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Poland - never again

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #331
You can't beat city hall.

No, but you can sue the **** out of them if they screw up.... I've already sued my local police department once, and I'm just begging for them to send some rookie again so I can sue them a second time.

Learn to submit and say yes sir and no sir

**** that.... I don't submit to anyone - especially not a punk ass pig with a badge, and a lot of people won't either...

fk with them, they WILL fk with you just because 'they can'.

No that's the thing - they can't. They have to abide by the constitution and the laws. The officers had no reason to believe after breathalyzing her that she committed the crime of possession/consuming alcohol. Therefore she was within her rights to refuse ID. I would've done the exact same thing. Anyways, this will all be settled in court, but I'm willing to bet that the court will side with the girl. One of the cops has already been suspended.

And even if that cop got kicked in the nuts it gives him no right to punch a person, especially a woman, in the head. That's a total ***** move and just further shows that the cop is not a real man. Real men do not hit women (or at least only when the woman asks for it). If she was resisting arrest he could've tased. And what the video shows is that she kicked him AFTER he threw her on the ground and put her face in the sand. Cops will claim a person was resisting regardless if they actually are or not - it's a way of covering their ass.

Indiana just passed a law that is an amendment to the 'castle law' - now a citizen can shoot a police officer if they enter their home illegally, meaning without a warrant. I wish my state had that too = /

The police need to be held accountable. They forget that it's taxpayers paying their salary and they are there to SERVE AND PROTECT. Not intimidate, extort and threaten. And I see cops doing a whole lot of the latter than the former. It's a shame that some hick ass sheriffs convinced Trump that civil forfeiture is a good thing... smdh...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2018 /  #332
**** that.... I don't submit to anyone - especially not a punk ass pig with a badge, and a lot of people won't either...

Nor should you. Be polite and civil, yes, but "yes sir", "no sir"? Not a chance.

Dirk, what's the deal with behaving in a certain way when you get stopped by the police? I read this nonsense -
al.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/05/teach_your_kids_how_to_survive.html - what the hell, seriously? Are police there so desperate for respect that they demand people behave in that way? I mean - I got stopped in Slovenia for a random breath test, I smiled, laughed about having drank way too much coffee for 10pm in a cafe nearby, did the test, explained why I was taking a strange route back to Poland (huge jams on the main roads - Saturday evening coming back from Croatia is a disaster), asked them for some advice on possible alternative routes and wished them a good night afterwards.

No wonder you treat them the same way they treat you, and I don't blame you.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Jun 2018 /  #333
Prior to the start of the filming the little b*tch kicked the cop in the nuts.

People who witnessed it will testify (truthfully,apparently) that she did no such thing Johnny. It's called perjury.
The British police also have form for that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #334

First off you have to understand who the cops are in the US. They are your regular meathead variety douchebags that had little to no friends in high school and were the ones who loved to bully incoming freshman - but only those that were much smaller than them of course. While other graduates

They don't become cops because they actually care about protecting and serving their communities. They do it because a badge gives them the ability to continue being bullies. The same few straight C meatheads who didn't even have a prom date and who didn't go to college from my high school become cops. They think that because they have a badge it gives them extra rights. They're really a bunch of pussies. They only pick on women and people who won't defend themselves because they're too scared to go after a person who will fight back - whether it's physically or in a court. That's why you don't see cops patrolling the west side. They're too scared to drive down the streets let alone get out of their car and arrest the dudes hanging out on the corner. And if they do have a warrant in that area, they take a convoy of armored vehicles. Its the same **** when they get sued by someone for overstepping their boundary. The cops still pull some B.S. like turning on their sirens and lights then driving 90 mph past me hoping that i'll get jumpy and veer into the other lane so they can give me a ticket. Or they'll sit parked all day long on my street. Back in the day one of my friends spray painted a stencil of a black guy with the words 'smoke crack' on a cop car as he went to get a coffee. It even made the local news = )

