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Poland - never again

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 May 2018 /  #121
@Rich Mazur

Because social marxists and leftist cucks dont think in a rational cause and effect way. They only care about feelings - specifically not hurting anyone's feelings. Having diversity (which basically means less white people) is more important than security for citizens. Handing out benefits to everyone who wants them is more important than keeping a balanced budget. Taking crosses off of churches and disregarding ones roots and traditions is more important than 'upsetting' non citizen migrants.

You can present countless sources - statistics, facts, videos, police reports, etc to leftists that show migrants are causing violent crime to skyrocket, that most the rioters in France that caused a 2 year state of emergency were migrants, that the cologne Nye rapes were by migrants, etc and theyll never listen. There isn't a point in debating tjem because no matter how rational your arguement, no matter how much evidence you present they won't change their beliefs. Even when their support for social marxism bites them in the ass, just as one german mayor who was raped by african migrants yet refused to file charges because she said she didn't want to exacerbate germans increasingly negative feelings towards migrants, they still won't budge. And on this site its no different. I posted a BBC video, a leftist source if anything, that shows germans esp women buying up pepper spray mace etc because theyre scared of migrants attacking raping them. The store owners said they cant keep inventory because they sell out immediately due to all the people who.want to protect themselves however they can from being attacked or raped. Well, lefties on here call it 'bullsh1t' or point out that it's a 2 year old video - as if that made any difference as the situation was just as bad then as it is now If not worse since there's even more of them since then.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
23 May 2018 /  #122
How allowing the foreign, unemplyable, and hateful scum into, say, Sweden makes any anyone there better off. I just don't get it.

There are people who make massive bank from government contracts to provide housing and other services (not to mention documented links between ngos and human smugglers).

The entire world economy is one big grift aimed at milking the people keeping the whole crooked mess afloat.

Collapse (or enhanced enforcement) will not be pretty.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #123
I hope so.

Comparing a family with a country is actually easy. My place has this invisible red line with an invisible message: you cross it without my permission, you die. And I have a very nice Beretta which is always loaded and ready to enforce the above rule. Why do we look at Israel with disapproval for having the same approach to the invaders is beyond me.

My point is that my rule does not allow any strangers in, even if they promised to cut my grass and shovel snow - things I just don't like doing. There is no amount of money some a-hole from Pakistan could pay me to let him live with me in my spare bedroom if there was any possibility he would rape my daughters or my wife.

Sweden, Germany, and UK do it and proudly insist on doing it. This is beyond sick and cannot be explained in any rational terms.

But I agree with your explanation. Still sick.

I noticed that some call Merkel fuhrer. IMO, this is an insult to Hitler as Hitler was doing his best to make Germany stronger rather than cause its destruction.

BTW, just curious, how much time would I serve in Germany for writting that last sentenced? It feels so good to live in the best country ever created, the USA.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 May 2018 /  #124
Hitler was doing his best to make Germany stronger rather than cause its destruction

So it would have felt even better to live under Hitler than in the USA, moron.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 May 2018 /  #125
By the way, another nail in the coffin of this troll - he was talking about the UB, yet it had long ceased to exist by 1966. Clearly he's not doing his homework too well, to go along with the lack of Polish skills and heavy use of Google Translate.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #126
So it would have felt even better to live under Hitler than in the USA, moron.

How did you conclude that? Please walk me slowly through your perverted way of reasoning.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 May 2018 /  #127
another nail in the coffin of this troll - he was talking about the UB, yet it had long ceased to exist by 1966

Every time this pathetic troll tries to give some patetic detail of his pathetic relations with Poland, he is proved liar.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 May 2018 /  #128
Not a surprise, really. Either way, the way that he's destroying the reputation of a well known Polish scientist is disgusting.

What's the game, Roggers?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 May 2018 /  #129
I think he meant SB which is basically what UB turned into but it was essentially the same organization. Kind of like how KGB became FSB
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 May 2018 /  #130
Well, I need to be patriotic. Someone does. The forum's biggest 'patriot' keeps silent about the insults.
Luckily, some are helping me out.
Question: how miserable do you have to be to create a new persona just for the sake oftrolling and how disapponting it is that the troll failed even at trolling :)
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #131
Every time this pathetic troll tries to give some patetic detail of his pathetic relations with Poland, he is proved liar.

OK. Time to fess up.

One morning, after taking a badly overdue leak, I fired my computer and, bored out of my mind, I decided to create my new alternate reality. My being an American finally got to me. Like how much of that anyone can take without going nuts.

Just like some guys with all the plumbing, prostate and all decide to be a chicks, I resolved to be a European. Being black or Asian was not an option for obvious reasons.

Not being sure from what country, I took a dart from my desk and, with both of my eyes fully closed, I just threw it at the world map in my rec room. And, wouldn't you know, it landed smack on - you guessed it right - Warsaw, Poland. Wow, holy s***, now I was Polish. Then I realized that I need some supporting docs in case I get challenged by some annoying clowns on PL.com.

