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How much money required for 6 days stay in Warsaw ?

6 Apr 2012 /  #1

I am thinking to attend a conference in Warsaw later this year. If I attend the conference, the conference organizers will pay for my airfare and stay (I am from India by the way). I was wondering, how much money should I show in my bank accounts for my visa application so that my visa is approved ? I just graduated out of University, so I don't have much, but knowing how much I will need might help me in arranging the money (through some job or loan etc.)

phtoa  9 | 236  
6 Apr 2012 /  #2
Since your airflight and accomendations are already paid for you can just bring 500ZL in cash and you'll be good.
cms  9 | 1253  
6 Apr 2012 /  #3
Actually it's getting surprisingly expensive on some things - yesterday for example I ate a lasagne and a bottle of mineral water and an espresso at a fairly modest Italian and it came to 60 zloty. Didn't surprise me but was only as a I was walking out that I thought it's more or less the same price as Paris or Frankfurt.

So 500 for a. 6 day stay would be enough to live but you wouldnt have much fun. I think double it and you will be ok.
phtoa  9 | 236  
6 Apr 2012 /  #4
Actually it's getting surprisingly expensive on some things

wow yea i guess i forgot to take into account that Warsaw is a bit more expensive than Krakow.

But lets be honest, the guy is coming for a conference from India no offense, but i work with Indians everyday and they live a fairly simple life (without alcohol) so with that in mind i believe he'll be just fine on 500ZL
pawian  226 | 27509  
6 Apr 2012 /  #5
How much money required for 6 days stay in Warsaw ?

It depends if you want to pain the town red or another colour.
iamabhi9  - | 1  
6 Apr 2012 /  #6
Thank you all for the response.

So 500 for a. 6 day stay would be enough to live but you wouldnt have much fun. I think double it and you will be ok.

I think I can manage close to 1000 USD. Personally speaking, attending the conference is top most priority for me and if budget is tight I wouldn't mind spending time in my hotel room rather than sight seeing or enjoying local food.

My main concern is whether will this money be sufficient to satisfy the visa officer that I will be able to survive my stay in Poland ? I will be able to provide documentations from the conference about them paying my travel and accommodation.


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