Now of course it's not all cops, but I can easily say it's a good 90%+. And we're lucky in Illinois in the sense that we don't have civil forfeiture laws like in Texas, Oklahoma, etc. Otherwise it'd be a total mess. If say I lived in Oklahoma and was pulled over on the way to the casino (which I go to about 2x a month) for say speeding and the cop sees a couple grand in cash in my car I could go to jail just for having a large amount of cash on me. I would immediately be accused of being a drug dealer and that money would be seized as would my car. I wouldn't be charged with anything though. There would be no arrest. Nonetheless, it would now be up to me to prove that the money was acquired legally. After a long drawn out trial, the cops would eventually agree to return 'most' of the money - but not all. This exact scenario has occurred to numerous people - it is how departments are increasingly funding their toys and ridiculous overtime pay. One Korean Christian rock band went through this while travelling through Texas. They had a bunch of cash from ticket sales and donations - all seized by cops using civil forfeiture laws. They use these laws because 'reasonable doubt' does not apply. Whereas with criminal proceedings the cop/prosecution has to prove 'without a reasonable doubt' that a person did a b or c, with civil laws it is the opposite - it is up to the person to prove that they didn't do a b or c. And it's the same with houses - some teenager sold $20 worth of weed to an undercover from his grandparents' porch and the cops took the freaken grandparents house away... I mean its insane the B.S. the cops try to pull. We don't hear about 99% of it because what we do hear is only what is actually recorded and distributed by the media. But I guarantee you right now at this very second there's dozens upon dozens of unlawful stops, unlawful searches, not to mention civil forfeiture seizures...

Luckily, I am white and I can get away with being a d1ck to the cops because I'm an upper middle class white suburbanite who knows the law. Some of my middle class black and latino friends cannot. They don't even like hanging out here because they can get pulled over for 'driving while black/brown' in an all white suburb and the cops will think of some B.S. to stop and search them for nothing.

The police in Europe are way different. They don't act all jumpy and reach for their pistol just because they're 'scared' as the US cops do. ************, if you're so easily scared and constantly in fear of your life as you claim then you shouldn't of became a cop.... That's their excuse everytime they shoot an unarmed person - 'I was scared' 'I was in fear of my life' its all BS. I dislike all police - but at least the cops in Poland act civil and not like a bunch of bullies. They don't pull their weapons out unless theres a damn good reason for it. They don't **** with people for no good reason. US cops will beat you and arrest you simply for exercising your constitutional rights to refusing showing an ID if they can't articulate a reason for suspecting that the person committed a crime - as that woman found out.

So there won't be any 'yes sir' 'no sir' - they work for me, I don't work for them. My salaries pay their taxes and I know the law probably better than most cops. They can all kiss my ass.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Jun 2018 /  #335
..and it points to the excellent transition of the Polish police into a force that generally serves the community - even if they are useless at actually catching criminals (I cross both Katowice and Krakow police off this list of excellence because they are relatively thuggish, but Tri-City has a tolerant approach to policing, and I have never seen a ruck.)

From taking a sadistic pleasure in jostling, beating and murdering the population just 30 years ago, the police here have regained some respect of a large section of society. America is simply a police state to some of us who admittedly have never been across the water, but are force fed this sort of shocker.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #336
the police here have regained some respect of a large section of society

That's the problem - no one respects the police here, especially in bad neighborhoods. And respect is earned - they have to give respect in order to earn it back. And when sh1t like with this woman happens all the time and unarmed people are being shot because the police are so easily scared, well its going to continue...

At least she didn't get shot - and the sad thing is if she was no one would've been surprised....

If you REALLY want to aggravate a US cop, stand on the sidewalk and videotape their police station and their cars as they come and go. Within mere minutes they'll walk up to you. Continue recording them, their station, cars, etc. They will immediately ask you questions like what are you doing - to which you can simply say 'I don't answer questions.' They will then constantly ask you for your ID, which of course you can refuse as you are in a public area and are not committing any crimes. They may try to say that you are 'trespassing' but there is no such thing as trespassing on a public sidewalk. Eventually, they will become extremely frustrated and leave you alone. BUT in the event that they arrest you, congrats you just won the ghetto lottery as now you can sue their department for wrongful arrest and the video will be your evidence.

I like to call that a '1st and 4th amendment audit'
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
1 Jun 2018 /  #337
You can make all slurs you want but what is the point coming to this forums just to have a slur about Poland?

Poland is sluring itself without my help. I just explained how.

They forget that it's taxpayers paying their salary and they are there to SERVE AND PROTECT.

