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Poland - never again

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Jun 2018 /  #571
With every foreign language you put a sort of new personality onto yourself. That enriches you and this is some real cultural enrichment, Rysiu!

But there are more important things apart from that which you are missing, Pysiu, so nothing to worry about (or indeed a lot to worry about!). Let us hope that your late father Marian Mazur does not turn around in his grave at Cmentarz Północny in Warsaw because of this.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jun 2018 /  #572
That enriches you and this is some real cultural enrichment, Rysiu!

I am rich enough, Ziemowisiu.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
22 Jun 2018 /  #573
You're missing the beauty of the Polish language, Rich! Just because Poland spurned you, is not reason to take your failures out on an entire country.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jun 2018 /  #574
There is nothing beautiful about Polish. I dropped it for English like a rotten tomato. At best, Polish is like any other language. To me, it was hard to speak fluently. The fact that this forum uses English is just another confirmation what a genius I have been all those years by going full-Anglo. BTW, I am wondering why it is obligatory to like your country, your language, town and food. Or even you parents.

The definition of spurn - reject with disdain or contempt. Poland did everything possible to keep me from leaving after Poland invested in my degree. I outsmarted Poland and was a free man exactly 6 months after graduation. So, it was I who spurned Poland, not the other way around.

I have two daughters, four granddaughters, no debt, two Lexus cars and more money than I know how to spend. Thus, the word "failure" seems hardly a good fit. I do, however, failed to see the beauty in a country where going to a restroom is an adventure. You know, us older guys...
Ironside  50 | 12941  
22 Jun 2018 /  #575
I dropped it for English like a rotten tomato.

Sure, that BS. However let assume for the sake of our little chat that what you claim is true. So what? Do you think that anyone cares? I for one do not give a flying copulation what language same a-hole like you uses. In any language you would be just a miserable a-hole. End of story.

Just because Poland spurned you,

tsk, tsk ...really? I think he has nothing to do with Poland and never had. If he had, it would make him even bigger a-hole that he already is.

. Poland did everything possible to keep me from leaving

Eh? You mean PRL. Soviet Poland was hardly Polish. Free Poland tell you to FO and never return. lol!
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Jun 2018 /  #576
Do you think that anyone cares?

If you don't care as you say, why did the subject show up in your post?

Free Poland not only didn't tell me to FO, but gladly took my 200 bucks to give me a new passport. I went to Poland twice last year and they were all smiles as I was spending my dollars.

So, what's the next nasty and idiotic remark are you going to troll me with?

Your post is pure trollism. Even I couldn't match it if I really tried - I would be too embarrassed. You called me an a-hole three times. You accused me of lying. You insulted Poland and the Poles living under Soviet occupation. And you lied that Poland told me to FO (lie 1) and never return (lie 2).

For the record, a post like yours is a goldmine for somebody who wants to lower himself to where you slime about. I, being a superior being to your kind, ignored your insults and actually responded to your claims and allegations.

Now, do you see what superiority is all about?
Ironside  50 | 12941  
23 Jun 2018 /  #577
If you don't care as you say, why did the subject show up in your post?

Why? Because you keep drumming about it all the time. How many times you said it? 20? 40? I cannot be bother to check it. In fact you mentioned it many times.

Why I go after you? That is easy you're a boring a-hole that doesn't bring in anything of interest, you're a troll, you spew a lot of stupid nonsense and you claim to have a thick skin. It is a pure pleasure to lay into you. Do you have a problem with it?

I, being a superior being to your kind

lol! You're delusional but that is given with all your posturing and BS. If you're in your 70' as you claimed to be it is a high time you faced some hard truths about yourself. I'm doing you a solid here!
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2018 /  #578
Why? Because you keep drumming about it all the time. How many times you said it? 20? 40?

So, I am "drumming about it all the time". It least I am drumming what pleases me. You are drumming after me and you are pissed off. I win.

A better question is, why do you follow my "drumming"? Any normal person would have dropped "a boring a-hole that doesn't bring in anything of interest" long time ago.

Next time you are out of things to do, try to figure out the meaning of this profound line of yours: "Why I go after you? That is easy you're a boring a-hole that doesn't bring in anything of interest..." because nobody else can. Even your shrink. BTW, I think there is a period missing somewhere.

I appreciate your concern and a desire to help as you expressed so well in that "I'm doing you a solid here!" Do me another solid and just ignore me from now on.

You need meds or a hobby.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
23 Jun 2018 /  #579
It least I am drumming what pleases me.

So Am I. You like trolling, spewing boring nonsense, and you enjoy it. I like pointing out those facts and I do it - in your face style. We can be a good team in this way.

You need meds or a hobby.

You claimed to study steam fields. What are you now a doctor?
To use your own words - what medical school have you attended?

Oh we both know the answer to that question don't we - the high school of cooking on a gas.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 Jun 2018 /  #580
I went to Poland twice last year and they were all smiles as I was spending my dollars.

