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Poland - never again

OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #301
Anyway.... enjoy the lexus dr

As long as the mods don't object..

I love driving and totally hate flying. I must be the only 70-something idiot who would drive to Montana, Las Vegas, and Key West. I am getting ready to hit the road again.

My LS is getting old - looks and equipment. The new ones - 2007 through 2012 - are full of problems and they are too close to ES. Only the L version stands out. My good fortune is that the 2006 models last forever so I don't have any immediate need to dump it.

I agree totally about Lexus cars being plain. To make matters worse, SC430 is a "chick" car just like Solara. That is why I got me Mustang rims and the tires as wide as I could fit. Lookswise, BM's are much better.

Back to my trips to Poland...

On the way out in 1966, the moment when the train I was on crossed the border going west is still fresh. That was like a prisoner leaving his cell just to find himself in another room with guards. Still in prison but on the way out. The moment of true liberation would come a couple of hours later.

It is hard to describe that feeling when, finally, I was in West Germany. Needless to say I didn't fall asleep for even a second.

Fifty two years later, after landing at Tegel, I was on a train going east. The guns and the dogs were all gone. And so was my opportunity to proudly show my American passport at the Polish border. Nobody asked. The train didn't even stop. Just slowed down a bit going over the bridge.

My feelings at that moment were exactly opposite to those in '66 - a sense of relief that I was out of Germany and back in Poland.

Before that train arrived in Warsaw at 4 pm, I went to the restaurant car and had schabowy with beer. It tasted like never before.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
31 May 2018 /  #302
proudly show my American passport at the Polish border

See? You should have flown into Warsaw, then you could have shown your passport to a Polish border guard and had four more fascinating stories to tell..

Hadn't you heard of Schengen? Poland has been part of it for years now. I don't care about the Polish German border but it used to be a hassle going to Budapest from Poland since there were three border crossings (poland-czech, czech-slovak, slovak-hungary) with two teams of customs and passport checkers at each one, much more convenient now.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #303
you could have shown your passport to a Polish border guard and had four more fascinating stories to tell..

Is always being nasty in the Polish blood? Or is it the water?
mafketis  38 | 11149  
31 May 2018 /  #304
I'm not Polish, I'm American (most of my ancestory is German) and your very first post here is really nasty (along with all the follow ups) and _now_ you're wondering why people aren't showering you with roses?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2018 /  #305
Strange. After Rich posted that message an hour ago, I called the real Rich Mazur in Palatine, and someone (wife? daughter?) said that he was taking his nap now. Yet he was still posting even after that.

Bit odd, to say the least...
mafketis  38 | 11149  
31 May 2018 /  #306
I called the real Rich Mazur in Palatine

I considered sending a facebook friend request but then decided it was too much work.

I expect we'll either never hear from him again or he'll have some fanciful story to explain it all... (I'm hoping the second, it'll be hilarious)
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 May 2018 /  #307
I considered sending a facebook friend request but then decided it was too much work.

Here is the phone number to the local FBI field office: 312-421-6700.

They are very nice guys. I talked to them. So give it a try.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
31 May 2018 /  #308
I called the real Rich Mazur in Palatine

Back to stalking again are you.
How would you like members here calling your family ?
Joker  2 | 2375  
1 Jun 2018 /  #309
Back to stalking again are you.

Thats very messed up in the head to be calling a complete strangers home with a phone number stalked off the internet, just because you don't believe in their political views. Why would he to try and contact someones family and screw with them, unless they're a psycho stalker! He just admitted doing this and is still allowed to post here, isn't this again the rules?

Here is the phone number to the local FBI field office

I dont blame you for any recourse, he deserves it.

I called the real Rich Mazur in Palatine, and someone (wife? daughter?) said that he was taking his nap no

Just wait until it happens to you????? Turn about is fair play, you deserve it.

If you ever get a phone call with an overseas area code and the person calling has a high pitched femme voice with a scottish accent, Bingo!
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Jun 2018 /  #310
The day my daughter married him, he became my son-in-law. After the ceremony, I said: John, I am Rich. Do not call me anything else. OK, Rich. This was the end of that. From this point on, not a single awkward moment.

My wife and her parents came from Poland. My relationship with her father never evolved to friendly or relaxed. Maybe the age difference of 25 years was too much for us to become friends. Him being a stubborn Polak always talking about Yalta and looking for disagreements didn't help any. But the real poison was our Polish background clashing with the American reality. There was no way I would call him father or anything like that. To me he was "you". I watched my wife stuggle with that awful Polish third-person verbal tumor, niech mamusia, to have any of this Polish crap forced on me.

