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My friends advise me not to go to Warsaw because people are horrible there?

shygirl888  1 | 10  
16 Jul 2010 /  #1
Ok so i seriously plan to go in Warsaw this August with my friends
We can't wait we heard wonderful stuff about the country. There is just one problem
One of my mate who lives in Turen keep saying not to go, that people are horrible there, uneducated and ****? But he knows i'm not the type to say "oh *o* i'm scared" because i go to a foreign country with different moeurs.

I sooooo want to go in this city it obsessed me

And he doesn't want to tell clearly why he doesn't like warsaw? :/

PleaSe be honest! No need to bash.

Thanx in advance
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Jul 2010 /  #2
why he doesn't like warsaw?

Since he is from Torun (I take it you mean that city), it's probably the old Capital vs Country issue here. Like you have in any other country in the world. Country ppl don't like ppl from the Capital and vice versa.

Wouldn't bother about it too much, though.


M-G (hope this helps)
moneymad  3 | 29  
16 Jul 2010 /  #3
A pole said that some people are jealous of people in Warsaw because they earn more.

lol I do not believe that though for a second.

I reckon it is the ugly buildings, the culture building near the main station, higher crime rates, more expensive.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
16 Jul 2010 /  #4
you would be better to visit other cities :)
mvefa  5 | 591  
16 Jul 2010 /  #5
I like warsaw, very nice city center, lots to do...and very pleasent atmosphere, i like it..just dont pay attention to those who say don't go...
jablko  - | 104  
16 Jul 2010 /  #6
Haha Warsaw in most parts is ugly and people there are often rude and arrogant, thinking they are better than people from other cities, although they dont have much reasons to think that (besides that Warsaw is capital). Seriously, most of Poland dont like Warsaw because of that.

Tricity or Krakow is a lot better and more friendly place :)

Besides, isnt it similar in France? I heard that people in Paris are often rude, as opposed to rest of France., is it true?
rich55  3 | 49  
16 Jul 2010 /  #7
I'd say go to Warsaw and make your own mind up.

Personally I found it has some capital/big city disadvantages; for example people might seem a bit more brusque than in some other Polish cities I've visited. Don't forget it's a 'new' city, having been rebuilt after the war so the architecture can be a bit grim though they've made a good job of rebuilding the 'old' town even if it doesn't feel quite a genuine living/working place as does somewhere like Krakow's city centre. Although the Palace of Culture is, subjectively speaking, an ugly building it has a great view from the top. Traffic can be a pain when you're trying to get somewhere at the peak periods so take a good book to read while you're stuck on the bus for an hour; take a tram if possible!

All bad? Not at all. if you're with good friends anywhere is good. I just think that perhaps you have to look a bit harder in Warsaw to find the pearls. One of my most memorable days anywhere in Poland was sitting in beautiful Lazienki Park on a warm Sunday afternoon listening to a music student playing Chopin. Also, I remember visiting a modern library (part of university?) that had an amazing rooftop garden open to the public; does anyone know where that would be?

If you know someone who lives in Warsaw maybe they'll tell you where the pearls are hidden. Any takers here on PF?

p.s leave your friend at home or get him to leave his prejudices at home!
OP shygirl888  1 | 10  
16 Jul 2010 /  #8
Lool thanx to all ^^
I'll follow my heart i guess
And yeah jablko, True: i'm parisian myself but i say that parisians are a kind of specie (they're never happy xd)
but i hope it's different in Warsaw
RubasznyRumcajs: Definitely. We'll stay there 2 weeks so i'll have a bit time to visit other cities ^^ *excited*

And i have another problem:
He says people don't like Jews or homosexuals, what the f*?
Seriously sorry but xD when he said this i didn't laugh i thought it was a bit retarded
Or that if you're not christian, they'll do anything to convert myself?
He really want to scare me.
DannyJ  - | 129  
16 Jul 2010 /  #9
I reckon it is the ugly buildings, the culture building near the main station,

Speak for your self,, some of us like Commie Blocks
jablko  - | 104  
16 Jul 2010 /  #10
He says people don't like Jews

Thats not really true, they simply dont care most of the time. Unless jews hit the news, like that Flotilla accident. Stuff like that make people get mad at them.

Or that if you're not christian, they'll do anything to convert myself?

Haha no, no one will try to convert you if you're not christian. No one will even ask whats your religion.
2 Aug 2010 /  #11
You have to stop listening to your friend otherwise you may as well stay at home. I think your friend is having fun at your expense. If you are French, you should know that your country folk has one of the largest communities of expats in Poland,especially in Warszawa. There has been a long positive history between the French and Polish and of course were did Polanski go when he needed a bolt hole. There is the dispute of Chopin but I am sure no one will hold that against you. Warszawa is a great city and there are many things to see and do. Have fun.
2 Aug 2010 /  #12
I am from Warsaw, and I do strike people as arrogant and rude and I do think I am better than people from other cities for no reason.

Yeah. Being a Pole, I also don't like Jews, and I steal cars from time to time.

