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Mosques in Krakow?

Mr Wiech  1 | 39  
26 May 2016 /  #121
Sure they should be a Mosque in Kraków as soon as there is a Cathedral in Damascus and other one in the Saudi Arabia. That is only fair.
Crow  154 | 9560  
26 May 2016 /  #122
My Poles, that is what we Slavs gets for being divided. Its the reward from western Europe and their Arab friends. They care for each others from long time ago when they had organized trade caravans with captured Slavic slaves.

New Commonwealth as soon as possible or we are all doomed.

Ex Pat 52  
27 May 2016 /  #123
Mr Wiech

dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
27 May 2016 /  #124
Sure they should be a Mosque in Kraków as soon as there is a Cathedral in Damascus

HAHAHAHA, there are many cathedrals in Damascus and its surroundings :) Ex Pat 52 already gave you a long list of cathedrals in aleppo (alep) and Damascus, I'd like to add The Convent of Our Lady of Saidnaya, Mariamite Cathedral of Damascus, the Monastery of Saint Moses the Abyssinian, and many others that I can't translate to english.

Ignorance won't be tolerated, educate yourself before you badmouth Damascus .
mafketis  38 | 11178  
27 May 2016 /  #125
there are many cathedrals in Damascus and its surroundings

In the middle east religious minorities seem to do best when under the implied or direct protection of some kind of strongman government.

As bad as the Assad dynasty is (or Saddam or Mubarak were) religious minorities were relatively safer, far safer than under more 'democratic' systems where the Sunni majority usually votes to crack down on religious minorities..

One (of many) stooopid aspects of US foreign policy is its blind insistence of elections as starting and ending points for political evolution. The democracy threshhold is very real and almost nowhere in the middle east is the population materially secure and/or well educated enough to make rational choices in the voting booth.
Mr Wiech  1 | 39  
27 May 2016 /  #126
Mr Wiech

Thank you Pat for your list. What I meant was that as soon as a NEW Cathedral build in Damascus and other countries and places that are considered special or "holy" for Muslims. There is no place for Mosques in Kraków and other places that're considered special or holy by us.

Ignorance won't be tolerated, educate yourself before you badmouth Damascus .

What is your problem? You sound agressive and stupid talking nonsense and lying about me "badmouth Damascus". Ignorance? You're ignorant, keep your Damascus Moussalli but keep away from Kraków with your bulidings that don't belong there.
27 May 2016 /  #127
Keep the grotesque goat lovers and their mad mullahs and their insane religion, or whatever it is, out of your country! Obviously, there are some of these brothels already. Enough for the ignorant, illiterate, {secret drinkers of Al kohl, pig chewers and white girl porn self stimulators]. In these places they can exercise. See how they bow down! Makes it easier for the goat!

In the Land of Thunder, one filth pen was allowed to be built, with many restriction. Peace be upon bureaucrats! A White Christian was hired to do the cleaning. Soon after he became a blood sacrifice. Stabbed in the back by a black Mugslime.
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 May 2016 /  #128
Imagine an ugly mosque in krakow. Lol.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
27 May 2016 /  #129
NEW Cathedral build in Damascus

There are many new churches that have been built in Damascus, most notably Saints Peter and Paul Church in Mashrou' Dummar, which is a special church since it's one of the few (and maybe the only ?) church that serves both Roman Catholics and christian orthodox (they organize an orthodox mass and a catholic mass everyday).

Also,Annunciation Church In masaken barzeh (opened in 2015) , and St. Nicholas Church in mazze

under the implied or direct protection of some kind of strongman government.

religious minorities were relatively safer, far safer than under more 'democratic' systems where the Sunni majority usually votes to crack down on religious minorities..

The main problem isn't that the minorities need dictatorships, the problem is that radicalization is a tool that being used by Saudi arabia, Qatar to topple the regimes of the middle east, not to mention that the destabilization caused by the US and UK in Iraq caused the creation of jihadism there, some people became desperate after seeing their country being run down by invaders and chose radicalization as a mean to resist this invasion.

alking nonsense and lying about me "badmouth Damascus". Ignorance? You're ignorant,

You implied that Damascus is a place that lacks religious tolerance by saying

as soon as there is a Cathedral in Damascus

, and that led me to respond the way I did.

You're the one who expressed ignorance, first implying that there are no cathedrals in Damascus, then saying that there are no new churches in Damascus.

keep away from Krakow with your buildings that don't belong there.

Imagine an ugly mosque in Krakow. Lol.

I am not a Muslims, so a mosque in Krakow isn't my concern. But i'm highly against the way some of you express yourselves against Muslims, although I understand the reasons, and I myself always criticize Islam's backward teachings, but I believe that marginalizing of Muslims was the lead cause of radicalization and terrorism, especially in the case of Muslims in Belgium and France, in comparison, Turkish Muslims in Germany are well integrated and contribute positively to the society, the same can be said about the Muslims in Canada.

Although you can't see it, but on Facebook there are always debates between Muslims about Europe and the west, the few Muslims that criticize western culture are always faced with thousands of comments by other Muslims who disagree with them and defend western culture due to its openness and acceptance of others, the equal opportunities Europe and the west, and other positive values..

If people start showing hatred and aggressiveness towards peaceful non-radicalized Muslims, it will lead into more radicalization. I can go on and give more examples how wars and injustice are the leading cause of radicalization..
Mr Wiech  1 | 39  
28 May 2016 /  #130
There are many new churches that have been built in Damascus

Good, see I didn't know.

You implied that Damascus is a place that lacks religious tolerance by saying

Where Chrstians are killed? in Syria where is Damascus? in Syria. A very tolerant place ha ha , maybe it was once but not more.

first implying that there are no cathedrals in Damascus, then saying that there are no new churches in Damascus.

No, I know very well there are Churches in Syria and Damascus, Syria was a province of the Roman Empire and all Syrians were Christians before Arabs came.

I didn't know that Christians were allowed to build new Churches that all - how long you're going to drill me for that?

You're the one who expressed ignorance,

No, those who wnat to build a Mosque in Kraków are ingorant and need to be told. This isn't a new idea, I heard it before and from Arabs. Odwalcie się od Krakowa.

I am not a Muslims,

For a non Muslim you're too sensitive about how people are talking about them! Here is about that idiotic idea of building Mosque in Kraków. I said nothing bad about them and you attacked me. Let me guess, you grew up as a Muslim and now you say that you're an atheist.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
28 May 2016 /  #131
We have a mosque in Wroclaw and I know there's one in Warsaw as well. The Tatars in eastern Poland and around Warsaw I don't mind - they are very well assimilated, they speak Polish, they contribute taxes, and are not welfare leeches who push their extremist sharia agenda like those in the 'special urban zones' (aka no go zones) of Western Europe or the Somalis in the US.

Saudi Arabia is the one who's funding all these mosques being built all over Europe. The country won't take refugees, won't spend money to build new centers, but gladly donates hundreds of millions of dollars to build mosques all over Europe. In the 90's and 2000's, the Saudi government funded terrorist groups operating out of Bosnia. The European center of jihad appears to now be Belgium and France.

I like how the Russians deal with migrants and mosques. Russian police were called to a mosque because there were explosive materials inside. Well, the police decided that it was too much trouble transporting the explosives so they decided to detonate the explosives inside the building. Kills two birds with one stone - explosives are disposed of and so is the mosque. Genius.

The last thing we need is more mosques in Poland to appease crazy migrants. Again, I don't have a problem with the Tatars - throughout history many of them have even defended Poland against foreign enemies. However, the migrants there we've been seeing from Africa and Arab countries for the past few years and entire different violent, supremacist, freeloading breed.

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