for a year).
Roger5  1 | 1432  
23 Jun 2014 /  #14
You mean the Czarny Kot?

No, this:slupsk.policja.gov.pl/adresy_kmp.php
Kids these days have no initiative.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / Where can I buy alcohol in Poland as a 16 yr old? (is it legal?)Archived