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5 Sep 2006 /  #1
Oh no i have just read that the biggest mosque in Northern Europe is on the baltic is in the city of Gdansk.THERE ARRIVED my Polish friends!!!!!!!! How did u let that happen?
iwona  12 | 542  
5 Sep 2006 /  #2

This is mosque used by tatars for so many years. it is now part of our culture.

So are we so intolerant as some people on this site say?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
8 Jul 2012 /  #3
Let's keep the focus on the Mosque please?
pawian  224 | 27236  
16 Jan 2013 /  #4




Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
16 Jan 2013 /  #5
THERE ARRIVED my Polish friends!!!!!!!! How did u let that happen?

Long ago a Lithuanian Grand-Duke allowed some Muslim Tartars to settle in his territory after they'd lost a war against Tamerlane the Great. Muslims arrived in Polish-Lithuanian territory centuries ago and they have been valued members of Polish-Lithuanian society ever since. Islamophobia is not a Polish problem, but it is a problem for people like gavin, so much the worse for him and his sad ilk.
pawian  224 | 27236  
16 Jan 2013 /  #6
Islamophobia is not a Polish problem,


But how long?
Bromberger  - | 3  
16 Jan 2013 /  #7
But how long?

Until there are only few hundred Muslims, not few milion.
pawian  224 | 27236  
16 Jan 2013 /  #8
Sad, but might be true. We must do everything to contain religious warfare in Poland.
sledz  23 | 2247  
17 Jan 2013 /  #9
Will the Polish be strong enough to say Nooooooo!
The Muslims will start riots like they do in London and France when they reach a certain percentage of the general population.

Its all part of their plan for world domination!


Most Poles that Ive encountered are racists, Ive surprised someone hasnt bulldozed that mosque down yet!
geop  - | 2  
17 Jan 2013 /  #10
Its all part of their plan for world domination!

That's funny, that's really funny if you think this is a plan.
Don't be racist and respect the muslims, as they respect you.
If you afraid of growing population of muslim, then do more kids.

Muslims are terrorists? and growing population of Muslim means more terrorists?
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
18 Jan 2013 /  #11
What is the name of this Mosque? Even better, what area of town is it in? I haven't seen it yet.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Jan 2013 /  #12
Islamophobia is not a Polish problem, but it is a problem for people like gavin, so much the worse for him and his sad ilk.

I find this hard to believe. A lot of the Poles I know would feel badly about a Mosque being erected in their city, or even Muslims being an accepted part of their culture. Jokes about the Jews are almost on the same level as jokes about Muslims or blacks.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jan 2013 /  #13
I think it's important to remember that all religions are not equal.
Some are worse for the rest of us than others.
For example, it's hard to imagine a buddhist, even extreme buddhist, strapping bombs on himself to blow up the non-buddhists.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
18 Jan 2013 /  #14
A lot of the Poles I know would feel badly about a Mosque being erected in their city

There have been mosques in Poland for centuries in all of Poland's major cities. Perhaps the Poles you know are aping the stupidity of certain Western Europeans but Poland herself has a proud history of religious tolerance.

It may be hard to imagine for you but some of us have heard of a dust up called World War 2 in which large numbers Buddhist Japanese became kamikazees and did just what you have trouble imagining.

If you want to claim that the Buddhist Japanese didn't do this out of religious fevor than we can also tell you that Muslims who resort to suicide missions are also doing so for political and not religious reasons.

It makes me sick when supposedly circumspect people buy into Islamophobic propaganda.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Jan 2013 /  #15
I think it's important to remember that all religions are not equal.
Some are worse for the rest of us than others.

an example of a religion that's bad for us?
please do not include religious fanatics. If you do, then you must include the ones of the Roman Catholic persuasion also.
Paulina  17 | 4465  
18 Jan 2013 /  #16
For example, it's hard to imagine a buddhist, even extreme buddhist, strapping bombs on himself to blow up the non-buddhists.

"But Buddhism, like the other great faiths, has not always lived up to its principles - there are numerous examples of Buddhists engaging in violence and even war."

