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Poland - never again

OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #181
Why linger here like a heavy fart in a crowed place? What for?

I am glad you asked.

1. I like posting on forums and getting a fact-based discussion going.
2. Fresh from my two trips to Poland, I chose this forum to learn more about Polish people.

If I find #3 you will be the first to know. OK?

BTW, see how easy it was for me to asnwer your question, knowing full well that is was rhetorical and not meant to satisfy your desire to really know my motivation.

Since you brought it up, how are your farts on the light-heavy scale?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 May 2018 /  #182
Because this Polish American would have been welcome in Russian hospitals.
Poka Polsha ;)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 May 2018 /  #183
Yes by law Polish hospitals are supposed to treat everyone in an emergency regardless of ability to pay. They eat the costs for people who can't pay - same as in the US that is why whenevr i go to the hospital I never give them my insurance card and givr them a bogus name so they dont put my whatever im going in for on my permanent medical record and then seeing as how the insurance situation changes with every president I refuse to be left high and dry. As long as you insist on 'me no speakeh,' say you ran out the house without your wallet because you couldnt focus brcause you were in such pain and 'oh it hurts, it's hurts!' And point to your entire body theyll do 10 grand worth of tests. Obviously dont tell.them your pain is a ten then play tetris on your phone the whole time. Bills for mr jakov ripowski tend to be sent one of the local empty houses up for sale....

Anyway, laws and rules arent always followed. What I imagine happened is that some young pretty pokish girl was working the reception and its all quiet then a senior brash american comes in and chews her out. If i was her id probably have told him the same thing that he needs to pay before anyone sees him - cash of course. If he did give them cash, itd likely be added to the employees beer money fund.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #184
Did you skip over my post 178?

For your convenience, the essence of it is in bold type.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2018 /  #185
Yes. Post it. We're all waiting to see it.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
24 May 2018 /  #186
whenevr i go to the hospital I never give them my insurance card and givr them a bogus name

what a little scamster you are, dishonest to the core....
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #187
some young pretty pokish girl was working the reception and its all quiet then a senior brash american comes in and chews her out.

She was neither young nor pretty, and I was not brash.

As I said before, I was too sick to be brash. And I had no reason to be brash. I was merely asking questions. My misfortune was that I came across two Polish a-holes working goverment jobs and thus totally indifferent to things and, therefore, not capable of re-directing a sick foreigner to another facility where they could be bothered to look at his proof of insurance and, maybe even call that f****** toll free number. My best guess is that that number was not in Polish, hence the reluctance.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #188
Yes. Post it. We're all waiting to see it.

I will. Just give me a minute. Why do I have this feeling we will be friends from now on?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 May 2018 /  #189

If the system wasnt rigged I wouldn't have to look for loopholes. Neither would I have to worry that some third world doctor who barely passed the medical license puts an incorrect diagnoses in my medical file which cant haunt me depending on which president and party is in charge and determines whether I can even get health insurance - not my ability to pay, employment status, health, etc.

How would you like it if you were denied insurance for something as silly as an ulcer you had 10 years ago or your wife cant get insurance and get treatmemt for say IBS or asthma or liver cancer because of varicose veins? You and your wife would probably do the same ****. And if your self employed and run a small biz youre going to pay a grand a month even under Obama care for insurance that doesn't cover jack ****
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2018 /  #190
I never give them my insurance card and givr them a bogus name

I learned that one a long time ago before I had medical insurance and was paying with cash.
Always used an alias name and address and birthdate.
My medical records are as clean as a whistle.
Doing so my medical insurance is much lower now by lying on the trick questions back in my youth about, do you smoke ? Nope. Have you ever smoked ? Nope. Do you do recreational drugs ? Nope. Have you ever had an STD ? Nope. Does your family have a history of cancer ? Nope.

Today they make a copy of your drivers license so they can verify your social security number which screws you.
Poland will catch up soon on the tricks of the trade.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 May 2018 /  #191
It depends on the hospital and which department. The one in my suburb doesnt ask for those things in the ER until you're already checked in. A lady from billing comes in with a clipboard to figure out how to bill you and do.whateber possible to prevent hospital from eating the costs. Generally they ask for id and insurance but they'll still treat you if you dont give it to them. Theyll be rude and threaten you but they really can't do much. Also if you speak in a foreign language and claim youre undocumented they generally wont press you.

Also accoeding to hipaa you can request everything in your medical record. Theyll make a fuss about it but they have to do it
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
24 May 2018 /  #192
I thought you were a millionaire ? Surely if you cant afford insurance then there must be something badly wrong with the Us system - what hope does the average Joe have ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2018 /  #193
I will. Just give me a minute.

Taking your time, aren't you?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2018 /  #194
Surely if you cant afford insurance

Blue Cross & Blue shield will run a single guy around a $1000 a month which I couldn't afford going to college since I was paying cash for my tuition, rent, books, food, car insurance and etc. WITHOUT any public assistance or parents help.

