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HW antics in Poland not for export - toll highways issue

Sylvio  19 | 154  
17 Aug 2018 /  #1
Beats me how, seeing the behaviour of drivers on hw here, no one seems to call out that there IS an issue. That on a tolled charge hw, pricey as they are, i should have to duck away from lane to lane, or even onto hardsholder, every few mile because of high testosterone PL driver, pettite or 18wheeler, has his grill inches from my trunk, lights flashing! Thank you for the luxury of using your 5 star hws.
Tlum  12 | 286  
14 Oct 2018 /  #2
It's probably not only in Poland or it depends on the day of a week (weekend drivers etc ;). True, prices are not cheap for the service overall.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
14 Oct 2018 /  #3
It's probably not only in Poland or it depends on the day of a week (weekend drivers etc ;).

Probably not only in Poland, but certainly not in the US.
I just took an 8000 km tour of 12 states and didn't have one solitary close encounter. No cutting in, no road rage, no tailgating. And no cops, either. Everybody going limit plus 5 at the most.

Love those United States of America and its president.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Travel / HW antics in Poland not for export - toll highways issueArchived