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Mosques in Krakow?

Olaf  6 | 955  
24 Feb 2010 /  #31
Kraków is generally beautiful but, as Pawian showed, there are many ugly parts too that could use a mosque ;) ;)

That could fit in Krakow architecture like nothing:)

And maybe: no churches, no mosques, no houses of worship - NO PROBLEMS

So much hatred and damage to other people because of creeds and it is still 90 % bigotry.
Rogalski  5 | 94  
24 Feb 2010 /  #32
Mosques are part of Polish heritage. Have you visited the wooden ones in the east for the descendants of Tatars? Or the Muslim cultural centre in Gdańsk which contains a mosque? Part of the tapestry that makes for a Poland that is diverse - and richer as a result.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Apr 2010 /  #33
It would be out of place in Kraków, though. It just isn't their way.
cmitit  - | 1  
26 Jul 2011 /  #34
Merged: Mosque in Krakow

This is a information to the people who are looking for mosque in krakow.

We offer salah at this place in krakow

Jana Sobieskiego 10, Kraków and follow this link

maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENPL355&=&q=ul+sobieskiego+10+k rakow&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
26 Jul 2011 /  #35
Good.. Saudi Kingdom financed it? Probably.
When their monarch too is abolished, these mosques too will be used a hospitals like churches, etc too. Keep going there, facilities will be added later.

Ps: you are a radical christian, aren't you.
26 Jul 2011 /  #37
is this a joke?

Or perhaps you are just too ignorant to know that Poland has been home to Muslims since the 14th century?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Jul 2011 /  #38
Given that Tatars make up 0.06% of the population, they shouldn't be a major concern though Europe insists on a right to religion. It's a delicate question as public funds go into its maintenance so we have to weigh up the net value against costs. Whilst we shouldn't marginalise them as a group, the majority should be able to decide on what they should be granted.
David_18  65 | 966  
26 Jul 2011 /  #39
Irony on high level to build a Mosque on Sobieski street hehe ;)
Arshad  2 | 13  
1 Sep 2011 /  #40
Hi All,

There is a place in Krakow where you can pray. The address is as follows. :)

The Studium Jezyka Polskiego of the Politechnika Krakowska University of Technology, 1 Skarzynskiego street, Krakow.

Please do remember me in your prayer.

Jazakallah khaire.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Sep 2011 /  #41
As long as it came from other coffers, a mosque in Kraków is not such a bad thing. It's as I said above in post 5.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
1 Sep 2011 /  #42
There shouldn't be Mosque in Krakow. Get it out of there!
Layla  - | 10  
1 Sep 2011 /  #43
There shouldn't be Mosque in Krakow.

PWEI  3 | 612  
1 Sep 2011 /  #44
There shouldn't be Mosque in Krakow. Get it out of there!

Yes there should be, if people who live there want one. The only people who should get out of Poland are racist bigots who besmirch the good name of Poland.

Could the mods please note that I clearly am not calling Ironside a racist bigot who should get out of Poland: he has already left Poland.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
1 Sep 2011 /  #45
There shouldn't be Mosque in Krakow.


Saudi Arabia allows Roman Catholics and Christians of other denominations to enter the country as foreign workers for temporary work, but does not allow them to practise their faith openly, and as a result Roman Catholics and Christians of other denominations generally only worship in secret within private homes. Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are prohibited. These include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols, and others.

The Saudi Arabian Mutaween (Arabic: مطوعين), or Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (i.e., the religious police) prohibits the practice of any religion other than Islam.

Now you tell me why it is okay to have a Mosque in Krakow?

Yes there should be, if people who live there want one. The only people who should get out of Poland are racist bigots who besmirch the good name of Poland.

So Saudi Arabia is a country full of racist bigots?
Palivec  - | 379  
1 Sep 2011 /  #46
Now you tell me why it is okay to have a Mosque in Krakow?

Maybe because Poland isn't the Christian equivalent of Saudi-Arabia?
Ironside  50 | 12959  
1 Sep 2011 /  #47

Because Krakow is a Christian city.

mods shouldn't people whose sanity is in question be banned ?
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
1 Sep 2011 /  #48
Maybe because Poland isn't the Christian equivalent of Saudi-Arabia?

I selected Saudi Arabia but there are many other countries where churches and christian insignia are banned.

In 2008 Qatar opened its first Christian chapel. No Christian insignia allowed to be displayed outside. No crosses, nothing!!

Only when Islam is mutually respectful of all faiths to openly demonstrate and celebrate their faiths should it be reciprocated.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
1 Sep 2011 /  #49
Maybe because Poland isn't the Christian equivalent of Saudi-Arabia?

It is not, there is no question about it !
It doesn't mean that Mosque should be build in Krakow.
to stupid to grasp that? don't worry there plenty alike you ...by the dozen
Palivec  - | 379  
1 Sep 2011 /  #50
Because Krakow is a Christian city.

