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OLT Jetair (flight to Wroclaw)

sobieski  106 | 2111  
26 Mar 2012 /  #1
Did anybody on this forum already flew domestic with OLT? Their prices are really OK... Flying to Wrocław 50 minutes instead of 6 hours by train....
jon357  72 | 23528  
26 Mar 2012 /  #2
Are they anything to do with the new Air Poland?
DepressedOne  - | 34  
26 Mar 2012 /  #3
Isn't OLT starting flying at 1.04? I've found information like that in some newspaper.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
17 Jul 2012 /  #4
Merged: OLT ?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jul 2012 /  #5
I wouldn't be booking any flights with them after reading that!

I know the Amber Gold company - they've got huge adverts promising 13% returns on gold, which anyone with half a brain knows isn't true at the minute.
17 Jul 2012 /  #6
The Mrs flew with them to Gdansk last week: it cost less than the train, and second class on the reason st that.

I'd have no hesitation booking with them again (but would use a credit card to make the booking).
Olaf  6 | 955  
17 Jul 2012 /  #7
What does fishy Amber Gold's' promise has to do with (supposedly) their other venture, OLT? Like WizzAir or others are perfect?
If it's faster and cheaper or comparable price to train - where is the catch?

I have no objections.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
17 Jul 2012 /  #8
(but would use a credit card to make the booking).


With a credit card you are protected.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jul 2012 /  #9
What does fishy Amber Gold's' promise has to do with (supposedly) their other venture, OLT? Like WizzAir or others are perfect?

The big question is - if the airline is financed by a building society that is promising 13% returns - it certainly can't be sustainable.
cms  9 | 1253  
17 Jul 2012 /  #10
I think the worst that could happen is that they may go bust between you booking and getting on the plane, but if its only a case of losing a few hundred zloty then may as well go for it. Same happened with Air Polonia a few years back.

I booked a few weeks ago but missed my flight so still havent tested them.

But I'm very nervous about safety - its not really a credible pricing structure !

Still it will hopefully make the trains and lot think about their pricing - the train is getting really expensive (or rather poor value for money). Of the last 20 intercity I have been on 14 have been late - up until recently train was much more reliable. And the stations are just horrible.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jul 2012 /  #11
But I'm very nervous about safety - its not really a credible pricing structure !

More than likely, the actual maintenance will be done by a credible company - for instance - last I checked, Lufthansa actually handled much of Ryanair's needs.

the train is getting really expensive (or rather poor value for money).

Latest example - the very reasonably priced 69zl weekend ticket for TLK trains. Excellent deal, except they deliberately moved the start time to 1900 - and as most middle-distance trains tend to depart at 6pm, it's totally useless.
Buggsy  8 | 98  
17 Jul 2012 /  #12
if the airline is financed by a building society that is promising 13% returns - it certainly can't be sustainable.

Couldn't have said it better Delphiandomine: budget airlines really are a disgrace to the aviation industry.
Besides conning people out of their hard earned cash with the so called
"cheap flights" that have many hidden costs and scams(Ryanair being the biggest scammer) one begins to wonder whether flying was ever meant to be cheap in the first place.

How OLT are going to survive without paying their Pilots- well, Budget Flight hunters beware!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jul 2012 /  #13
budget airlines really are a disgrace to the aviation industry.

Yet - they're the ones making money. The legacy carriers are in all sorts of trouble.

"cheap flights" that have many hidden costs and scams(Ryanair being the biggest scammer)

Actually - at least with Ryanair, everything is transparent. Their fees are clearly listed on their website, the total amount you have to pay is clear - I've never once felt cheated by Ryanair. I've seen numerous people arguing and screaming in the airport because their bags were too big or they didn't read the website - but in every single case, the customer was wrong, not Ryanair.

But yes, people demand dirt cheap flights, then complain because they don't get some crap peanuts and warm coke.
Vincent  8 | 800  
17 Jul 2012 /  #14

The next time you create a thread, please put some thought in to the title and first post. Three letters and a question mark, and no text in your post, just a link to another forum is just not good enough! This should have gone to the bin as soon as you posted.

Please have a look at rule # 10 of the Terms here before we are graced with your next wonderful idea for a thread. Thank you.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
17 Jul 2012 /  #15
before we are graced with your next wonderful idea for a thread. Thank you.

