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Białowieża National Park in Poland

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #391
I bet you hate it. I hope you do.

Aww that's cute. Didn't know you had such strong feelings for a stranger over the web

You'd know if you ever read a science book...on forests, perhaps?

Just as you, a proclaimed phd expert and one of the top 3 scientists on bialowieza, would know what the 10 most common fungi in bialowieza are, perhaps?

But you can't answer that question.... because you're not a phd, you're the 'taxpaying voter', the forum's 'master baiter'

Fungi are almost as bad, as the number of species is massive, and many of them have not even been identified to science and named

WRONG - see that right there proves youre not a phd as there's plenty of material published on the hundreds/thousands of identified fungi in the amazon, in England and the northern isles, etc. But not on bialowieza - hence why you're unable to cite anything... despite the fact that a supposed expert of bialowieza would at least be able to cite SOME of the common fungi in the forest - which you've been umnable to do this entire time... pathetic
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
29 Jan 2018 /  #392
You're wife's pu$$y - I already told you dumbass

Dirk, it is obvious you are loosing the debate and because you can't accept it, you've started to throw insults on your opponent.

they pay for people to protest Bialowierza logging

You had failed to spell "Białowieża" correctly in the beginning, but then probably thanks to Casual Observer who always got it right you noticed how it is spellt and finally improved. Good for you!

I wonder how many more usernames he has going? TaxpayerVoter has 11 warnings

Casual Observer is definitely not Harry (Taxpaying voter). CO has a distinctly different style of writing from Harry whose style can be very easily identified and I sincerely dount if he is ever able to change it.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
29 Jan 2018 /  #393
he Bialowieza episode has absolutely trashed Poland's credentials among science and green tourism,

So that action against current polish gov and Poland succeeded. Not that there is any merit to it. Can we talk now who engineering that 'crisis' i.e. action. Was it German intelligence behind it or was it joint Russian- German action.

Maybe somebody else comes too mind but those two would stand to gain the most form discrediting Poland and Polish gov. Not talking about domestic enemies.
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #394
would know what the 10 most common fungi in bialowieza are, perhaps?

If you can find a web link that gives the top 10 bacteria and fungi, by abundance, in Bialowieza, I'll give you my homepage link so you can abuse me in the real world too. I know you'd like that. But you wont, because such informaiton simply doesn;t exist, for the reasons I gave you. You'd know that, if you had any higher education in the subject you're pretending to know about here.

despite the fact that a supposed expert of bialowieza would at least be able to cite SOME of the common fungi in the forest

That's not what you asked, you said the top 10. Which would be soil mycorrhizae that probably hasn't been identified. Oh, so you wanna know about mushrooms? Macro or micro? Edible or not? Ok, well the most obvious, IF YOU'VE EVER BEEN, if the bracket fungi, especially the chicken-of-the-woods on the large oaks - big orange bracket fungi. I am mostly there before most mushrooms come out, but there are plenty of boletus and russulas in the deciduous areas, and chanterelles in the coniferous, thoug the soil isn't ideal for them (too peaty and wet in places).

Fungi are an extremely large and complex group through, and I'm happy to admit that I am not an expert in that area - few are. As I said, many species (especially the micro) are not even named. Many more don't have English names.

But I'll tell you why I know that you're pretty dumb when it comes to science and 'outdoors', it's cos you think you can walk around and identify bacteria. No, chummy, what you'd need to do is to take an agar plate, swab it and then grow the culture in a lab, and do some tests to identify the bacteria, of which there will be hundreds of species on each culture. So the idea of naming 'the top 10 bacteria in the forest' is like asking someone 'find the 10 longest hairs on your head'. Or, in your case, 'show me the 10 best barin cells', which is a bit of a shame, as you only seem to have about 9 of them...

So that action against current polish gov and Poland succeeded

Actually, the 'action' was initiated by Szyszko when he changed the management plan with no warning or consultation, and the opposition to this came from within Poland (Academy of Sciences, Bialowieza researchers, National Park manager), who then brought it to the attention of the wider world, under whose remit it falls (EU, UNESCO). The most vociferous opponents are actually Polish researchers, professors, and people who work in the forest, such as Kowalczyk, Wesolowski etc.

So the events have been entirely self-caused, which is probably why Szyszko lost his job when the damage became too great. Personally, it seems clear that this was a personal mission for Szyszko, probably because he was previously humiliated when he was a minister, by the EU stopping his Rospuda project. With Bialowieza, I think it was probably personal revenge mixed with personal gain - kickbakcs to his supporters. As they say 'follow the money', and a lot of money has come from logging of the forest.

