Total fake from the start, like i keep saying. Just another no one from the net.
Poland - never again
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
27 May 2018 / #242
I just googled and found those on the Internet:
Dom Towarowy na Alejach Jerozolimskich
plaszcz ortalionowy na Chmielnej
sklepy za zoltymi firankami
Radio Wolna Europa i zagluszarki
Try to find those on the net and tell us if you were equally successful.
As I said before, you guys are beyond pathetic.
Dom Towarowy na Alejach Jerozolimskich
plaszcz ortalionowy na Chmielnej
sklepy za zoltymi firankami
Radio Wolna Europa i zagluszarki
Try to find those on the net and tell us if you were equally successful.
As I said before, you guys are beyond pathetic.
27 May 2018 / #243
The topic creator is wrong on the polish graffiti not being territorial or gsng related. Some of those groups of pseudokibicow or psudofans fanatics ultras etc. are taking over entire drug trades and human trafficing in the country. they are filling the vacuum leftby the gangs of the 90z from pruszkow. very recent,y there was a bust of over 1000 cops involved with even murders mentioned as part of the charges:,Wielka-akcja-CBSP-Ponad-tysiac-policjantow-i-prawie-40-zatrzymanych-pseudokibicow
In krakow at least theya re a gang. the ustawkis are fights not jsut for reputsitons but control over gang territories in a humaniEd and respectful way with hands instea dof guns to show who runs shet or whose boss. theya re simply white and polish so more intelligent than your american and black gangs or cartels coming from emxico but much tougher and better at fighting.,Wielka-akcja-CBSP-Ponad-tysiac-policjantow-i-prawie-40-zatrzymanych-pseudokibicow
In krakow at least theya re a gang. the ustawkis are fights not jsut for reputsitons but control over gang territories in a humaniEd and respectful way with hands instea dof guns to show who runs shet or whose boss. theya re simply white and polish so more intelligent than your american and black gangs or cartels coming from emxico but much tougher and better at fighting.
27 May 2018 / #244
"A large CBŚP campaign with the participation of over one thousand policemen. Almost 40 detained hooligans
last updated:
21/05/2018 18:08
Over 1 thousand Police officers participated in the Monday's operation of detaining two gangs of hooligans in Silesia and Lesser Poland. A total of 39 people were detained, of which 38 are suspected of being involved in organized criminal groups associated with the hooliganism community - said the CBSP.
From the early morning hours two operations of the Central Bureau of Investigation against the organized criminal group were carried out in the Śląskie and Małopolskie Voivodships.
During operations in the province 30 objects were searched, protecting 150 plots of cocaine, dangerous tools, ie machetes, war gases and even two weapons. 28 people suspected of taking part in the Silesian gang who were active in the years 2014-2017 in almost the whole country were detained. Among the detainees there is a suspect in the management of the gang - Łukasz L. ps. Lucky.
Detainees heard about 80 charges, which include beatings, including beatings with fatality, which occurred on October 24, 2017 in Ruda Śląska and brutal beating, which took place on September 30, 2017 in Katowice, as a result of which the victim suffered numerous injuries that constitute serious damage to health.
The group of detainees was also accused of robbery, as a result of which money and objects worth a total of 200,000 were stolen. zł. In addition, one of the detainees is suspected of blurring traces of crime. The gang was supposed to deal with, among others drug trafficking - at least 20 kg of marijuana and 5 liters of psychotropic substances for the production of amphetamine.
Subsequent activities took place in the province Małopolskie. where a total of 13 places were searched, including the premises of one of the sports clubs. Different types of dangerous items were secured, including machetes, sticks and incapacitating gases.
According to the findings of police officers from the Central Bureau of Investigation in Krakow, members of the group were able to operate from 2006 to 2016. During this time, they probably produced amphetamine, and then introduced it, as well as cocaine, mephedrone and marijuana to almost the entire country.
As a result of the activities carried out in the Małopolska region, ten people suspected of participating in an organized criminal group and one sought for another case were detained.