"In Sri Lanka the 20th century civil war between the mostly Buddhist Sinhalese majority and the Hindu Tamil minority has cost 50,000 lives."

Quotes from:

If you do, then you must include the ones of the Roman Catholic persuasion also.

She isn't a Roman Catholic, rybnik, she's an atheist ;)
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Jan 2013 /  #17
Muslims arrived in Polish-Lithuanian territory centuries ago

now there's a quote, Des Essientes, I can 100% embrace

We must do everything to contain religious warfare in Poland.


Most Poles that Ive encountered are racists

don't believe it!
MoOli  9 | 479  
18 Jan 2013 /  #18
Will the Polish be strong enough to say Nooooooo!The Muslims will start riots like they do in London and France when they reach a certain percentage of the general population.

They will not if they (township) permits me to open a nudy bar named MORE HAMMERED next to it with 24 hr blinking neon sign!:)
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jan 2013 /  #19
"In Sri Lanka the 20th century civil war between the mostly Buddhist Sinhalese majority and the Hindu Tamil minority has cost 50,000 lives."

that's fvcked up. I wonder if those were political wars, rather than religious, since buddhism preaches non-violence, but I really don't want to fight about it..

Anyway, I'm more concerned with today, and where each religion seems to be heading. Buddhists are more apt to just burn themselves rather than blow themselves up where they can take maximum casualties with them.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
18 Jan 2013 /  #20
She isn't a Roman Catholic, rybnik, she's an atheist ;)

couldn't care less Paulina
my point is the great religions of the world all preach peace and love
it's the corrupt leaders that lead some astray.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jan 2013 /  #21
an example of a religion that's bad for us?

On global scale, it looks to me like religions are most dangerous elements in modern life.
These exclusive, and directly competing ideologies, are simply incompatible with finding solutions for sustainable civilization.
If you look at the statistics, the nations with highest number of atheists are the ones with lowest violent crime, best education, gender equality, infant mortality, etc etc.

But it's not just religions in particular that we have to be weary of.
We have to be weary of any dogmatic ideologies, which are essentially strong convictions without evidence that are shared by a mob. In this context, other dogmas, such as communism or hatred of Jews, for example, share the space with religions.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
18 Jan 2013 /  #22
The majority of humans seem to have a need for spirituality/religion built in. As has been often noted, when the common people lose their religion, they immediately start worshiping something else, like Dear Leader, The Party or Progressivism.

However, this creates a sort of "conflict of interest". The political authorities are vulnerable to corruption and error. They function best when they are treated as a necessary evil. Kept at arms length and watched like a hawk. Blind faith in the political authorities is dangerous. If the political authorities (Dear Leader or The Party) are your religion, you are hardly likely to treat them with the necessary skepticism.

Adopting an ideology like Progressivism as your religion is similarly problematic. Ideologies set out a blueprint for a certain desired social order. That is to say, they make claims about reality; do this and good stuff will happen. Claims about reality must be continuously and relentlessly tested to ensure that they are actually true statements about reality. Buying into an incorrect claim about reality is an easy way to fall into error. If an ideology is your religion, you are hardly likely to treat it with the necessary skepticism. You may even unconsciously ignore data that tends to falsify the your religion's claims about reality.

It seems to me that we were better off when religion was our religion. Making ideology into a religion has been disastrous.

The following quote applies to western society well as it did to his revolution.

Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened" Since then I have spend well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat:

"Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."

The USSR is a shining example of what happens when a nation rejects the religion that gave birth to it. It begins killing itself en masse, starting with the most talented, most independent, and most economically well-adjusted. Russia would have been a completely different country today, had Stalinist repressions not eradicated its best men of science, art, philosophy, politics, religion. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church of Stalin's time faced an unjust fake trial and defended his position in face of certain imprisonment/death with more courage, foresight and intelligence than any of Stalin's cohorts could understand. The Russian Patriarch of today is a shady KGB officer, and his church is a pagan cult that is founded on corruption schemes and retrograde values, a clear example of a church that died on the inside long ago. If Jesus Christ came down to earth and went to preach in a Russian Orthodox temple, he would have been arrested, beaten up, and thrown into jail for being a foreign spy.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jan 2013 /  #23
Kondzior -
1. Your basic premise that we need religion to know right from wrong is not true.
2. If not religion, one would worship something else, not true - I'm against any worshiping. One can definitely live without it.
3. I think the problem in Russia was the communism, another unreasonable ideology... but if you and A.S. want to call it lack of God, I have no intention of arguing with that type of logic.

