'virgin forest'
Indeed one of the last virgin forests and also one of Poland's main tourist attractions. And PiS are deliberately raping it for cash.
Here's a little information for those unaware of Bialowieza about the area that PiS are destroying for cash. One of the very many (and entirely negative) aspects of Polan's post-election political scene:
The Bialowieza Forest is one of the few virgin forests of the European Union and definitely the most beautiful one. It is located across the border between Belarus and Poland, less than 70 km from Brest.
The importance of this forest, stated by the inclusion among the UNESCO Heritage sites in 1979, comes by the fact that it represents the last crop of the great forest that thousands of years ago occupied the entire European area.
One of the many, many problems with PiS (a party who were an abject failure when they held office for just 17 months a few years ago before) is that they have very little of either self-awareness or self-control and people are understandably worried that this is the tip of the iceberg.
So far, they've:
- tried to destroy the Constitutional Court
- withdraw funding from families having fertility treatment
- proposed banning women from terminating a pregnancy if they're raped
- abolish the newly won independence and neutrality of the justice system
- broken into the NATO offices in the middle of the night
and much, much more...