Detainees in the Małopolska branch of the National Public Prosecutor's Office, heard a total of 31 allegations regarding participation in an organized criminal group and the participation in the circulation of significant amounts of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, namely: marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, mephedrone.
The action is the result of many months of work of the Central Bureau of Investigation officers, carried out under the supervision of the Silesian and Małopolska faculties of the National Public Prosecutor's Office.
Over 1000 officers, the Central Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Operations of Counterterrorism of the Police Headquarters, the Provincial Police Headquarters in Katowice and Krakow, as well as anti-terrorists from voivodship headquarters from all over the country took part in the Monday's activities. Also officers of the Border Guard and Internal Security Agency took part in the action.
In December last year, the National Public Prosecutor's Office and the Central Police Investigation Bureau informed about the breakdown of an organized criminal group made up of men declaring themselves as supporters of Ruch Chorzów. Among the charges against the detainees there were robberies, beatings, cheating, smuggling, drug trafficking and ransom abductions.
In November 2017, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBŚP) informed about the destruction of a drug gang from Zabrze, which formed hooligans of the local miner. The head of the group, Łukasz Cz., Heard 18 allegations regarding managing an organized criminal group, drug trafficking, extortion robberies and beatings"
"A large CBŚP campaign with the participation of over one thousand policemen. Almost 40 detained hooligans
last updated:
21/05/2018 18:08
Over 1 thousand Police officers participated in the Monday's operation of detaining two gangs of hooligans in Silesia and Lesser Poland. A total of 39 people were detained, of which 38 are suspected of being involved in organized criminal groups associated with the hooliganism community - said the CBSP.
From the early morning hours two operations of the Central Bureau of Investigation against the organized criminal group were carried out in the Śląskie and Małopolskie Voivodships.
During operations in the province 30 objects were searched, protecting 150 plots of cocaine, dangerous tools, ie machetes, war gases and even two weapons. 28 people suspected of taking part in the Silesian gang who were active in the years 2014-2017 in almost the whole country were detained. Among the detainees there is a suspect in the management of the gang - Łukasz L. ps. Lucky.
Detainees heard about 80 charges, which include beatings, including beatings with fatality, which occurred on October 24, 2017 in Ruda Śląska and brutal beating, which took place on September 30, 2017 in Katowice, as a result of which the victim suffered numerous injuries that constitute serious damage to health.
The group of detainees was also accused of robbery, as a result of which money and objects worth a total of 200,000 were stolen. zł. In addition, one of the detainees is suspected of blurring traces of crime. The gang was supposed to deal with, among others drug trafficking - at least 20 kg of marijuana and 5 liters of psychotropic substances for the production of amphetamine.
Subsequent activities took place in the province Małopolskie. where a total of 13 places were searched, including the premises of one of the sports clubs. Different types of dangerous items were secured, including machetes, sticks and incapacitating gases.
According to the findings of police officers from the Central Bureau of Investigation in Krakow, members of the group were able to operate from 2006 to 2016. During this time, they probably produced amphetamine, and then introduced it, as well as cocaine, mephedrone and marijuana to almost the entire country.
As a result of the activities carried out in the Małopolska region, ten people suspected of participating in an organized criminal group and one sought for another case were detained.
Detainees in the Małopolska branch of the National Public Prosecutor's Office, heard a total of 31 allegations regarding participation in an organized criminal group and the participation in the circulation of significant amounts of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, namely: marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, mephedrone.
The action is the result of many months of work of the Central Bureau of Investigation officers, carried out under the supervision of the Silesian and Małopolska faculties of the National Public Prosecutor's Office.
Over 1000 officers, the Central Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Operations of Counterterrorism of the Police Headquarters, the Provincial Police Headquarters in Katowice and Krakow, as well as anti-terrorists from voivodship headquarters from all over the country took part in the Monday's activities. Also officers of the Border Guard and Internal Security Agency took part in the action.