Consistent with that, I created a fake diploma from the Politechnika, a birth certificate (USC would be envious how it came out) and, finally a counterfeit US passport showing clearly that I was born in Warsaw, Poland, instead of Indiana. The fact that this act carries some major penalties - you see, the feds here take very dim view of such activities - was not a factor in my decision because the fun I would have yanking some distrusting moron's chain would be worth the risk of serving years in a federal pen. Not to mention the fines.

To further support your so totally justified suspicions, I would like to offer to you this link:


This version, published in November of 2016, is not the first so I lost a lot of reviews - some good, some bad. What is true - you can really trust me on this - not a single review claimed that my English was even marginally bad. Not even one. They hated me for many other reasons, but not that one.

The reason I mentioned my literary achievement here is that a guy who claims be born and raised in Poland until the fully formed age of 24, without any English classes, could not have possibly write anything like that. No way. Which finally proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am nothing but a big fat liar and a fake. Well, actually I am not fat but that's what we often put between "big" and "liar".

BTW, if you would like a copy for free, I will be thrilled to send you a docx file if you pm me your email address. Short of that, just click Look Inside over the book top edge to read the Introduction and the first few pages.

My sincere apologies for being so terribly deceitful.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
23 May 2018 /  #132
@Dirk diggler

Ha, ha I am Polish and I forgot that UB turned into SB- These services are always in action....no vacuum :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 May 2018 /  #133
Question: how miserable do you have to be to create a new persona just for the sake oftrolling

If it's who I think it is, then the guy has a lot of issues, all going back to how Poland "unfairly" treated him. He does it every so often, and the way that he's (poorly) researched some obscure figure from Polish history has his fingerprints all over it.

Either way, he could at least do his research properly next time, and he could also try and stay away from Polish citizenship threads at the same time.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 May 2018 /  #134
Yeah same I still think of them as the UB it doesn't really matter its the same internal affairs security goons...

nasty mofo's.... wouldn't let us operate a meat business in peace without extorting money...

One time they basically kidnapped my dad off the street, beat his feet with batons for like 2 3 days, didn't give him any food or water during that time, then made him walk home in the winter. he collapsed after like 1km but luckily a neighbor found him and drove him home.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 May 2018 /  #135
Just like me, you know that time period from history. Had you lived then and had the passport thanks to SB/UB, you'd know who they were.

Can you imagine spending time doing that?
Wth is wrong with people?
Lack of father figure, depression, rejection by women, abuse?
Why have people around him done nothing?
Perhaps that's the main difference between Poland and the US - we're not constantly told you need to be always happy and successful - sh it happens. They don't know how to cope when their life is not the American dream . Kids shoot their peers, some get to weigh 600 lbs, others lie about their lives online ('Rich' is not the only one who tells lies about his life).
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #136
('Rich' is not the only one who tells lies about his life).

In the world of logic and reason, to claim that somebody is lying, the claimant must meet at least one of these conditions:

1. The claimant knows that a statement is not true because the claimant knows what is true. Me claiming I had dinner with you yesterday would factually be false and, therefore, a lie.

2. The claimant knows that the likelihood of a statement being true is practically zero. Me saying that last week, being 76, I lifted 2000 pounds has zero probability of being true.

3. The claimant knows that an untrue statement was made with full knowledge and premeditation. Not every statement that is not true is a lie.

You are welcome.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
23 May 2018 /  #137
Leaving Poland by finishing University you would be about 24- it is adult person with shaped personality. Even spending years and years in USA you would remember polish language, culture.....probably mix with Polonia in USA...maybe follow news in Poland.

The problem is people on this forum sense very quickly 'faked persona' it is not as easy task as you thought.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 May 2018 /  #138
@Rich Mazur
1. You don't speak Polish (which you have proven making numerous mistakes here) so you can't have graduated from a Polish university, not to mention living here up to the age of 22/24.

Compare Polish Jews who left in 1968 or even those who left right after the war - they speak Polish. You don't.
2. You confused SB and UB - anyone living here in the sixties would have remembered their names well. People were afraid of /friendly with them. No way they would have forgotten their name.

3. There's no clinic on Szpitalna.
4. All the other things people have pointed out.
So ...
1. You lied.
2. You failed at trolling.
3. I'm sorry your life is so miserable. Accept it. Then do something to change it.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #139
Hey, geniuses, read my Post #131 or is it too much effort?
10iwonka10  - | 359  
23 May 2018 /  #140
Everyone did - just making the point trolling is not so easy as it seems....
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 May 2018 /  #141
@Rich Mazur
Hey, genius. You have been caught in the act of lying. That makes all your posts incredible - even if you wrote the truth, ironically.

As for me, yet another lie of yours.
Once a liar ...
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #142
I am going to make an exception to my rule never to debate kids and women, and ask you which of the "forged" documents I mentioned in my totally sarcastic Post 131 would you like to see?

Secondly, if I post one you like, are you (1) going to accept it and say oops, sorry, or are you going to say that it's indeed a forgery and proves nothing?