Even that serve and protect on their cars is a lie. A Supreme Court ruling (2005?) said that police are not legally required to respond to your 911 call. If you call and they show up a day later you can't sue them.

Good posts. What you wrote is true and makes some of us see red.

I differ with you about "respect" and resisting. The reality is such that when a cop pulls you (editorial) over or approaches you on the beach, you are required to follow his orders. Under law, you are also required to indentify yourself. Beyond that, it's "I want a lawyer, and I am not talking".

The problem with blacks is that they argue, ask challange questions, ignore the orders to stay put or drop what they are holding. They do it because it's in their upbringing, they are on drugs, or they want a scene with a later payout. When a black thug gets shot after being told six times to drop his gun, I am with the cops. Even if that gun turns out later to be a walet. He was told to drop it. They also assume that cops have some obligation to explain, convince, discuss, and debate them.

More about overreacting Amrican cops...

Just compare the odds that a black thug (this means any black man between 15 and 35 not wearing a suit) is packing here vs a white bum in Poland.

How about 1000 to 1.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
1 Jun 2018 /  #338
America is simply a police state

I would agree to that.
The problem is that the way the system is set up there is no way that you are going to win.
Even if you are totally right they will find a way to make you wrong.
You want to be a smart ass they will throw you in jail for any one of a hundred reasons.
You spend three days in jail waiting, spend $20k for an attorney retainer and he gets you off with not guilty.
Time to shut your mouth at that point and forget it and learn you should have said, Yes Sir in the first place making you $20k richer.

Now you want to sue them so come up with another $50k for another retainer and you are just about assured there is no judge that is going to let you win.

So you are now $70k light when all you would have had to do in the first place is say, Yes Sir, No Sir and been on your way.

Plus the next time you are involved in ANY incident the police will write up their report as you being at fault regardless because you torqued them.

They have unlimited resources to make your life a living hell.
And for the tuff guys that posted above all I have to say is................. Bull S !
They throw you loud mouths in the tank and the first time you start your tuff guy routine you get a face full of pepper spray.

You throw a punch and you will really learn to submit to some manners.
They take you handcuffed and wrap a very thick towel around your head several times blinding you and proceed to slam your had against a cement wall six or eight times.

They call it, "knocking some sense into the punks head".
No marks left, no witnesses and no way to prove it.
Even the tuffest guys come to their senses eventually and start saying, Yes Sir, No Sir.
This is why I staunchly approve of EVERYBODY (Male & Female) do a mandatory two years in the military from 18-20 years old without their helicopter mama's to learn manners for authority.

Now please, don't bore me with anymore of your chump stories about how you are going to show them because the ONLY thing you will be showing anyone is what a dumb ass you are for trying 'to be' the authority.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #339
Now please, don't bore me with anymore of your chump stories about how you are going to show them...

In the US, police are useless. With the average response time of 3 to 5 minutes and a lot more in the rural areas, you are on your own. In winter, you will wait till they plow the snow.

Police only investigate. Without them, we would be trained, armed and allowed to carry.

Today, a parent who would try to enter the school with an active shooter would be stopped by the cops. That's cops aiding and abetting a killer.

Did you know that these cowards waited over an hour before getting inside at Columbine?

America is simply a police state

Easy with that police state. A country where a police interrogation can be stopped with a single sentence is not a police state.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
2 Jun 2018 /  #340
BTW, I still hate that third-person, Polish "prosze Pana" and "czy Pan". How about just "you"? Too offensive?

I've watched a video blog on Youtube of a young Ukrainian woman who moved to Poland and she really likes this "Pan" and "Pani" thing. To each their own, then, I guess.

Different cultures have different forms of address. Do you realise that?
Would you be whining about forms of addressing other people in Japan too? Would you have a problem with the fact that people are bowing to each other over there?

No, we don't provide it because the kids will steal it. How about soap and towels? No soap. No towels. Same reason.

Well, that's the first I've heard of it. I live in a city in the same region where Radom is and there usually was toilet paper at school and when it ran out I always had tissues, just in case, that you could buy at a school shop (I always make sure to have them when I travel abroad too). And there was always soap. I don't know how you can steal soap if it's in those soap dispensers these days? lol

And a missing door in a school? lol Have you been in some kind of a village? I've heard that Radom is a sh1thole, but I've never been there and I thought that such opinions stem from the rivalry between Radom and my city. It's hard to believe that it's that much worse than Kielce, tbh.