In December last year, the National Public Prosecutor's Office and the Central Police Investigation Bureau informed about the breakdown of an organized criminal group made up of men declaring themselves as supporters of Ruch Chorzów. Among the charges against the detainees there were robberies, beatings, cheating, smuggling, drug trafficking and ransom abductions.
In November 2017, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBŚP) informed about the destruction of a drug gang from Zabrze, which formed hooligans of the local miner. The head of the group, Łukasz Cz., Heard 18 allegations regarding managing an organized criminal group, drug trafficking, extortion robberies and beatings"
10iwonka10 - | 359
27 May 2018 / #245
@Rich Mazur
You don't like anything about Poland- end of story. It appears to me that you came to Poland with negative attitude that you would not like anything so there was no point coming really. For me you have clearly 'chip on your shoulder' for reasons known to you. Making points that you turned into American....that you would not make career by speaking with polish accent what for me is just
You don't like anything about Poland- end of story. It appears to me that you came to Poland with negative attitude that you would not like anything so there was no point coming really. For me you have clearly 'chip on your shoulder' for reasons known to you. Making points that you turned into American....that you would not make career by speaking with polish accent what for me is just
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
27 May 2018 / #246
The topic creator is wrong on the polish graffiti not being territorial or gsng related.
If that's the case, I stand corrected. Thanks.
The graffiti I saw in Warsaw and Radom was just random crap. Some mf-r wrote "jebac" on a gazebo in a park in Radom. I took a picture of this "art".
Another one I took was on Warecka and Kubusia Puchatka, the place where I lived. It is a cute little area with a small park and benches. I lived in that building with a tower. Some Polish a-hole made it ugly and other Polish a-holes walk by this crap every day indifferent. I would bet a buck against ten that not a single person bothered to call the city and asked to paint it over.
That mindless and random graffiti again is a proof that there is something in the water in Poland that makes them do it, and, for the rest of them, to tolerate it. Hence, spending big bucks to go there again and see this s*** would be really stupid.
The strangest thing with that "jebac" is not that it's there. It's that when I wrote about it here, some moron immediately claimed that I am lying because "jebac" needs a noun. This is how Polish people think. Never again.
Some of those groups of pseudokibicow or psudofans fanatics ultras etc. are taking over entire drug trades and human trafficing
Exterminate the brutes! Gangs are like cancer, you cut it out at the source or it will kill the society.
Extreme prejudice and no tolerance is the only viable strategy with gangs, make it clear they're a one way ticket to the morgue and not anything glamorous because stupid lunkheads are attracted to them.
On the good news side, 99.99 percent of gange members are blithering idiots so it's not hard to root them out. All that's needed is willpower.
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
27 May 2018 / #248
You don't like anything about Poland- end of story.
You are lying. I wrote that outside of Venezuela and Colombia, Poland has the highest number of beautiful women per square mile.
No, I didn't like Poland then and I don't like it now. The fact I was born there is irrelevant.
I spent some time in a camp in Hamburg, too, after the Warsaw Uprising. Do I have to like it?
Oh, I have seen some amazing artistic graffiti.
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
27 May 2018 / #250
You are right. It looked pretty good and as if sanctioned by the city. Still, I would prefer clean walls. Art should be inside.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
27 May 2018 / #251
All that's needed is willpower.
I dare say that there's quiet acceptance of them, not least because the leaders tend to be high profile and easy to keep under control.
10iwonka10 - | 359
27 May 2018 / #252
@Rich Mazur
No you don't have to like it but some of your arguments are just 'weak' - It is irrelevant if it is RODO/GDPR or whatever . You just walk in to the school and you want list of graduates from 1960.....just odd behaviour for me.
If I wanted to have a list of graduates from my year I would probably phone first and enquire not just walk in.
All this health insurance, graduates, polish food always is lots of rubbish.
I have not been living in Poland for a while and I would not say that everything is great there but You:
-did not like in Poland and you left
-completely cut yourself off your roots
- now you come back ( nostalgic trip??) and try to prove to yourself that you were right everything is wrong in Poland.