Absolutely nobody has beenfitted from this episode, especially not Poland or PiS (huge reputational damage), not the forest, not the village (collapse of tourism last year) and only a small number of people who are involved with profitting from the wood.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #395

Except if you read back to last past i didnt start with the insults, i rarely ever do but i will respond in kind.

@Casual Observer
I see you still cant name the scientific (latin) names of 10 commonly occuring fungi in b forest, because youre not a scientist. Fungi is a general kingdom of which mushrooms are a part of. Youd know that if you were a phd as i asked you to cite 10 examples from the b kingdom which youre unable to do and instead discuss lame treehugger political reasons against logging, not scientific reasons which a real scientist would be able to.

Meanwhile, poland is owning eu, no fines from eu for anything, and more beautiful wood products helping eastern polands economy
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #396
Just as you, a proclaimed phd expert and one of the top 3 scientists on bialowieza

Nope, misquoting again, or maybe you're just struggling with long words. I said that I was one of the top 3 experts on a species (that lives in Bialowieza and elsewhere) and its forest habitat. I know that's hard for you to understand, because you're more of a 'street smarts' than a 'book smarts' kinda guy, but if you're a salesman who peddles horse dung to farmers, then I wouldn't ask you about selling drone navigation technology to tech companies, because it's quite different things. In the same way, thinking you are exposing a fraud by asking an impossible question about bacteria to someone who studies, say, Bison or Raccoon Dogs, is a little naive. But, don't worry, I'll stick with you and help you along through the schooling. I'm enjoying seeing how many times you fall over with your pants round ankles.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #397
Actually thats exactly what i sell, navigation technology, iot, your wife poon, etc. I put even put a gps module in that *****.

Still cant name just 10 fungi that exist in bialowieza = )
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #398
I see you still cant name the scientific (latin) names of 10 commonly occuring fungi in b forest, because youre not a scientist.

No, I can't, I'm not an expert on bacteria. Please educate me by providing me with the list, of the 10 most commonly occurring bacteria in the forest. If such knowledge exists, I'm sure you could find it and show us. Go on, buddy! But you can't, because such knowledge doesn't exist, and knowing this is the difference between our educations and experience.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #399
Youre the expert you tell me 10 fungi in bialowieza, something a supposed top expert on b would know, but you dont because youre not an expert.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
29 Jan 2018 /  #400
Szyszko lost his job

He is no longer in the news, no one misses him as a minister in Poland and no one talks about that idiot any longer. There is absolute silence about him now in this country. It was the best thing on the part of Our Great Leader Jarosław Kaczyński to kick Szyszko out of the new government, though it was very silly to bring him in in the first place.

you tell me 10 fungi in bialowieza

Do tell it yourself if you are an expert ...
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Jan 2018 /  #401
no fines from eu for anything

Well that's because the new PM has said that Poland will comply with the EU court ruling.
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #402
Still cant name just 10 fungi that exist in bialowieza

You've gone quiet on bacteria, after I schooled you. But I gave you several species of fungi from personal exprience in post 395.

However, to please you, I've just pulled from my shelf 'Bialowieza National Park by Okolow, Karas and Bolbot, which the Bialowieza 'reference manual' - very few copies, you can't buy it easily, mostly only researchers have it. Page 87-110 deals with the macrofungi (that's mushrooms to you, chump!). Would you like me to add to the list above from this reference, or will you consult your own copy, inbetween makes those all-important sales of yours?

Now, why don't you tell us the answer to your own question of the 10 most commonly occurring fungi in the forest, otherwise how could you know if I was right or not?

Youre the expert you tell me 10 fungi in bialowieza, something a supposed top expert on b would know, but you dont because youre not an expert.

Do you have congenital issues with comprehension? I just told you in post 398 that fungi are not my area of expertise. So, why don't you educate me and tell me the answer? Otherwise I could make up anything, like Dirkdiggler retardiusand you wouldn't know if it was right or wrong. So, with your great expertise of the subject, why don't you school me? I have the reference book here to check your answer, cos, y'know, I kind of have a scientific library on the forest, full of info like that. How about you, boy?

My main study species is more mobile than fungi, lives in the forest, doesn't have a lot to do with fungi.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #403
Except bacteria and fungi are two.seperate kingdoms, and any person who took biology 101 would know that. I never askef about bacteria, i specifically said fungi

The very fact youre grouping bacteria and fungi in the same category alone proves youre not only no phd, you appear not to even have taken basic biology..

No wonder poles are laughing at the 'experts' on bialowieza rofl. I said im not a scientist my bachelor and graduate studies were business, not science. But i do know atleast from basic electives fungi and bacteria are entirely two different kindgoms despite youre grouping of them as if they were interchangeable or similar
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Jan 2018 /  #404

Surely you mean 'chimp' I can practically hear those knuckles dragging :)) Woops! I'd better shut up now as I've brought his wrath upon me before for doing a bit of slagging not to mention having a goodly number of members forming a lynch mob, ready to slaughter me and wear my skin as a nice spring jacket.
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #405
I never askef about bacteria, i specifically said fungi

Post 387 and 389, you specifically ask about bacteria and fungi in the same sentences. I never conflated them at all. I'm fully aware of their taxonomy.