As far as I can remember the toilet at the railway station in Kielce is free, the toilet in the park where I always go when I "have to go" in the city centre is free too (it wasn't the case in the past, but it's been like this for some time already). So, things are clearly changing.

One should also take into account that świętokrzyskie region (where Radom is) is one of the poorest regions in Poland. There are differences between regions in Poland just like there are differences between regions and states in the US.

As for "there is no restroom at the Gdanks Oliwa station" - so there's WiFi but there's no restroom? lol I've googled and I've found an article from November 2017 saying that there was a renovation planned for this railway station. Did it happen? They didn't make toilets during the renovation? lol Maybe you somehow managed to miss them?

As for paying in case of an emergency in Polish hospitals:


"- In ER a patient without health insurance has the same rights like the others. (...) Noone is being sent away because of not having a health insurance. We are obliged by the law to treat in a hospital any patient whose life is in danger."

If you don't have a health insurance you get the check after the treatment in the ER.
So, why were you told what, as you claim, you were told at that hospital? I have no idea. I guess those are the following possiblities:

- you're a troll and you're lying;
- the person working there was an ignorant idiot who didn't know the Polish law and shouldn't be working there;
- because of your poor Polish you've misunderstood each other.

If you had a travel insurance that you were sure covered the treatment you needed and you were refused this treatment then I guess you should've demanded to see this woman's boss or call the insurance company or, I don't know, call an embassy and ask what's that all about.


"In the case of hospitalization in Poland, the insurance company should be able to cover the expenses directly so you do not have to pay from your own pocket and then ask for a reimbursement."

In which city was that hospital, btw?

America gets slammed constantly but don't dare make a slur about Poland or Britain because this is a Polish forum. (How dare you)

I must say this is fascinating. What a plot twist! Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of this? Basically from the very beginning when johnny_reb appeared on this forum he was complaining of how anti-Polish this Polish forum is, he was criticising Harry, delph, jon357, etc. for bashing Poland and Poles and making slurs about Poland and Poles... Johnny even made a thread in the Feedback section questioning whether the Admin of this forum is really Polish and suggesting that I should take this forum over as the administrator because I have "constructive information on and about Poland" as "I'm Polish" and demanding the moderators to be Polish :))

And now johnny is defending and supporting Rich Mazur despite the fact that Rich is so prejudiced against Poland and Poles that he won't even visit Poland again! lol That makes Rich more prejudiced against Poland and Poles than Harry, delph and jon357 put together.

What's also interesting is that johnny_reb on page 2 of this thread in his post #31 on the 20th of May called Rich a "liar" twice and suggested that he's a Brit.

So, what has changed, johnny, since that 20th of May?

@Rich Mazur, don't be surprised that people here suspect that you're a troll. I've been registered on this forum for 10 years and I've seen many, many trolls on PF already and many, many people on this forum suspected both guest posters and registered users of being trolls or someone else than they claimed to be, no matter whether they were anti-Polish, pro-Polish or altogether neutral.

People here don't suspect that you're a troll because of your anti-Polish comments. There's been a lot of anti-Polish comments on this forum and a lot of anti-Polish prejudice for years. It's nothing new. Not everyone is suspected of being a troll here. You are, because you do seem to behave like a troll. You give an impression of an intelligent and educated person but quite a few of your comments strike me as glaringly stupid. I wouldn't make an opinion, for example, about a country and its people after spending just 3 days there. I wouldn't judge a whole nation based on a few people on an internet forum where majority of members aren't even Polish lol I wouldn't go to some rundown neighbourhood in Detroit or look at the tents of the homeless people in Los Angeles or talk to some gun nutter in the South and say: "OMG, this is horrible! The US is crap, American people are crap! I'm not ever going to visit the US again!!!" LOL

But that's me, you know :) As for you, I don't know whether you're a troll or just stupid and prejudiced or maybe a Russian troll or maybe just a very spoiled and jaded grumpy "1st worlder". PF is a mental place and everything is possible on this forum, tbh lol

I know one thing for sure - noone is making you visit Poland, you don't have to come here nor to this forum. Poland will do fine without you - I've seen many video travel blogs on Youtube made by people from the West, the East, Asia, Africa and wherever, who visited Poland and they liked it a lot.