The problem is- It is your opinion...your life....and imposing it on other people who have different opinion to yours is a bit pathetic.
Contrary to you every time I visit Poland I would say that lots things improved.
No you don't have to like it but some of your arguments are just 'weak' - It is irrelevant if it is RODO/GDPR or whatever . You just walk in to the school and you want list of graduates from 1960.....just odd behaviour for me.
If I wanted to have a list of graduates from my year I would probably phone first and enquire not just walk in.
All this health insurance, graduates, polish food always is lots of rubbish.
I have not been living in Poland for a while and I would not say that everything is great there but You:
-did not like in Poland and you left
-completely cut yourself off your roots
- now you come back ( nostalgic trip??) and try to prove to yourself that you were right everything is wrong in Poland.
The problem is- It is your opinion...your life....and imposing it on other people who have different opinion to yours is a bit pathetic.
Contrary to you every time I visit Poland I would say that lots things improved.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
27 May 2018 / #253
Hell I think polands a better place to live and raise a family than US. But it's not for everyone.... I guess if you like paying exorbitant taxes, having your kids buried in debt the day they get their social, and dealing with an extremely divided (in every way economic, social, political) violent society than its great...
Om the plus side, there's free speech so you can complain all you want about it....
I think theres more business opportunity now in poland and eastern Europe than in the US. That wasnt the case 20 plus years ago but things have changed
Hell I think polands a better place to live and raise a family than US. But it's not for everyone.... I guess if you like paying exorbitant taxes, having your kids buried in debt the day they get their social, and dealing with an extremely divided (in every way economic, social, political) violent society than its great...
Om the plus side, there's free speech so you can complain all you want about it....
I think theres more business opportunity now in poland and eastern Europe than in the US. That wasnt the case 20 plus years ago but things have changed
your arguments are just 'weak' -
What arguments? I have thought that it is an established fact he is a troll and he .... trolls.?
He is not Rich Mazur, it is his a nom de trolle as in a nom de guerre.
WHO and what he really is, doesn't really matters to me. The fact he came here to troll does, I'm not gonna take seriously anything that dude says.
I advice others to do the same.
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
28 May 2018 / #255
He is not Rich Mazur,
What a dumb argument. Are you Ironside?
Hey, genius, now read this part slowly. Some idiot here wrote that I am not Polish, overlooking the fact that I owe you guys s*** in a way of proof.
But, being a nice guy that I am, just for fun, I posted this in #242 above:
Dom Towarowy na Alejach Jerozolimskich
plaszcz ortalionowy na Chmielnej za 1800 zlotych
sklepy za zoltymi firankami
Radio Wolna Europa i zagluszarki
A normal person would try to find this stuff on the Internet. Finding nothing, that person might actually conclude that I may have, in fact, lived in Poland and let it go.
Polish blockheads I am dealing with here would not. Not now. Not ever. Because it is in the nature of Polish people never ever to admit being wrong.
and imposing it on other people who have different opinion to yours is a bit pathetic.
You just confirmed what I so intensely dislike about the Poles: your ability to find what was never said.
I have never tried to impose anything on anybody regarding Poland and the Poles.
Did you get it or do you want me write that sentence again in bold type. Just in case:
I have never tried to impose anything on anybody regarding Poland and the Poles.
God, this is more effort than I expected.
What a dumb argument.
Yet someone wrote that you're who you say you are just because he can find Rich Mazur (or several of them) with a quick goggle search. So wrong address ..buddy... dumb argument belongs to Dirk.
Some idiot here wrote that I am not Polish,
I don't care what and who you're clearly here to troll and you enjoy yourself. You're too clever by half. In any case mods will let you do it as long you won't overstep some boundaries. It is all nothing to me. I have just given some advice to people who are responding emotionally to your bait.
They can listen to me or not. Do you have a problem with it? IF you do - tough sh.. I owe you absolutely nothing.
Finding nothing, that person might actually conclude that I may have, in fact, lived in Poland a
As I said I don't care if you lived in Poland or in Timbuktu or Kashmir. However a normal person with an average IQ would conclude that equally possible is that you have found those sentences somewhere or that you have actually asked someone Polish to write it for you.