You said this in post #576 (today on the 22th of June 2018, 8 hours ago).

In 1966 with a diploma from Polibuda in my bag

These next two quotes are from the very first post of yours in the thread "Poland - never again" that you started on the 18th of May 2018.

Culd you please explain the following inconsistency:
you first say you have visited Poland in 2018 for the first time since 1966, but then one month later you say you went to Poland twice last year, that is you went there twice in the year 2017?
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2018 /  #581
Culd you please explain the following inconsistency:

"I went to Poland twice last year ..." should have been "I went to Poland twice in the last 12 months..."

12 months = 1 year. That's what I meant, not calendar year.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 Jun 2018 /  #582
should have been "I went to Poland twice in the last 12 months..."

Even so, the inconsistency still remains:

This spring I broke my word never to go back, so on Thursday, April 26, I was again in Warsaw.

You have clearly declared in post #1 that you came to Poland for the very first time after fifty two years and then left three days later with the intention of never coming back again, yet one month later you declare that you have been to Poland twice in the last 12 months.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
23 Jun 2018 /  #583
Again Rich, whether you think Polish is beautiful or not, when abroad, I certainly can well understand your desire NOT to communicate in Polish in favor of English.

However, if you seriously wish to deal with Poland and the Poles, Polish is essentially your only viable option.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
23 Jun 2018 /  #584
Good point, but not necessarily correct. Before I went there, I knew that English is mandatory from K on. English being my preferred language and my Polish rusty, I was catching myself speaking English without meaning to be offensive or standoffish. It's like a reflex. Soon, I realized that everybody under 30 was as fluent as I was. I would always speak Polish when dealing with the old-timers like me, at the USC, cops or railroad ticket agents. But then the conversations were routine, short and predictable in contents.

My biggest problem was the railroad agents. They would speak fast and from behind an inch thick, bullet-proof glass. With the noise behind me, I couldn't figure what the hell they were saying. It was out of desperation that at Gdanks Glowny I switched to English and everything was smooth from then on becasue now she spoke a lot slower and used simpler words.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
23 Jun 2018 /  #585
You've proven my point....(I think).

Conversations from behind plate glass anywhere in the world, immediately arouse my suspicions, what ever the language:-)
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Jun 2018 /  #586
That's the best fake I can make considering the conditions here in Moscow.

  • Diploma_lowres.jpg
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 Jun 2018 /  #587
Couldn't you even google what such a diploma looks like?
It's not a single piece of paper.
There should be a photo with your signature on the left. On the right there definitely should be more handwritten or traditionally typed information with the names and signatures from the dean and rektor (whatever the English equivalent is) and stamps ...

Just google dyplom ukończenia studiów ...
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Jun 2018 /  #588
Couldn't you even google what such a diploma looks like?

Couldn't you even read what I wrote in the bloody post that it's a fake?
Again that reading comprehension...
It's so tiring.

I never thought that making fake documents would so much fun. That eagle in the left upper corner was a real challenge, though.

  • Diploma_lr_2.jpg
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 Jun 2018 /  #589
Blah, blah, blah ... reading comprehension ... blah, blah ...
Yeah, I did read that. And I do recommend checking what such a diploma looks like.
You actually made an effort of 'creating' one in Paint of whatever for the sake of trolling so you could have checked what it looks like.

You should have realised now that it's obvious to me (and quite a few other members) that you're not even Polish. I don't know or care if you're Russian.

As for this Rich Mazur persona, you spend hours here trolling. I have no idea why mods accept that but they do. The question is why you do it. Don't you seriously have anything better to do? And you keep writing silly things. Perhaps because you want to provoke mods to finally ban you. But they don't care.

Rysiu, gwiazdeczko, people don't care. Get some psychological help. You won't make them care by provoking them.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Jun 2018 /  #590
That "dyplom" was walk in the park compared to this one. Especially the colors! Took me hours! But I still managed thanks to the training in the Russian troll college.

  • BC_2.jpg
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 Jun 2018 /  #591
Yeah, we can't wait for your prostrate scan now ...
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Jun 2018 /  #592
Yeah, we can't wait for your prostrate scan now ...

In 2015, I was 6 months away from dying from prostate cancer, you pos. GFY.

Do you believe me now that I speak Polish?

I just can't wait to spend another 3 grand to visit that place and admire again the high quality of the Warsaw art.

BTW, that corner of Warecka and Kubusia Puchatka used to be clean under the commies. When dumb Polaks get their leash loosened up, that's what they do. But I am sure there is some intelligent thought behind this artwork.

  • Warsaw_1.jpg
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Jun 2018 /  #593
Some here called me a loser and a liar. That Lexus is mine but it is not really a car. Just as those docs above, it's a fake made of wood and cardboard. Please don't be fooled by the shine.

  • SC.jpg

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