You don't have to like Poland or Polish people. If you don't like it here, then don't come here - simple.

Btw, Rich, out of curiosity, have you ever been in any other country besides the US and Poland?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #341
Now you want to sue them so come up with another $50k for another retainer and you are just about assured there is no judge that is going to let you win.

Actually the judges here are pretty unbiased. I've seen judges chew out cops for arresting a person over stupid bullshit. I've sat through bench trials where i thought no way is that person getting a not guilty... yet they have. And in many liberal states the judges almost seem to be biased against the police.

So you are now $70k light when all you would have had to do in the first place is say, Yes Sir, No Sir and been on your way.

Those prices are waaay off. I've never had to pay a lawyer more than 15k and that was for a very serious case and he was regarded as one of the best and hence most expensive lawyer. An average lawyer wouldve done the case 2k 3k. For simple misdemeanors some lawyers charge as little as $500. There's an over abundance of lawyers. If you get arrested youll literally get 100 pieces of mail with many of the lawyers printing what theyll charge and all trying to beat each others price.

Plus, almost all lawyers will take cases pro bono in which a party is getting sued because theyre paid out of the settlements - usually a third. With that womans case i guaruntee you the attorney is doing it pro bono. Eben in high profile criminal cases some lawyers do it for free because of the publicity. Almost all injury lawyers and lawyers handling cases where a party seeks damages do it that way, same with class action lawsuits. If a good lawyer tries to charge you for such a case then you know you dont have much of a chance of winning since theyre trying to atleast make something since they know the case is done.

They act all tough when they pull over an unarmed person or are in good neighborhoods. Yet when they have to respond to an active shooting in a school the whole world saw how tough they are. B1tches wouldnt even enter the school to save kids even though they had superior firepower, bullet proof vests and a whole team of people outnumbering the dude 20 to 1, 40 to 1, 60 to 1. Yeah some authority that 'serves and protects'....

learn manners for authority.

And where are their manners? The cops act like d1cks just because they have a badge and a gun. Again not all cops but easily 90%. I didn't see the cops displaying manners when they told that small.woman 'you're about to get dropped.' Neither was punching her in the head 3 times. I've seen their 'manners' when they shoot unarmed people going for their license in the glove box. There's plenty of vids too where a cop jumps someone's fence and the dog cones running and then the cop shoots the dog. It's the same excuse they always habe - 'I was scared' its the same lame excuse they give everytime. They're scared because theyre a bunch of pussies. Once that badge is taken away theyre total cowards.

I remember when a cop in fox lake il claimed to have been shot and killed. This story was all over the us. He radiod that he was chasing 2 black guys and a Mexican and that they were shooting at him. Well there's thousands of cops atf fbi etc all goinf through the entire town harassing people looking for imaginary suspects. It turns out the cop stole a bunch of money and like a coward committed suicide.

Under law, you are also required to indentify yourself

It depends. If you are driving a car then you habe to show your license if a cop asks. If you are in a public place like a beach you do not have to identify yourself unless the cop can articulate why he suspects you of committing a crime. If the cop does not have a valid reason for suspecting you of committing a crime then you do not have to provide id. And 'looking suspicious' is not a valid reason.
Paulina  16 | 4403  
2 Jun 2018 /  #342
One should also take into account that świętokrzyskie region (where Radom is)

OK, it's in Lesser Poland region, not exactly in świętokrzyskie region in particular, but it's close enough to my city to be on a similar level of wealth and development, I suspect.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Jun 2018 /  #343
no restroom at the Gdanks Oliwa station" - so there's WiFi but there's no restroom?

That is correct - a renovation of sorts, on the cheap. A middle class area supposedly, but full of bums - but nowhere to go to the toilet. It stinks. Literally.