You really need to lay off the weed, old chap, it's screwing with your noggin.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
29 Jan 2018 /  #406
Actually, the 'action' was initiated by Szyszko

No, it was initiated by certain people backed by one or few other intelligence operatives from countries that are gain most from discrediting Poland.
There is no point going further if we disagree on such a basic fact.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #407
Chirp chirp

Still nothing about fungi in bialowieza

But i do hear the beautiful sounds of saws felling trees and hippies and eu crying = )

Post pics now then of ur so called library and reference books ***** prove ur a scientist punk. Come om were waiting you dont kmow **** about fungi dont know **** about kingdoms and you talk like our resident trol. No one believes you
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #408
Still nothing about fungi in bialowieza

Posts 395, 404 and 405. Lap it up. You really are struggling today, aren't you?!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #409
None of those cite 10 fungi existing in b forest

Perhaps you can provide a photo from ur supposed referenxe manaul?

I can go to kiev too and buy a forestry or biology phd for about 10k = )
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #410
Post pics now then of ur so called library and reference books ***** prove ur a scientist punk

Nope, can't post pics without registering, I don't think.

But how about this, I'll type you the top line of any page you like, so that you can run to your own bookshelves, pull down the science books and check. Would that work for you? Oh, hang on, you don't have any books....you're winging and bullshyting yyour way through this in the forlorn hope that you'll somehow come out on top of whatever this is. 'Fraid not, baby, you're in Big School now.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #411
Ur problem not mine. And no i just like aggravating you i really dont care

But ill be happy to send you photos of some trees ill cut down = )

Saw baby saw
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #412
None of those cite 10 fungi existing in b forest

Amanita porphyria
Omphalina umbelifera
Russula ochroleuca
R. rhodapoda
Xeromphalia campanella
Lactarius thejogalus
Suillus variegatus
Mycena galopus
Lactarius rufus
Paxillus involutus


Ur problem not mine. And no i just like aggravating you i really dont care

I know, sweetheart, and it's fun for me to teach a kid new things!

You need to work on your literacy though. Your spelling and grammar really sucks big bison balls.

No, it was initiated by certain people backed by one or few other intelligence operatives from countries that are gain most from discrediting Poland.

So "certain people" made Szyszko change the management plan, and then made him stand up in front of the EU court and defend it, made him defend it on Radio Maryja, made him go on state telly and defend it, and made tis government Minister perform actions that discredited Poland? Who are these people, and how did they do manage such a masterful manipulation of poor ex-minister Szyszko? Does someone have incriminating photos of him in bed with boys, to force this cooperation? Was it an imposter, wearing a Szyszko rubber mask (he does look quite rubbery!)? Such tactics, amazing!

Or......maybe you're just wrong about that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #413
Great hows it feel to have wasted your time looking that up just because some rando from the web aggravated you to the point where you just had to respond? You know im obviously not going to look those up nor do i care. Besides, eu isnt doing **** to poland. Our country our rules.

You need to learn that the eu is impotent just like you and all the commie soy boys and co. Everyday poland is beating the eu and this is a prime example. Even on the ground onr santa and even the government are catching antihahahah and breaking their faces. Give up man flip right wing.

Wheres the 100k a day fine? Well where is it? Pathetic losers gave up. Just as they gave up forcing poland to take migrants, just as they gave up holding funds over court changes, and just as their artivle 7 is doomed and they know it. They should focus more on the islamic invasion and the rape of their women and not what trees poles want to cut down in their own country.
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Jan 2018 /  #414
Wheres the 100k a day fine? Well where is it? Pathetic losers gave up.

The PM has said that Poland will comply with the EU court ruling so that's why there's no fine. And a final decision will be made later this year by the EU depending on what happens in the spring I suppose, in other words if they continue to defy the ruling once the logging season begins.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #415
Lol what are you talking about he said hell comply with the ruling after all legal avenues are exhausted, which they havent been and already eu is back pedalling on any potential fines or threats to eu funds. To my understanding based on numerous reports they were still logging in thr fall and have no plans to stop


Ah nothing like antihahaha and hippy faces being broken and then thrown in jail by poles who reject meddling in our affairs
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Jan 2018 /  #416
Our country our rules.

Crikey boy, you don't even live here and I'm sure you'll always find reasons to stay in the US. Polish politics is the vehicle of your own self-loathing and repressed rage. See? Saved you some money on therapy! You may thank me at your leisure.
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #417
Great hows it feel to have wasted your time

You haven't wasted my time, dude. I'm off work, sick in bed, and schooling you is a better tonic than ibuprofen.