BTW, how the f*** can anyone prove from a distance that he speaks a language with the Google translator being as good as it, in fact, is? OK, genius, your turn to explain that little problem.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
23 May 2018 /  #143
how the f*** can anyone prove from a distance that he speaks a language with the Google translator being as good as it, in fact, is?

see that's the point google translate isn't that good (it's amazing for what it can do but it has serious limits). a person using google translate to imitate a real Polish speaker will be found it very quickly since it would produce the kind of very unidiomatic phrases... you have.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 May 2018 /  #144
I think this Mazur from the US is slowly becoming a bit boring.

Just to conclude my temporary interest in this strange persona, let me explain what "Mazur" meant in old times. It was the historic name of an inhabitant of the Mazovia region (Mazowsze). Mazur was seen as a rather backward person by the rest of Poland thus many proverbs in ancient Poland showing him in a rather bad light, for example:

Dobry człowiek, ale Mazur - it meant that generally the Mazur was not considered a good person.

Mazur niewiele mierzy, śmiejąc się uderzy - indeed, they did enjoyed an awful reputation.

Mazurowie mili, gdzieście się popili;
W Warce na gorzałce, w Czersku na złym piwsku?
Mazurowie naszy od jaglanej kaszy
Słone wąsy mają, w piwie je maczają.

---------- Kiermasz wieśniacki, 1612-1615.

"Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury" by Władysław Kopaliński describes the opinion held on the Mazurians/Mazurs in ancient Poland as follows:

Mazur - amator jagły, nieuk, uparty, zawzięty, szczwany ścichapęk, porywczy, waleczny, przedmiot niezliczonych drwin i żartów (że rodzą się ślepi, pod ciemną gwiazdą i mają czarne podniebienie), tak gorliwy katolik, że gotów zabić tego, co by w jego obecności post złamał.

Not a particularly nice picture of Mazur, isn't it?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 May 2018 /  #145
@Rich Mazur
Google translate sux ;)
Your poor attempts proved it but you can't see it - because you don't speak the language.
You'd have to speak at least two languages to know it. Obviously, you don't.
Let me give you an example:
Zepsuł mi się zamek - my lock/zipper broke. Google translates it as 'I've broken my castle' because the Polish word zamek may be translated as castle, lock or zipper. And Google just chose the most popular translation.

Or your example of Polish grafitti: jebać - it requires an object in Polish.
English 'you know' is literally 'ty wiesz' (another mistake of yours) but in the context you provided it would be 'wiesz?' or 'wiesz co?'
Just some of your mistakes.

And the dart landed right on Warsaw, Poland. Not even two centimetres away. Not on Szczebrzeszyn or Zakopane, but exactly on Warsaw.
And now what? Am I supposed to give you my email address to be sent those documents? Sure ...
I'm glad you made the first step to control your fear of talking to women, though.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #146
very unidiomatic phrases... you have.

Are you OK? Unidiomatic phrases after 50 years of not using the language? I can barely put a sentence together in Polish without some hesitation. Plus,I did my damnest to forget it and switch to English everywhere - at home, at work, in the Polish stores and restaurants, even in the Polish Consulate - to the total exclusion of Polish. My kids do not know one word in Polish other than kielbasa, pierogi and oplatek. I made sure that they would not have any split loyalties and learn that terrible Polish the locals here do.

So, don't make me laugh with those "unidiomatic" phrases. If you stayed in bed for 50 years, you wouldn't know how to walk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 May 2018 /  #147
I can barely put a sentence together in Polish without some hesitation.

Yet you were able to...

a) walk into a school
b) explain your intentions without getting arrested
c) talk to a class of kids
d) visit two medical facilities (where receptionists are not known for speaking English)
e) ascertain that they wouldn't accept your insurance and that they wanted cash only

and so on, despite barely being able to string a sentence together in Polish and making a mistake that *no* Polish speaker would make? In fact, Kaprys, did you notice that he made another mistake with "ty wiesz", one that clearly points at him as an English speaker? (don't say it out loud, better to catch him out again and again).

Seriously, do you think we're stupid?
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 May 2018 /  #148
And the dart landed right on Warsaw, Poland. Not even two centimetres away. Not on Szczebrzeszyn or Zakopane, but exactly on Warsaw.

You are beyond pathetic. Do you know what sarcasm is? Do you know when somebody is yanking your chain? I admitted doing it in my 131 and you still take it literally. No wonder I left Poland and have even less desire now to go back.

OK, for last time, how do I prove that I was born in Poland and lived there until graduation? I gave you choices so either answer or FO.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 May 2018 /  #149
Answer the following questions:
O czym była Twoja praca magisterska? Na pewno pamietasz tytul.
Na czym polegały praktyki?
Z ilu osób składała się komisja przy Twojej obronie.
Kto to jest docent?
Kto ty jesteś? Jaki znak twój? Gdzie ty mieszkasz? :D
Mój ci on, mój - wykrzyknela ... (?)
mafketis  38 | 11149  
23 May 2018 /  #150
I can barely put a sentence together in Polish without some hesitatio

and you didn't think to try to brush up before going back? the internet is full of radio and tv and newspapers in Polish, how can you even be sure you understood what they were saying at the hospital? maybe you got a burr up your dvpa because you misunderstood what they trying to say

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