There's been a lot of anti-Polish comments on this forum and a lot of anti-Polish prejudice for years

Dear oh dear. Look, it's a seemingly strange and misplaced and inane thing for Johnny foreigner that Poles are so proud to be indifferent and seem immune to all the **** around them. Do you think I don't ***** and complain when I go back to my home town and they ring the last orders at the bar at 11 PM?
Paulina  16 | 4403  
2 Jun 2018 /  #344
@Dougpol, are we talking about the same nation? Poles - who claim that complaining is their national sport? So why are they complaining so much if they're so "proud to be indifferent and seem immune to all the **** around them"? lol

And what are you saying here? Everything in your home town is not PERRRFECT?? How's that even possible?! lol

but nowhere to go to the toilet

Then it's not that bad in "Poland B" after all - at least we have toilets at railway stations, I guess... lol
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Jun 2018 /  #345
why are they complaining so much

Because one needs to complain to the right people. such as the town hall. But....
There was an advert years ago on TV. A security guard was wandering in basement corridors of an apparently huge building late at night, when he heard a distant telephone call. At the end of a long dark corridor there was a door covered in cobwebs. At great length the guard produced an old rusty key and with great effort opened the door, it making a long groaning noise like in one of the Dracula movies.

There was an old telephone on the solitary desk in the corner of the room. It stopped ringing of course just as the guard was about to pick up, The whole room was full of age old decay, and with a perplexed shake of the head, the guard locked the door carefully and sauntered off.

The camera panned back to the door, with it's hitherto unseen sign.
"Carlsberg Complaints Department."
That is probably a cheap allegory for every Polish town hall.
At least it would be something to be acknowledged - something along the usual British fob-off "I will see to it that your concerns are brought to the attention of the management sir." Hehe...
kondzior  11 | 1027  
2 Jun 2018 /  #346
please, don't bore me with anymore of your chump stories about how you are going to show them

There's just something deeply dysfunctional about American society, and it has a lot to do with the dehumanizing effects of modernity, and currently America is basically the most modern country in the world, combined with the extremism that is typical of the modern world in general. And this extremism manifests itself in every facet of American life. In the laws and rules for instance, which are always followed mechanically without thought (which can be a big problem when you are dealing with procedures that include the use of lethal force). Extremism in the levels of violence and criminality, which in its turn leads to extremism in how this violence and criminality is dealt with, which combined with the aforementioned literal mindset can lead to excesses of various types, such as the use of "proper" take down techniques (legal according to procedure) which weren't really warranted (I'm talking about Eric Gardner, who's only sin was that of wanting to argue with the police). Extremism in social isolation, which makes cops act like soldiers in some occupied foreign territory. No sense of community, no sense of belonging, and everybody is the "other".
Paulina  16 | 4403  
2 Jun 2018 /  #347
Because one needs to complain to the right people. such as the town hall.

So are you complaining to the right people? A few expats, some Polish-Americans and even fewer Poles on an American internet forum are the right people to complain to about "all things Polish"? Because that's what you guys have been doing for years on this forum lol

You know, I get it, I understand - it makes you feel better, it gets out the frustration, but it doesn't exactly make the world go forward, especially when someone is spending whole days on an internet forum. Just saying :)
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Jun 2018 /  #348
Hi Paulina :)

you're a troll and you're lying;

Do you have any doubts that HE IS in fact a troll? Come on it is obvious. Let him troll, what's the harm beside being bored to dead? Ah, there is solution - skip his posts and ignore him altogether.

Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of this?

Nah, you know how those Southern Baptists are, or how those American Jews are, or ....lol!
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
2 Jun 2018 /  #349
Now, now I.S.
You know the rules to avoid getting a unnecessary warning for bashing religions.
Rule #3 of the P.F.
3. Posters should avoid discussing religious, racial, or very personal subjects. Admin and moderators have the right to delete or edit posts that relate to religious or personal lives of forum members.

Blatant racial abuse will not be tolerated. Offenders may face a warning, a temporary, or permanent suspension.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Jun 2018 /  #350
Posters should avoid discussing religious,

Hmm it is only a recommendation. You should read it all. If you do, it'll became clear to you that they meant - not to use religion or personal info to bash, bait or insult posters.

I'm doing neither. I'm not even discussing religion. Do you have anything else to say beside quoting forums rules at me?
Boy, have you been triggered? I think not. So what's up?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
2 Jun 2018 /  #351
So what's up?