I did have a small scholarship that helped.
What do you pay in Poland ?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2018 /  #195
Taking your time, aren't you?

delph give it a rest would you, you are driving everyone nuts again today with your trolling and abuse.
Go get some physical exercise like taking a long bike ride or something.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2018 /  #196
One can only wonder why you're so desperately defending him.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2018 /  #197
None of your business for a start and just why do you think everyone here has to answer to YOU ?
Now PLEASE quit tormenting the forum with your childish immature banter and go borrow a bicycle and go get some fresh air.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 May 2018 /  #198
Insurance for business owners and self employed is paid based on your earnings. For people who work for a corporation woth atleast 30.people their cost is subsidized, and eben then it can easily be $200 a month for just 1 person, $300 $400 if your insuring you have dependents. People on welfare and disability receive Medicaid for free. The other option if you dont want insurance is to pay a tax penalty which is what I have been doing since 2017 as it comes out cheaper than insurance. Plus i know if i have an emergency the hospitals have to treat me anyway. Just because a person can afford something doesn't mean theyll pay for it. I can afford to eat a $20 sandwich for lunch but I find it ridiculous to pay that much for something worth far less.

@johnny reb
Thats exactly what i had. When i left thr corporate world about 2 years ago i had cobra for 6 months (basically comtinuation of blue cross fpr 6 montbs after i quit my job) then when it came time.to signup for the marketplace they told me i had 3 options with the middle one being the best overall but still costing 1000 a month. Healthcare even private practice is a tiny fraction of what it is in the us. I remember when I went to a dermatologist that was basically a spa i paid like 450 zloty for the visit and I was there for like 6 hours.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2018 /  #199
None of your business for a start and just why do you think everyone here has to answer to YOU ?

The answer is obvious to everyone here.

Still, let's wait for him to forge a Polish birth certificate now.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #200
Taking your time, aren't you?

I just scanned three documents: BC, my diploma, and a statement I got from the Polish consulate about me being a citizen of Poland.

My immediate problem is that the files are too big. But I didn't forget the promise I made.

Just hang on.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 May 2018 /  #201
Don't give them squat as it will only come back to bite you in the ass.
Don't be intimidated or bullied by them.
Their next round of banter will be "Prove that it is you, that could be anyone."
Trust me Rich, they are relentless to destroy people.
You don't have to stoop to their demands and why should you.
You think they would post their personal information ? HA !
Be like the rest of us and tell them to go to hell.
Tell them to send you their phone number so you can Skype it to them.

Let me ask you this Rich....."Just what do you have to gain by posting all your personal information ?
The correct answer is NOTHING !
What do you have to lose ?
Everything including your personal identity to have all your accounts hacked from bank accounts to credit cards.
I am begging you not to do it until they do it first and it can be verified that it is them.
See how far that goes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 May 2018 /  #202
Yeah dude dont upload it. You have absolutely nothing to gain from appeasing a few people you don't know and will likely never meet. If they want to believe your story fine, if not that's also fine. In the end, it doesn't matter either way. Like seriously who cares????
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 May 2018 /  #203
@Rich Mazur
Yes, Rich, be careful.

There's this guy on the forum who privates you a lot to make fun at other posters and tell you about them. And he sends you links. And he asks you questions like a nosy neighbour ;)

Now seriously, all you need to do is to answer the questions in Polish. Simple questions concerning studying and life in Poland. Why would I see a document?

The idea of giving 'your' personal details is ridiculous as I'm 100% sure that if you post anything, it won't be yours.
Tomorrow is May 25th - the day when the General Data Protection Regulation is implemented. Google it and think it over.
If you have problems, I don't care as you're a compulsive liar but I'm sorry for the person whose personal details you may reveal.

But since you have problems with uploading the scans, hopefully my worries are in vain.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 May 2018 /  #204
Just answer the questions, Rich!
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #205
Don't give them squat as it will only come back to bite you in the ass.

No, I am not stupid, and I wasn't going to reveal anything personal. I was just curious when they would actually blink and say: there is absolutely no reason why any stranger would put this kind of effort into faking being of different nationality for no tangible reason.

So, following your advice, to all of you arrogant a-holes with an overgrown sense of importance: GFY.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2018 /  #206
Hahaha! What a surprise, he couldn't fake the documents easily, so he's given up ;) How disappointing, I thought you'd at least take the time to post them.

there is absolutely no reason why any stranger would put this kind of effort into faking being of different nationality for no tangible reason.

There's a very good reason why, and that reason is the only person to have defended you.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #207
Just answer the questions, Rich!

Listen, you little pos. Nobody talks to me like that. Not even the cops here. I don't have to answer s***.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 May 2018 /  #208
Rysiu, to jak wspominasz swojÄ… obronÄ™? ;)

Update: just got a pm from Mooli (?) telling me johnny and rysiu are right about emergency services in Poland and forgetting the language :)
Is it possible to get even more embarrassing?

Rysiu, do you need to deal with cops a lot?
I'm sorry.
Oh, ok, I shouldn't be laughing so hard.
If you are a Polish wannabe, ok.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
24 May 2018 /  #209
Hahaha! What a surprise, he couldn't fake the documents easily, so he's given up ;)

You are so predictable. I knew before I made the offer that posting anything will change nothing. Good job proving it.

I ready wonder what mental disorder is yours?
24 May 2018 /  #210
just got a pm from Mooli (?) telling me johnny and rysiu are right about emergency services in Poland and forgetting the language :)

I'm sure he would say that. MoOli is JR's currently banned partner in crime O WELL/Pigsy/Porky Pok and has used a whole host of other user/guestnames.

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