So in fact it Doesn't prove anything. Alas, a normal person who lived in Poland would have had no problem with stringing few sentences in Polish just to shut those who do not believe him up.
I don't care, some people do and you too seemingly care IF they believe you on this. So, either you care about their opinion or not. IF you do I'm sure as a Pole you can write in Polish no problem. IF you don't care about their opinion - why all this song and dance?
AS I have said it is all nothing to me. Glad to clear all that misunderstanding between us - happy trolling.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
28 May 2018 / #257
You sure write on the topic of richs identity/trolling for a person claiming not to care....
I'd quote more but now theyre handing out warnings and suspensions for over 3 quotes
I don't care what
I don't care, some people
AS I have said it is all nothing to me
I'd quote more but now theyre handing out warnings and suspensions for over 3 quotes
28 May 2018 / #258
I'm just amazed that 9 pages later, people are still indulging this troll......
He is still posting because all of you are feeding him........
He is still posting because all of you are feeding him........
You sure write on the topic of richs identity/trolling for a person claiming not to care.
Another dumb argument Dirk? I wrote what I wrote to make it absolutely clear to the troll ....and to you that I don't give a what he says or who, what he is, I know he trolls and that all I need to know. Do you want to argue about that D..irk?
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
28 May 2018 / #260
I don't care what and who you're clearly here to troll and you enjoy yourself.
I wish everybody would be so open minded.
I am not sure if it's trolling but I do confess to have finely tuned bullshit detectors and a passionate dislike for the people who mostly emote rather than make every reasonable effort to be dispassionate and logical. That is why I sincerely believe that women should not be allowed to vote. They should be forced to be barefoot and stay in the kitchen. I also enjoy yanking chains.
Intensely, I dislike Polish language. I really do. Any nation that would voluntarily invent masochisms like chrzaszcz brzmi w trzcinie is doomed and should be put on some serious meds. Actually, that was reason number 3 why I ran and immediately banned Polish from my household.
Regarding my Post 242. This is getting to be funny. That post delivers a proof of me actually being Polish and living in Poland. It is so simple and compelling, that any judge in a criminal trial would let it into evidence.
Here? Not a single comment from anyone who, up to that post, observed me like a lab rat that claims to be able to do algebra.
So, this morning it hit me and that's why I am up so early: You guys have no clue what these terms mean because you are not Polish or you are too young and, therefore, naturally ignorant.
Just for fun, where was Warszawa Glowna in 1960? I know because I was there so many times. Do you?
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
28 May 2018 / #261
I don't give a
Are you sure? Sorry its a bit confusing.
, I know he trolls and that all I need to know
Wait but I thought you dont care? Man this harder than trying to pick a restaurant with my gf...
I'm just busting your balls btw... I really don't care..
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
28 May 2018 / #262
Alas, a normal person who lived in Poland would have had no problem with stringing few sentences in Polish just to shut those who do not believe him up.
With my Post 242, I did a lot better than "stringing few sentences in Polish". Any moron, even you, can use the google translator.
Knowing that, I offered this instead:
Dom Towarowy na Alejach Jerozolimskich
plaszcz ortalionowy na Chmielnej za 1800 zlotych
sklepy za zoltymi firankami
Radio Wolna Europa i zagluszarki
Now, how the hell would I know these phrases? Try to explain that without resorting to some mental gymnastics.
I offered this instead:
And don't think we're not grateful! Please sir, could we have some more?
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
28 May 2018 / #264
Not until you say: based on your Post #242, you are more likely than not to be a Polish guy who lived in Poland.
BTW, and FYI, that "more likely than not" is a legal standard used here in civil litigation. If the US courts find it acceptable, you should, too.
So, spit it out.
BTW, and FYI, that "more likely than not" is a legal standard used here in civil litigation. If the US courts find it acceptable, you should, too.
So, spit it out.