I met him in 1970. In 1982, he died from cancer. During those twelve years, he would always call me by my first name while I would not call him anything. Only a complete moron from Poland wouldn't recognize this disparity and the fact that the situation was so damn stiff it was stifling . During this entire period, it never occured to him to take me out of my misery of not being sure what to call him.

This was when I resolved to dump everything Polish, from my old pictures and books to the awkwardness of prosze pana injected into everyday conversations. My respect for those who deserve it was going to be expressed by my deeds, not some third-person convoluted verbosity. What to call you - by your first name or a "you" - would be entirely up to me.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
1 Jun 2018 /  #311
How would you like members here calling your family ?

If he was passing himself off as me, yeah, I'd want someone to call.

would be entirely up to me.

you are exceeeeeeedingly tiresome and about as Polish as a Mexican iguana vete pendejo
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2018 /  #312
or he'll have some fanciful story to explain it all

Or the person behind it will hysterically overreact and respond with abuse and threats now that "Rich Mazur" has been established as a stolen identity.

No wonder he can't sleep at night.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
1 Jun 2018 /  #313
Or the person behind it

Well, this time I'm no your side delphian. This troll had been here for ages and I for one would like to know who the hell is this git.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Jun 2018 /  #314
What do the three of you and tits on a bull have in common?

I will give you till the end of Sunday to figure it out.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
1 Jun 2018 /  #315
Welcome to the Polish Forum Rich.
Hope you enjoy your stay here and make the most of it.
Be careful not to pee to close to some members trees as they no doubt don't like Americans and will harass the hell out of you to run you out of here which makes for a golden opportunity to express our Yank humor.

Again, welcome and we're glad you are here......and the ones that don't.......Pfffffft !
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Jun 2018 /  #316
Welcome to the Polish Forum Rich.


I will tell you a secret: I enjoy them just as much as I enjoy arguing with the American libs.

The sad part is that they run out of anything smart to say way too soon. So, the best they can offer is the gems like "you a liar". Which, of course, leads down to the level even my 5-year-old granddaughter abandoned years ago: No, I am not. Yes, you are. No, I am not....

Rinse and repeat...
1 Jun 2018 /  #317
Any od you atch the movie alimitless? I am watching it on netflix while drinking st this bar in warsaw called plan B and it really reminds me od my life, the writer dude at least in beginning until he hits the g spot with thst pill. i mean the way he lives, his out,ook on life, being a writer, tis like its about me adter being deported and kicked out from he usa to poland for winning a fight I did not even start.

what I dont get about the females from Poland past the age of 35 is why they are or become all byootches and liers and count every oenny while putting others down and relying on the prosze pan prosze pani crap. my landlord is a clear example. these polish middle aged lonely women or not even middle aged like from around 40 try outting words in your mouth wont even fox the place your renting from thm thus trying to lie or put all blame on you. try to use their advantage of the language against you, etc. they are like snakes.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
1 Jun 2018 /  #318
Rinse and repeat...

And it use to be worse then it is now.
They try and make you defend everything you say acting as if they are the puppet masters here just because they live in the E.U.

America gets slammed constantly but don't dare make a slur about Poland or Britain because this is a Polish forum. (How dare you)
Christian's are called nutters but since they are of no faith there is no target to shoot back at.
You will also find the gushing of jealousy over America dripping from their words.
Once understanding their short comings most of them are a pretty good bunch.
1 Jun 2018 /  #319
it is most hilarious when they say, "rememebr when i told you?" or, "Remember when ai said?" and when you tell them i dont care about thenand no you did not tell me that they quickly want. to turn the conversation i to a physical meeting to use their tounge tists or tounge words in polish on you knowing your polish isnt as advanced or out of practice and trick you i to ripping you off, not having to fix the place, or put all burdne on you somehow for their responsibility.

what is also funny is how ai see in restaurants someone foreign being treated with dignity or so much better if they think or know you speak polish or are polish. they will make a new dish or coffee for a foreigner if they get something wrong but if they think your native or roots are polish they will just lie and say yea that is what you ordered, or you said this...
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
1 Jun 2018 /  #320
When I visited Poland, I was greeted with near incredulity that someone actually came to a fairly bourgeoise-style eatery expecting service:-) The meal was delicious, although when it came time for me to pay the check, the waitress acted as though I the customer were doing her the server a favorLOL