I think that comment should go to the bin for being p1ssy and sarcastic.
Vincent  8 | 800  
17 Jul 2012 /  #16
You have probably mistaken me for someone who actually cares what you think! The above was good advise to the OP.
irishlodz  1 | 135  
17 Jul 2012 /  #17
Budget airlines mean we can travel regularly as opposed to the good old days of 400pound short flights. I hate flying Ryanair, but welcome them because of price.

I would fly OLT, only booking on a credit card though. IMO they will be long gone by Christmas. No business strategy, not a clue what they are doing.

PS Ryanair have the highest safety and servicing standards in the industry. They know 1 plane crash could ruin them (remember Valujet, exactly), and they have more flights per day than anyone. They run their own maintenance facility in Prestwick too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Jul 2012 /  #18
Indeed. Ryanair don't muck around when it comes to these things - not to mention that Ryanair's fleet is very, very young compared to most airlines. So far, they've got a habit of getting rid of planes when they've still got significant sell-on value, too.

Also worth pointing out that Ryanair have a very good punctuality record, as well as a very good record when it comes to baggage loss.

Yes, they're absolutely intolerant of people who can't read or can't be bothered to read. Yes, they give you the hardest sell of any airline. But they also do the job hundreds of times every day without fuss.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
17 Jul 2012 /  #19
Please have a look here and at rule # 10 here before we are graced with your next wonderful idea for a thread. Thank you.



peterweg  37 | 2305  
18 Jul 2012 /  #20
This should have gone to the bin as soon as you posted.

Posting a rumor about a company can make you (this website) liable. I posted only a link so readers can make their own conclusions without embellishment.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jul 2012 /  #21
Actually - no, it can't. American law (and this site is hosted in the US) makes it clear that the content publisher is not liable for what's posted.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
18 Jul 2012 /  #22
You have probably mistaken me for someone who actually cares what you think! The above was good advise to the OP.

More sarcasm? Must be the thrill of impunity that being a moderator gives you. Just pointing out your rudeness. It may have been good advice, but when you advise someone you get a better response when polite.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
18 Jul 2012 /  #23
Actually - no, it can't. American law (and this site is hosted in the US) makes it clear that the content publisher is not liable for what's posted.

Sorry, thats wrong, dangerously so.

Liable law (and all other laws such as racism) can be applied in any country where that content can be accessed. This is why the UK is the liable capital of the world, every nationality of he world goes there because the laws are biased against the defendant. The only requirement is that anyone from the UK can access the content, in one case only six people viewed an obscure story in the Uk and UK law was deemed applicable.

The content provider is only un-liable if anything suspect is immediately removed and they can show that it was policed.

The US authorities will apply EU law automatically in criminal cases, US laws such as 'freedom of speech' don't apply to EU. Although I liable isn't a crime, so extradition doesn't probably doesn't apply, but fines and seizing of assets will do.

Bottom line is its probably better to be careful, I don't know if the site owner has EU assets,
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jul 2012 /  #24
Liable law (and all other laws such as racism) can be applied in any country where that content can be accessed.

They cannot be applied in the US. Obama signed a law into place in 2010 which prevents the enforcement of foreign libel cases in the US if they're incompatible with the legendary First Amendment. In this case, the Admin can sit safely.

(incorrect to say the UK by the way - Scotland has no such insane libel laws)
Olaf  6 | 955  
25 Jul 2012 /  #25
And we didn't have to wait long: today I read that OLT has problems, as they didn't provide their financial report for 2011 and what's even worse - some destinations will be cancelled in August (Poznan, Krakow, Katowice & Gdańsk).
jon357  72 | 23528  
25 Jul 2012 /  #26
Best to avoid OLT given their problems. There are still good deals via the BA website.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
25 Jul 2012 /  #27
There are still good deals via the BA website.

Just a heads up re: BA. My brother is coming to PL on 20 Dec and he bought the last tickets on his flight two weeks ago.
25 Jul 2012 /  #28
My brother is coming to PL on 20 Dec and he bought the last tickets on his flight two weeks ago.

Can I ask where he’s flying to and from? I just checked availability of the Heathrow to Warsaw flights for that day and there are certainly seats available.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
25 Jul 2012 /  #29
there are certainly seats available.

LHR-WAW. It seemed odd when he told me. Might be losing his marbles, poor old sod.
25 Jul 2012 /  #30
Might be losing his marbles, poor old sod.

He was probably talking about the “Only three seats left at this price” but which pops up now and again (but more seats at that price are usually available the next day).

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