With synagogues?
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
1 Sep 2011 /  #51
Israel does not ban Christian churches!!!!!!
Layla  - | 10  
1 Sep 2011 /  #52
The Saudi Arabian Mutaween (Arabic: مطوعين), or Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (i.e., the religious police) prohibits the practice of any religion other than Islam.

Trust me I know this...and even more. But my question is why do you use Saudi Arabia as an example?Does Saudi Arabia set standards for all islamic world? What about other islamic countries like Syria, Lebanon or even Iran? I wonder when Western people will realise that SA is "an artificial creature" established with Western superpowers' help, not a representative one.

Now you tell me why it is okay to have a Mosque in Krakow?

sorry I don't get it, is there any link between Poland and SA, that you compare both of this countries???
Midas  1 | 571  
1 Sep 2011 /  #53
Well, if you're so rich with knowledge of the Muslim world ( although I do believe that a fair amount of Saudis might have a different opinion on their country and would not consider it "an artificial creature" ), it might be worthwhile to look at Polish history through the lens of religion.

Poland ( and Ireland ) are two most Catholic countries in Europe. Just look into abortion laws if you think otherwise.

Hence indeed Poland as a very Catholic country with a single, powerful and dominant religion might indeed be more entitled to being a lot more harsh on the mosques issue than, shall we say, Belgium.

If Saudi Arabia - which is often considered very "hardcore Muslim" by some - has the right to be harsh on other religions, why should Poland ( a "hardcore Catholic" ) country follow the example of "moderately" Muslim countries instead of the "hardcore" ones?

Hope you "got it" now.
modafinil  - | 416  
1 Sep 2011 /  #54
I'd hope, but not waste time praying, that Polish in Poland would desire not to play an immature tit-for-tat game and play down to the Saudi's standards. A free democracy, if it has Muslims, has to allow them free worship.

The true concern is if the guy in the pulpit(or what ever it's called in Islam) is preaching the middle way or extremism. The more integrated into the fabric of society, the less likely they are to tear it up. They're there, they're queer, get used to it.
Ironside  50 | 12959  
1 Sep 2011 /  #55

Lebanon had been established as a Christian country.
PWEI  3 | 612  
1 Sep 2011 /  #56
Muslims have been living in Poland since the 14th century. They fought with the rest of the Polish forces at the battle of Grunwald and have earned their Poland in our country. Sorry that bigotted idiots think otherwise.

EdWilczynskiSo Saudi Arabia is a country full of racist bigots?

No, but it certainly is run by such persons.
mafketis  38 | 11178  
1 Sep 2011 /  #57
Layle (you got me on my knees!) wrote:

Does Saudi Arabia set standards for all islamic world?

It's doing its damnedest! They spend a lot of money (as you know) trying to spread a nasty anti-progress, anti-scientific, retrograde version of Islam that turns any society it grows in to sh*t.

Layla (you got me on my knees!) wrote:

I wonder when Western people will realise that SA is "an artificial creature" established with Western superpowers' help, not a representative one.

Politically yes. But most analyses I've seen show that the Saudi public is even more retrograde and conservative than their hideous royal rulers.

At the individual level most Muslims are good people (and I personally like most Muslims I've met). But I don't forget that no country with a Muslims population of about 80% has anything that a westerner would recognize as freedom of religion. I'm not in favor of curtailing Muslims' religious freedom but I think it's a good idea to keep reminding them that they're enjoying something their societies of origin routinely deny non-Muslims.

Bottom line, would you rather be a) A Muslim in a western country? b) A non-Muslim in a Muslim majority country?
Midas  1 | 571  
1 Sep 2011 /  #58
The more integrated into the fabric of society, the less likely they are to tear it up.

And the London bombers are of course best proof of that...

A free democracy, if it has Muslims, has to allow them free worship.

Like it or not, Europe is slowly reaching the conclusion, that being too soft on muslims isn't exactly a good thing and that they are effectively using religion as a cover for other things. A hardline stance has been taken by Switzerland:


France is in the same boat as well:


So is Belgium:


All this probably has something to do with this:

I don't see the reason why Poland shouldn't join in with France, Belgium and Switzerland.

Muslims have been living in Poland since the 14th century. They fought with the rest of the Polish forces at the battle of Grunwald and have earned their Poland in our country. Sorry that bigotted idiots think otherwise.

A small roving band of Lipki Tatar doesn't prove anything.
PWEI  3 | 612  
1 Sep 2011 /  #59
Bottom line, would you rather be a) A Muslim in a western country? b) A non-Muslim in a Muslim majority country?

So by your logic it's OK for a man to beat his wife provided that his neighbour beats both his wife and his kids. Nice.
mafketis  38 | 11178  
1 Sep 2011 /  #60
Pwei queried:

So by your logic it's OK for a man to beat his wife provided that his neighbour beats both his wife and his kids. Nice.

I do not get the analogy at all. I'm not in favor of curtailing anyone's religious freedom. But I don't like the idea of free riders.

No country (besides NKorea maybe) seriously curtails the practice of Islam. Lots of Muslim majority countries seriously curtail the activities of non-Muslims (with the approval of the local populations).

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