Just pointing out as you did in the 'Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?' thread. (post #124)

So you admit to being a troll and talking garbage. Good on you as mods seemingly tolerate you.

Nothing personal I.S.
Just pointing out the fine line of hypocrisy of some of the warnings that I have been receiving as the mods seemingly tolerate some posters and not others.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Jun 2018 /  #352
ust pointing out the fine line of hypocrisy

I have been defending you Johnny. I'm all for freedom of speech. You say whatever you want to say. It is fine with me you should be able to. What Paulina sees as a hypocrisy I see as your right to change your mind. Nothing wrong with it.

Good on you.

My only beef is with trolls who:

-invent a poor quality stories

- lie about themselves and their circumstances

- are boring like F!
- don't understand their limitation
- have low IQ.
If someone would troll in an interesting, creative and intelligent manner I couldn't care less.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #353
Rich Mazur, don't be surprised that people here suspect that you're a troll.

1. Troll - a guy whose posts I hate because I am unable to rebut.
2. I don't give a f*** who suspects what here.

My only beef is with trolls who:

But the "trolls" who:

- don't invent
- don't lie
- are not boring
- who understand their limitations
- who have high IQ

are OK?

If so, why do I get all that crap? I will tell you why: because you hate what I post and YOU know that my posts are true or likely to be true.

BTW, "boring" is a personal and, therefore, subjective evaluation. Some like watching grass grow. So,"boring" should always be used in "boring to me".
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Jun 2018 /  #354
f so, why do I get all that crap?

Excuse me princess? What crap? I don't give you any bother do I? I don't follow you around the forum. Do not google the internet looking for clues to expose you. Do not call the mods to ban you. I don't respond to your posts (mostly). Hell, I generally skip them now unless they are addressed to me.

I have the right to my opinions and my views as subjective they may be. I can also express them on this very forum.

Do you CARE what I think? It seem so. You don't like it and hence you act like a butt-hurt princess. A princess of trolls. lol

Who would have thunk!?

because you hate what I post and YOU know that my posts are true or likely to be true.

I don't care what you post here. I don't read your post anymore. You have right to your views and opinions. IF you have ANY views and opinions and you do not post to get a rise out of people.

Still, they are all adults here - so what do I care? Happy trolling! lol!
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #355
OK, enough of that.

When I am lucky enough to be able to ask American liberals why they hate Trump, I get that stupid how can you even ask face and no specifics.

So I have a question: why do I see so many negative comments about PiS?

If you choose to reply please spare me that because PiS is (a load of adjectives).

More specifically, what has PiS done to hurt Poland, not some narrow group like the abortion providers.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
2 Jun 2018 /  #356
If you get arrested youll literally get 100 pieces of mail with many of the lawyers printing what theyll charge and all trying to beat each others price.

NEVER once has that happen to me, ever and I have been involved in some doozies.

Plus, almost all lawyers will take cases pro bono in which a party is getting sued because theyre paid out of the settlements -

Yup, but, nothing under $100k is worth their time for a throw of the dice.
Add on top of that if you live in a small rural area like I do the local lawyers are not going raise hell to sue the cops or city.

They have to live here, their kids go to school here and like to make the football team, their wives like to socialize with the ladies of the town, the lawyers themselves like to be members of the local golf course.........

Small communities it is a whole different ball game called "The Good Old Boys Club".
Not all like the justice system in Chicago but then of course where I live there are no rapes or gun violence so I guess it is a trade off.

Just much easier for me to say, Yes Sir, No Sir and be on my way.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #357
I feel the same way.

When my older daughter got her license, I gave her a book about how to get out of tickets. The first time she got pulled over for speeding she said: Officer, I want to thank so much for reminding me that was speeding. OK, please slow down. The end. No ticket.

When I get pulled over, I never ever argue. One time, when he was ready to go back to his car, I said: Officer, you forgot to ask me why I was speeding? OK, why were you speeding? Because I am a moron. That's why.

No mother needing drugs. No bs that I would be late for my own funeral. He almost burst out laughing. Why did I say that? I knew the speed limit. I was going fast deliberately. That made me a perfect moron in a car that can kill.

Another time, I got pulled over near the Woodfield mall for the belts. When he done writing, that cop said: put them on and be safe. We want you alive.

