Beetle infestation is of course a serious issue but the method on how to deal with it needs to be discussed with professional bodies
The situation in Bialowieza is about politics. For many years there has been tension between the state forest dept and state scientists to extend the national park to cover most of the forest (currently it only covers 17%). This would give protection to the whole forest and its ecosystem, as on the Belarus side of the forest, but would restrict forestry activities. Foresters earn high salaries and control almost all wood production in Poland, it's a very comfortable job and the dept is protective of its status. Locals are split - some work in forestry so did not want to extend the park and limit forestry while others work in tourism and wanted the park expanded. Bialowieza village is very wealthy by local standards, due to tourism. Hajnowka town is poorer, and relies on forestry to a larger extent. So there has been conflict.
UNESCO extended the World Heritage Status to the whole forest, making a case for extending the park, with support of Polish scientists. But the PO government refused, and instead reached a compromise whereby logging and management would be reduced to provide for local needs, while allowing natural recovery of the forest. All trees over 100 years old were protected from felling. Foresters saw this as a threat to their profits. Even 5 years ago they posted signs along the road saying that naturally fallen trees were destroying the forest and making it untidy - fallen trees were left to decay as part of the PO compromise not to remove fallen wood, to allow the important natural decay processes that are vital to the forest ecology. Foresters see this as a 'waste', and see only production and commodity value, not natural or scientific value. It was a clash of ideology.
When Szyszko came to power in the ministry, he rewarded the support of his forester friends by completely reversing the PO deal and going even further. The logging limit has been increased to higher than even before PO times, and 100 year old trees are not protected - his aim is to destroy what he can of the natural forest so that the National Park can never be extended, and so that foresters will have control forever, and the scientific case will be neutralised. That is what we are seeing right now, the beetles are just a cover story. This is why there is clear-felling of ALL trees (of all species, not just dead spruce), and planting of commercial oak trees in their place, as in this image from spring (when Szyszko attended in a ceremony):
If beetles were the real reason, only stands of dead trees would be felled, and there would be no need to plant anything, as the forest would regenerate its own trees. The fact that they are felling all species, and PLANTING new commercial trees in their place reveals the real motive. It is the permanent change of the natural forest into a timber factory, to finally kill the idea of extending the national park (as there will be nothing special left to protect). This will keep the foresters in the comfrtoable jobs, and make some money for those who are central to the policy (a LOT of money is being made here, from taking out the old valuable trees - it is being auctioned for sale on the international market: ). But it will seriously damage, possibly kill, the tourist industry, especially from overseas. That means hotels, restaurants, guides, park rangers, shops etc etc. If the park was extended, then there was the possibility of extending the wealth of Bialowieza village to surrounding villages and towns. Instead, Hajnowka could well be spreading its poverty back into the villages by killing their tourism jobs.