The serious point is that it exposes to other readers exactly how hollow are the arguments in favour of logging the Bialowieza Forest - you, a salesman in Amerika, basically have no arguments, except to attack the credibility of others, even the Polish Academy of Sciences. But yet you still blindly defend it, like you're in a cult, because of the politics, and because you like kicking people who you perceive to have less worth than you and 'your team'. That's Trumpist politics and Kaczynski politics and UKIP politics, all of whom have taken such populist tactics to the next level in creating a 'them and us' narrative that people like you are happy to swallow. 75 years ago that's how people became jolly camp camp guards somewhere, and switched off their common decency.

Be kinder, be more thoughtful, listen more, think more. Society isn't a football match where a teams wins and loses, it is everyone. And the people you think you are beating today will come back and fight you again tomorrow - happens every time. So stop fighting and start listening and talking.

School's out.

The PM has said that Poland will comply with the EU court ruling so that's why there's no fine.

So do we take from that that the PM is now admitting that Szyszko was wrong to start logging, and that everyone else was right?

It does expose the truth at the heart of the matter - that logging was a personal project for Szyszko, in the interests of Szyszko, and not about a wider policy in the in best interests of the forest or of Poland. Otherwise, the new PM would be defending his minister, who would still be Szyszko.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
29 Jan 2018 /  #418
the PM is now admitting that Szyszko was wrong to start logging, and that everyone else was right?

In essence. It will be interesting to see the long term reaction of the PiS beton to this. if CM stays in the good graces of JK they'll have to invent a story where both Szyszko (and firing him) were right. Good thing that self-serving mental gymnastics are nothing new for them....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jan 2018 /  #419
Yet i still have more rights and privileges by law and constitution, including voting, than any resident whos lived in pl for decades. Regardless of whether my home in pl is a primary residence or a vacation home or even if i never paid a groszy in tax or spoke a lick of polish, i am nometheless a citizen and yes such affairs are those of polish citizens, like myself, and the people we voted for.

Also therapy shrinks etc are for only weak minded people and cucks who think theyre one of 70 genders or have some newly discovered disorder.

@Casual Observer
Thats exactly how life and society are. Its dog eat dog no matter where you go. Only now the lefties in the eu are crying uncle because they have so many fires to put out they dont kmow where to begin. The liberals, po, and eus dominance is over. Now is the rights time.

Morawiecki never said szyszko was right or wrong. He said poland will continue to log and will respect the eus ruling only after all legal options have been exhausted, which they havent been amd eus now in retreat due to their own impotence and failure of far left agendas.

And like i saod numerous times, idc about logging or not really. Its the principle of sovereignty and resisting eus attempts to meddle in our affairs, the affairs of polish citizens and the government which we democratically elected based on certain campaign promises, whether its immigration, court reforms, abortion (which i am pro choice) and in this case logging. If eu promoted logging while polish government and the locals were against it id support that position. Eu needs to worry more on how to stop all the terrorism and rapes in their own countries, not what poles do in our own forests.
Casual Observer  
29 Jan 2018 /  #420
Thats exactly how life and society are.

It's not dog eat dog' everywhere, but some places are moving more towards it. And that's all fine and dandy for you, until it's your rights/life/habits/thoughts that the state decides it doesnt like, and the dog comes to eat you.

When it's you that falls in love with a someone the state doesn't like, or your wife that's been raped but is forced to have a baby, or your kid that is gay but can't be who they are, or the trees in your street that are cut down, or your mother that's dying at 54 from cancer because she can't afford healthcare, then you'll know about dog eat dog.

Only one state tried to create a society where the policy was 'dog eat dog', and that didn't work out too well, especially for Poland. So you need to grow up a bit and work out what society actually means (clue, even dogs don't have a dog eat dog soceity).

Its the principle of sovereignty and resisting eus attempts to meddle in our affairs,

What is it about joining the EU that you don't get, Dirk? Is it deliberate misunderstanding, or congenital?

Poland joined a club in 2004, singing papers where the rules were laid out, and agreeing to those rules, which gave supremacy to the EU Court. In return, Poland made compromises - it lost some national sovereignty on issues like logging Bialowieza, or building a motorway through rospuda, but it also got billions of zl in funding, infractucture, access to markets and freedom of movement.

Now, if Poland on 2018 doesn't like those rules, and is happy for the cash flow to stop, then it should do the honorouble thing and leave the club. If it wants to stay in the club, then it will have to accept the club's punishments whenever it breaks the club rules, and learn to play along with the big boys.

Otherwise, it can get used to speaking Russian again.

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