4. People that fight so hard for religion are the ones that are unable to accept their own mortality. This "screaming in the night" you so dread is of your own making. For many, religions are more terrifying than the cycle of nature.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
18 Jan 2013 /  #24
Your basic premise that we need religion to know right from wrong is not true.

I believe civilization is better off with faith in invisible things, which, invariably, involves God.

A culture which has faith in itself:


A culture which does not:


2. If not religion, one would worship something else, not true - I'm against any worshiping. One can definitely live without it.

When you call yourself an atheist, an enemy of "worshiping", you are professing to know something you cannot possibly know.
But I really don't have much of a problem with that as long as you don't try forcing it down everyone's throat. That is at least as annoying as an evangelical religious person of any stripe. In fact, it is exactly the same thing.

3. I think the problem in Russia was the communism, another unreasonable ideology... but if you and A.S. want to call it lack of God, I have no intention of arguing with that type of logic.

Every single country that forcibly dismantled organized religion as we know it (the wet dream of any and all "I'm smarter then fairytale-worshipers" activist) turned out to be some sort of murderous concentration camp dictatorship, and a complete screw-up in any category that counts other than building weapons and creating tension.

4. People that fight so hard for religion are the ones that are unable to accept their own mortality. This "screaming in the night" you so dread is of your own making. For many, religions are more terrifying than the cycle of nature.

Atheists only appear to be right if your intellectual level is that of a child. There isn't a simgle argument made by Dawkins or Hitchens, much less by "F Stop", that any of us didn't thought about when we were 13. It takes a greater deal of intellectual maturity to comprehend metaphysical concepts. Reason is easy, which is why liberals like it so much. True metaphysical thinking is hard as f*ck, which is why concept such as that of genius, truth, and even god, simply transcend the ability of the modern individual to understand. You can see the childishness of the atheist by his tendency to chose easy and predictable targets for his invectives. You will never see an atheist tackle somebody like Dostoevsky. Indeed, it would never occur to an atheist because his intellectual level isn't developed enough to even contemplate the argument presented by a true metaphysician.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jan 2013 /  #25
Atheists only appear to be right if your intellectual level is that of a child.

And on that note, I can see that any further conversation with you is a total waste of time.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Jan 2013 /  #26
When you call yourself an atheist, an enemy of "worshiping", you are professing to know something you cannot possibly know.

This is a really strange statement from a bible basher, considering your belief is based only on faith rather than fact.

Every single country that forcibly dismantled organized religion as we know it (the wet dream of any and all "I'm smarter then fairytale-worshipers" activist) turned out to be some sort of murderous concentration camp dictatorship, and a complete screw-up in any category that counts other than building weapons and creating tension.

Strange, you head straight for the Hitler argument... Religious orders were all for mass killing of non-believers or other faiths, bit of a dead argument heading in that direction.

Atheists only appear to be right if your intellectual level is that of a child.

Like believing in something such as Santa and the Easter bunny... The difference between a religious person and an atheist is that the religious person has faith in made up stories from the past.

It takes a greater deal of intellectual maturity to comprehend metaphysical concepts.

I'll have what ever drugs you are taking. In that view I should be believing that orks are running around and praying that the white wizard comes to save us all.

And on that note, I can see that any further conversation with you is a total waste of time.

Shouldn't really have started it. I have psych patients that make more sense...
kondzior  11 | 1026  
18 Jan 2013 /  #27
This is a really strange statement from a bible basher, considering your belief is based only on faith rather than fact.