But seriously, Warsaw is a really great city to visit/work/study (suprisingly enought people from different cities even do that!). The best parts, for me, are not those described in the guides (though £azienki are awsome), but the ones less popular. Visit old parts of Żoliborz or Praga to see what I mean. Walk Płatnicza street to eat at Pod Podłogą z Jadłem or at Karuzel Bielański and see if You like it:)
Crow  155 | 9736  
2 Aug 2010 /  #13
My friends advise me not to go to Warsaw because people are horrible there?

i love Warsaw and Warsaw respond with love to me. Warsaw feel and isn`t stupid
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Aug 2010 /  #14
It's an experience if you are not accustomed to it so I'd roll with that. I did find more snobbery amongst those from Warsaw when I holidayed with many Poles but you can ignore that.

It all depends what you value but it'll allow you to form some impressions for yourself. That's a major part of life!
rychlik  41 | 372  
2 Aug 2010 /  #15
One of my mate who lives in Turen keep saying not to go, that people are horrible there, uneducated

Don't listen to this nonsense. Warsaw is the most cosmopolitan city in Poland. It's the center of everything including higher education. Poles are better educated than their western counter parts concerning the world.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Aug 2010 /  #16
Well, I appreciate the high standard of education here as it leads to interesting discussions. However, this 'better' comment is hard to prove. It's just different. I wouldn't say that most of my students have the same level of education as I have, for example.

Beware of the bragging, shygirl, it comes from chips on shoulders and deep-seated insecurities on their part. Stick with the ones who are modest and quietly know they are good at what they do.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Aug 2010 /  #17
That's my town!
This kind of reputation has been besowed on New York, Miami, Paris.. it does not mean that much.
But, firstly, you might have a better time with some local connections.
Secondly, if somebody gives you an attitude, dish it right back. Sarcasm makes me feel better.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
2 Aug 2010 /  #18
I 100% agree

Me too, but I wouldn't recommend it as the first city to visit in Poland for the casual tourist.

A lot of what has been said about Warsaw applies to most capital cities. Unfortunately, a lot of people (often highly educated) think that they somehow become "better" than everyone else in their country simply because they are either from, or moved to, a capital city.

Unfortunately, this is the case in the UK as well. Much as I would love everyone to visit Manchester instead of London, I know it's not going to happen, but where Poland is concerned, this rule doesn't apply. But if you're going to visit several areas of Poland, it's an essential visit.

There's plenty to see and do. Just don't expect it to look or feel like Prague or Rome and you won't be too disappointed ;)
groovyg  3 | 70  
21 Aug 2010 /  #19
no they are not horrible at all, they are very nice people in general

just a bit serious and have a bit of a problem understanding jokes..
f stop  24 | 2493  
15 Aug 2011 /  #20
my theory is that in large cities the competition is more fierce and people have less patience. They'll suffer tourists, in places where they are expected to be, but otherwise, I would not expect much coddling. That's why I advise to get a current native to show you around. Or go completely crazy and stay at The Intercontinental and have the concierge take care of all that. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Aug 2011 /  #21
It's a truth, not a theory :)

I did notice a bit more arrogance there right enough but people are people wherever you go. The good, the bad and the even worse meatheads :)
catsoldier  54 | 574  
16 Aug 2011 /  #22
Warsaw is nice. I liked it and the people.
pammycat  - | 16  
16 Aug 2011 /  #23
ur wrong. i'm polish and my bushas aunty went there and she said crakow people are better
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Aug 2011 /  #24
Warsaw seems "real" in a way that say Krakow doesnt.
Mind,the OP never did reply,maybe she was mugged in Praga ;)
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Aug 2011 /  #25
There is a saying on one of the poor and sparsely populated Caribbean islands: "Eleuthera. It's not for everyone". I have the T-shirt. ;)

Edit, in case this needs tying to the subject: Warsaw could be like that, too. Not for everyone. And proud of it.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
16 Aug 2011 /  #26
In my day the Warszawiacy (Warsovians) weren't any meaner than say the Krakowiacy or Wroclawiancy(not sure if that's correct-people of Wrocław) they just seemed "busier", pre-occupied than their smaller-city counterparts.
beckski  12 | 1609  
16 Aug 2011 /  #27
not to go to Warsaw because people are horrible there?

My experience in Warsaw was very pleasant. Most people I met were polite and helpful. I wasn't sure which bus to take back to my hotel, from the park. Some college students I had met were very helpful. They had spoken to me in English, describing the correct bus route for me to follow. The also wrote down the number of the bus for me to board.
23 Aug 2011 /  #28
hey just seemed "busier", pre-occupied than their smaller-city counterparts.

That's a fact.
23 Aug 2011 /  #29
i'm polish and my bushas aunty

since it's only polish-americans who use the word "busha" (I've never heard spoken by people in Poland), I guess you've never actually been here... and yet you speak as you're some kind of an expert on Poland, Polish people etc.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Aug 2011 /  #30
But she knows the word busha, that Polish word that confuses real Polish people!

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