I actually thanked him because, at that moment, he was a lot smarter then me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Jun 2018 /  #358
NEVER once has that happen to me, ever and I have been involved in some doozies.

It differs from area to area. In many cities though lawyers will constantly scan public records to see who was arrested and then send mailers to them.

Yup, but, nothing under $100k is worth their time for a throw of the dice.

That's not true due to sheer competition and over abundance of lawyers. I had a small settlement where the lawyer only got like 10k (A third of the settlement). It was an injury case and like almost all injury cases the lawyer did it pro bono. If the case is bad they won't take it, at least not pro bono. If it's a class action, injury or tort type of case and there is good evidence they will be happy to take the case and will invest their time and their staff for a future payout. The whole field of tort law is a gamble. A lawyer will take a case and think the evidence is great, advises his client to reject a settlement for say 100k because he thinks at trial theyll get way more and then the jury only awards 50k. On the other hand the evidence can be flimsy and a settlement of say only 10k is offered in which case they don't habe much to lose so they go to trial and the jury awards 100k. Eventually after a while the lawyer knows when to accept a settlement, when to take it to a jury, when to not even bother with a case, etc. There's been lawsuits won over hot coffee and a guy sitting in the back of an rv as it was on the road because he argued that nowhere in the manual did it say he couldn't do that. Even the two black dudes in the Starbucks case were offered an undisclosed settlement but for whatever reason agreed to accept $1 as long as the company promoted the plight of the black man, which in a way confirms my belief this was a planned publicity stunt all along.

Recently 1 billion dollar was awarded to a rape victim by a jury who was raped by a security guard. Well in that case obviously the lawyer and client rejected the settlement and took it to a jury. Everyone was extremely surprised, especially the lawyer, when a billion was awarded. Theyll never get it, but they'll get every penny that the company has, the guard, a good chunk from insurances they may have, etc.

In another case in Chicago, and actually I kmow the lawyer who did that case, $25 million was awarded by the jury (so again the lawyers rejected a lower settlement) to a guy who was a teen at the time for a wrong murder conviction and wrongful imprisonment.

So even if that girl is say charged with assaulting an officer and convicted of it, albiet the video evidence is flimsy but let's assume she's convicted, the video stoll shows a cop punching her in the head. A cop is not allowed to do that. A cop is allowed to taze a person, throw them to the ground but not punch them repeatedly in the head. And she can easily sue them for that amd it is highly likely she will win. Especially if there's a few women on that jury oh its over for the department. I'm going to follow this case and see if im right. I could be wrong but I do believe if she ends up suing the department she will win and be awarded a significant amount.

Small communities it is a whole different ball

Yes that I totally agree. Everyone knows everyone so it's a lot different. The cop, judge, prosecutor and defendant may all live in the same square mile. Nonetheless, whether it's a small town or a large city, cops do have to also abide by the rules and laws. And when they step out of line it is up to civilians to be the cop and bring them to court and have the court system decide what happens.

I'll always be courteous to an officer first. But if they start disrespecting me or walk up to my car with a gun in their hand or start talking **** or order me to lay in the street while they search mg car or ask for id when I'm just walking.. no I know my rights and that wont fly with me..
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
2 Jun 2018 /  #359
the video stoll shows a cop punching her in the head. A cop is not allowed to do that.

The damage could have been awful. Adrenaline at work is not a good thing.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Jun 2018 /  #360
why do I see so many negative comments about PiS?

Wrong thread.
Apart from spending more money than they have, messing with the Constitution, encouraging priests to brainwash the congregation into voting for them, thinking that Poland is a medieval country, being overtly nationalistic and euro-sceptic, introducing more bureaucracy, banging on about "de-communisation" which should have happened 30 years ago and is now palpably too late, bringing in new taxes such as raising petrol costs, being Pro-life which is so passe, promoting a demented individual as Justice Minister, creating a countrywide feeling of Xenophobia and populism (because they have no real economic policies), promoting the coal industry which has 30 years of real life in it at best (and vis a vis not giving a hoot for air pollution), interfering with local politics, messing with the school system that worked perfectly well,being minority averse ( and tolerating hate speech which is action able under European law), and generally being twats of the first order.......

Anything else you want to know? Of course you are clearly a republican, so would think all of the above is normal.

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