I don't claim to "know" something, I have faith.
You can argue rationality, but you cannot argue truth, you can only affirm it. Like, i cannot explain why Beethoven is a genius, i can only affirm that he is in fact a genius, by sheer force of personal conviction. But that requires a level of individual assertion which tends to disorient liberals, because it defies their herd-like view of humanity. "Who am I to state such a truth, when there are others out there who may disagree with me? Its all relative!"

Strange, you head straight for the Hitler argument... Religious orders were all for mass killing of non-believers or other faiths, bit of a dead argument heading in that direction.

What from: "Every single country that forcibly dismantled organized religion as we know it (the wet dream of any and all "I'm smarter then fairytale-worshipers" activist) turned out to be some sort of murderous concentration camp dictatorship, and a complete screw-up in any category that counts other than building weapons and creating tension" you don't understand.

On the other hand when everyone was able and allowed to read The Bible The Ages of Discovery and Enlightenment happened. Many of the folks who ushered in these ages were devout Bible readers. Yes, there was also radicalism.

Like believing in something such as Santa and the Easter bunny... The difference between a religious person and an atheist is that the religious person has faith in made up stories from the past.

I can't really remember what they are called but yeah there are a huge amount of people that do not believe in God but use The Bible for it's moral teachings. What is the relevance? I guess that depends on the individual. But over all I think it is relevant that even people who do not believe in God find wisdom in The Book.

I'll have what ever drugs you are taking. In that view I should be believing that orks are running around and praying that the white wizard comes to save us all.

Oh boy, here we go.

Shouldn't really have started it. I have psych patients that make more sense...

I rest my case. You have proved my point exactly.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jan 2013 /  #28
A Christian asked what it was like to be an atheist. I asked if he believed in Islam. He said, "no." I said, "Like that"
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
19 Jan 2013 /  #29
You can argue rationality, but you cannot argue truth

What? Make some sense lad! What truth? U base everything on faith... faith has no basis with truth. Hence why it is faith...

Like, i cannot explain why Beethoven is a genius, i can only affirm that he is in fact a genius, by sheer force of personal conviction.

Beethoven is a proven genious because he is a real person who achieved more than the average man, he isn't a made up tale no is he fiction. He was a real person.

By sheer force of conviction the wizard of oz is a real person if u believe in him enough. Shouting "it's true, it's true, it's true" doesnt make it true.

But that requires a level of individual assertion which tends to disorient liberals, because it defies their herd-like view of humanity.

So many mistakes in that quote I can't really be bothered going through them. Idiot would be the best way to describe the person who wrote it.

What from: "Every single country that forcibly dismantled organized religion as we know it (the wet dream of any and all "I'm smarter then fairytale-worshipers" activist) turned out to be some sort of murderous concentration camp dictatorship, and a complete screw-up in any category that counts other than building weapons and creating tension" you don't understand.

I understand what you thought was a valid point clearly. but as soon as you launch into comparing atheists with concentration camps then the idea will be bound with the Hitler argument... meaning dead in the water.

On the other hand when everyone was able and allowed to read The Bible The Ages of Discovery and Enlightenment happened. Many of the folks who ushered in these ages were devout Bible readers. Yes, there was also radicalism.

Yep they did happen, i doubt so many people read the bible without being forced, those that made the brightest discoveries were hammered by the church, even excommunicated. The church took a very distant stand against science... but hey are you using examples from 200 years ago? Cos even the CC admit that Alien life exists.

God but use The Bible for it's moral teachings

The bible is a moral book, nothing less nothing more. Thats it. A freakin book.

I rest my case. You have proved my point exactly.

This will probably pee u off, but the bible is banned in our hospital unless the patient asks for it. Religious christian groups attempt quite often to preach to our patients, often pretending to be members of patients families to access people receiving complex care... I guess they should be preying on those who are vunerable mentally...
legend  3 | 658  
19 Jan 2013 /  #30
I'm disliking militant atheists more and more and I love it. Its as if they are all angry teenagers who couldn't grow up and have something shoved up their ass.

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