Granted, this was still the '90's, nonetheless, figure things have changed to more Westernized modes.
1 Jun 2018 /  #321
There is a pizza place in żoliborz where the waitress will roll her eyes at you if you order snother beer. lol I thiught it was just me but these schoolgirls sitting outside were tslking smongst themselves how she told them not to use too much sauce or dirty it or something to that effect cause it will be reused. the girls were evensmart discussing this saying its illegal to reuse previously used sauce for pizza for additional customers.

by the way, since we were discussing hooligans earlier. This just in lol:

These guys are straight gangster and if anyone says their graffiti or symbols or marking of their territory isnt gang like you dont know crap about this movement and how deep or criminal it goes.
OP Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Jun 2018 /  #322
After the nostalgia visit in my first communion church on Sienkiewicza in Radom, I went to see a priest in Kancelaria. It was on the same street, kitty-corner from the church itself. The mindless graffiti followed me to the door.

Once in his office, I said: Good day. May I ask you a couple of questions? In Polish, of course.

I may have bad feelings about the Polish language in general, but I still know where that red line is. So I decided not to be a wiseguy or an ugly American, which I sometimes enjoy more than I should, and used the best Polish I could manage. Which I can as long as I speak slowly where it's quiet.

Except for that prosze pana or prosze ksiedza. That will never happen.

Sure. How do you reconcile what pope is saying about building bridges, not fences, with the Polish goverment telling the refugees to stay away from Poland?

I really didn't mean to put him on the spot. I was just curious.

When the meaning of my question was finally clear, he gave me that look you see on a kid with chocolate all over his face saying that he didn't have any. He knew that with that single sentence I caught him with a dilemma: be a Polish patriot, support PiS, and admit that pope is an idiot. Or go with the pope, and tell me that a horde of Muslims in Poland would be a splendid idea.

So he mumbled something like that he can keep the two separate. In a way, he told me that having Polish women raped is OK as long as it pleases pope, and by extension, God herself.

In all fairness to that priest, the American subdivision of the Vatican, with their sanctuary crap, is not any better.

BTW, being an atheist and actively supporting my kid's catholic upbringing are not mutually exclusive. I can do both.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
1 Jun 2018 /  #323
"You can never go home again."
Ironside  50 | 12946  
1 Jun 2018 /  #324
t don't dare make a slur about Poland or Britain because this is a Polish forum.

What are you even talking about? You can make all slurs you want but what is the point coming to this forums just to have a slur about Poland? One need to be a professional troll with no life or a whacko job!

Beside that Rich is just boring. Ania30 is too ridiculous to be taken as anything but bad trolling in action. Nothing they say is parcurally noteworthy or insulting. Those are people or a person with a limited IQ and no much of knowledge or learning, trying their best to impress and failing miserably do that.

What more they are BORING and as much convincing as a pancake.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Jun 2018 /  #325
Naw, the OP is some poster (a Pole) playing Devil's advocate. Poland ain't that bad.....:)
Meanwhile, life in Scum America goes on as normal with more police harassment.

Any thoughts Johnny? I was on the beach with my dog today, was asked to move on, we all had a chat and a laugh - no unpleasantness or threats. What a scummy situation this film is - makes you want to be tooled up to protect yourself (for a short while, admittedly.......) from the mafia cops.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
1 Jun 2018 /  #326
the OP is some poster (a Pole)

I sincerely doubt that...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
1 Jun 2018 /  #327
DougPol, s.Hit happens everywhere...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Jun 2018 /  #328

Can't get my head around the premise that in the States, "law enforcement" people are permitted to demand respect, when they in fact are the problem. Never going there!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jun 2018 /  #329
On the bright side that woman will soon be a millionaire.

As much as i hate the police (and authority in.general) i take every opportunity to aggravate them and hope that one day, I too can win the ghetto lottery

If there's one thing the cops hate more than anything its when people.refuse to give their name and id. And that woman was in her right to refuse to give her name since she was not driving and has not committed a crime.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
1 Jun 2018 /  #330
Any thoughts Johnny? What a scummy situation this film is -

But what you did not see that led up to that film......
Prior to the start of the filming the little b*tch kicked the cop in the nuts.
The way the law works here in the U.S. is if you physically assault a police officer your ass belongs to them even if they provoked it in which they are trained to do.

Thus what we call a "State Manufactured Crime."
The millenials can't seem to grasp that police officers have that "authority" and we all know the biggest hammer wins.
When a police officer tells you to put your cigarette out or to get out of your car it is NOT a request.
Learn to submit and say yes sir and no sir and you will be on your way in three minutes, fk with them, they WILL fk with you just because 'they can'.

You can't beat city hall.
Your choice.
Class dismissed.

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