Wait but I thought you dont care?
Pay attention boy. Read what I have written with understanding. I said I don't care who or what he is.
As to him being a troll, I do care enough to advice on the fact other people. Do you have a problem with that?
You seems to very defensive of whoever post here as Rich Mazur - a friend of yours?
Sorry its a bit confusing.
sorry, I know Dirk you find a lot to be confusing. I don't see why I cannot respond to post addressed to me without you butting in.. I don't have to justify myself to you. Don't mistake my kindness with weakness. I respond to people because that is my want. If you don't like go back to collect empty beer cans, count passing trains or whatever you do...
With my Post 242, I did a lot better than "stringing few sentences in Polish".
Well, good on you. Go and convince does who give a damn. Obviously it is very important to you to be believed.
spit it out.
Okay.... I accept your apology. Just don't do it again.
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
28 May 2018 / #267
Go and convince does who give a damn. Obviously it is very important to you to be believed.
It is not imprortant at all. However, I freely admit I like screwing with my enemies, like the idiots here who without any proof declared that I was lying and that I was not Polish. Like in: a Pole ripping into Poland. No f***** way.
Let me remind you that this "you are not Polish" was started immediately after my first post because it was - on my God - critical of Poland. An unpardonable sin! Where is the wood and the kerocene.
If you guys had any brains, your reaction to my promise not to ever visit Poland again would be: Please, don't. We will be grateful.
And that would be the end of it. Instead, the Polish geniuses proclaimed me not being Polish because a Pole does not dare say bad things about Poland.
I guess that in their minds - I cringe while writing this word - criticizing anything Polish is blasphemy. Well, UB felt the same about those who would criticize communism. Not much has changed since.
the Polish geniuses proclaimed me
How do you know they're Polish? Anyone can post here and at least 60 - 70% of the members said they are not Polish.
johnny reb 49 | 7926
28 May 2018 / #269
a Pole does not dare say bad things about Poland - criticizing anything Polish is blasphemy.
Is that being Politically Correct ?
How many times have I posted here that Poles do not know how to laugh at themselves.
No one is perfect, we all make mistakes.
The more stupid my mistakes are the harder I laugh at myself.
Poland no doubt could learn to lighten up in that area since the seriousness of don't dare laugh Communism era is over.
OP Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
28 May 2018 / #270
As a special favor, let me explain why "troll" does not apply to me.
You see, troll is a person who makes deliberately offensive or provocative online posts with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. That was straight from the Internet.
I just shared my impressions from the trip. Everything I wrote was true or, to you, likely to be true. So the problem is not with me but with those who would feel upset and angry. If that made you upset and angry, you need help. I am sure that by now there are special meds for the victims of the inernet trolls. Like for PTSD.
Did you notice that every other person has PTSD lately? Too many snowflakes?
One of the most endearing American traits is just that - to know when to be serious and when not.
Closely related - or is it the same? - is the unmatched American ability to self-deprecate. Like in: It's so simple, even I understand.
And admit fault. I learned very quickly the benefits of saying to the boss: I f***** up. But I know how to fix it.
No, we, Americans, are not expected to commit harakiri when we screw up.
God bless this country.
You see, troll is a person who makes deliberately offensive or provocative online posts with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. That was straight from the Internet.
I just shared my impressions from the trip. Everything I wrote was true or, to you, likely to be true. So the problem is not with me but with those who would feel upset and angry. If that made you upset and angry, you need help. I am sure that by now there are special meds for the victims of the inernet trolls. Like for PTSD.
Did you notice that every other person has PTSD lately? Too many snowflakes?
How many times have I posted here that Poles do not know how to laugh at themselves.
One of the most endearing American traits is just that - to know when to be serious and when not.
Closely related - or is it the same? - is the unmatched American ability to self-deprecate. Like in: It's so simple, even I understand.
And admit fault. I learned very quickly the benefits of saying to the boss: I f***** up. But I know how to fix it.
No, we, Americans, are not expected to commit harakiri when we screw up.
God bless this country.